State Department hacked - Hillary's private server NOT hacked

I think Comey's record speaks for itself, and he followed the law with what information they had. I think we have no choice this November. We're a banana republic with nukes. This is what elections look like in third world countries....citizens shaking their heads at the corruption at the top and not being able to do anything about it.
Darn right. Hilliary got her computer equipment from Family Dollar. The State Department learned a hard lesson when they got their stuff from Big Lots. Pays not to be cheap.

Fools quote the NY Slimes anyway, even Comey said they were not positive the server wasn't hacked

What newspapers do you read? Try and do better than Sarah Palin on this question.

Thank you! I welcome some sanity on this thread.
You mean in Kotex rag....that's NTP.

Well that didn't take long LOL

Answer the question. You seem to have an opinion about the NYT and I'm wondering how often you actually read it.
I think Comey's record speaks for itself, and he followed the law with what information they had. I think we have no choice this November. We're a banana republic with nukes. This is what elections look like in third world countries....citizens shaking their heads at the corruption at the top and not being able to do anything about it.


We're looking at committing suicide with either a (D)agger, or a
(R)ifle at this point
Well, sparky, they have proof that State Department was hacked (worst ever) - but no proof Hillary's private server was hacked. How about that...
Welp...there's goes there argument about "security of government information", because if that were the case. They'd be IMMEDIATELY opening investigations as to WHO caused the data to be hacked, WHO messed up, and tried to fling them in jail.
State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. Nor did Hillary share any classified emails/information with anyone not authorized to see them.

Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

Thank you, Hillary, for protecting America's classified information. You are a great American patriot. You are fully qualified to be our next president. It will be an honor to vote for you.
One has nothing to do with the other. Hillary went on her own and exposed state secrets. This time she was lucky.

"Comey administered an extraordinary tongue-lashing to Clinton and her aides, rebuking them for being "extremely careless" in the handling of classified information and saying the presumptive Democratic nominee should have known an unclassified email system was no place to conduct sensitive government business."
FBI director: Hillary Clinton 'extremely careless' but no charges recommended -

Lakota you are a tool, albeit, not a very good or effective one.
Well, sparky, they have proof that State Department was hacked (worst ever) - but no proof Hillary's private server was hacked. How about that...
Welp...there's goes there argument about "security of government information", because if that were the case. They'd be IMMEDIATELY opening investigations as to WHO caused the data to be hacked, WHO messed up, and tried to fling them in jail.

I suspect the federal gov't servers are like sushi on a platter to hackers. Remember this:
Months after government hack, 21.5 million people are finally being told, and given help
Months after government hack, 21.5 million people are finally being told, and given help

Friend of mine thought he was talking to this woman: Chief Legislative Liaison
I told him he was nuts. Did some background checking and found out that he indeed had a lot of her info and it all matched up in Spokeo, Radaris, etc.
Still thought it was nuts. She emailed him asking for his cell phone so she could text him. He complied and the next thing he knew his iPhone was hacked. The icons started moving around on their own without his assistance. He called Apple and had it shut down, but still......
I think Comey's record speaks for itself, and he followed the law with what information they had. I think we have no choice this November. We're a banana republic with nukes. This is what elections look like in third world countries....citizens shaking their heads at the corruption at the top and not being able to do anything about it.


We're looking at committing suicide with either a (D)agger, or a
(R)ifle at this point

Yup. It's not funny anymore. Unless there is some sort of massive upset at the conventions we're stuck with these two whores.
State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. Nor did Hillary share any classified emails/information with anyone not authorized to see them.

Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

Thank you, Hillary, for protecting America's classified information. You are a great American patriot. You are fully qualified to be our next president. It will be an honor to vote for you.

"With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account."
State Department admitted their own computer system was hacked. However, Hillary's private server not hacked. Nor did Hillary share any classified emails/information with anyone not authorized to see them.

Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

Sources: State Dept Hack the 'worst ever' -

The New York Times reported that computer security logs turned over to the FBI "showed no evidence of foreign hacking" into Hillary Clinton's email server, repudiating a popular narrative by Fox News personalities that foreign countries and "other bad actors" hacked into Clinton's server.

NY Times Report Debunks Fox News' Fantasy That Hillary Clinton's Server Was Hacked

Hillary did NOT share any classified emails with anyone who was not authorized to see them. In other words - they had proper security clearances.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Didn’t Rise To Level Of ‘Gross Negligence’

Thank you, Hillary, for protecting America's classified information. You are a great American patriot. You are fully qualified to be our next president. It will be an honor to vote for you.

"With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account."

In other words - there ain't no fucking proof. However, they have concrete proof that State Department was hacked. It's also possible you killed Jimmy Hoffa. Can you prove you didn't? Thanks for playing...
Whatever happens from now on is up to Congress. The Justice Department is a useless, worthless conglomeration of crooks, thieves and liars. Lynch just gained her promotion.

DEVELOPING: The investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server will be closed with no criminal charges, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Wednesday.

Lynch said in a statement she had accepted the FBI's recommendation that no charges should be brought against Clinton.

“Late this afternoon, I met with FBI Director James Comey and career prosecutors and agents who conducted the investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State," she said.

"I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation," the statement continued.

Clinton email investigation to be closed with no criminal charges, Lynch announces | Fox News
And remember folks what Yogi used to say? "It ain't over till it's over."
Truer words were never spoken. (Except for what Joe G. said)

Ryan: Congress Pursuing 'Options' for Possible Action on Clinton's Email Use

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said lawmakers are examining whether there is any action they can take over Hillary Clinton's email practices while secretary of state, saying it appeared she had received preferential treatment from the FBI.

Ryan, a Republican, said the House of Representatives would not "foreclose any options" when asked whether a special prosecutor was necessary to get to the bottom of the Democratic presidential candidate's use of a private email server while she ran the State Department.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Tuesday it would not recommend charges regarding Clinton's email. This decision, Ryan said, "looks like" preferential treatment for Clinton. He said the announcement by FBI Director James Comey "raises more questions than provides answers."

There was no immediate comment from Clinton's campaign on Ryan's remarks. The campaign said on Tuesday it was pleased with the FBI's decision, noting that the candidate has said repeatedly that it was a mistake to use her personal email while secretary of state.

Breaking News at Ryan: Congress Pursuing 'Options' for Possible Action on Clinton's Email Use
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!
Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Brings No Charges: Attorney General Loretta Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Wednesday she had accepted the FBI’s recommendation that no charges should be brought in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email system.

“I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation,” Lynch said in a statement.

CASE CLOSED: No Charges For Clinton In Email Probe

It's over...
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Comey just said that he doesn't know if Hillary's server was hacked.

Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
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