State Nullification on Gay Marriage!

Oh mean the one that was made not to long ago that you think is the blessing of the USSC? You mean like all the far left blog sites tells you it is?

Are you referring to the USSC denial of the appeals of 5 different states, ending any appeal for the 4th, 7th and 10th appeals circuit? That was the latest ruling the USSC has made preserving rulings that overturn gay marriage bans. With roughly 2 dozen lower court rulings affirming that such bans are unconstitutional.

And in contradiction of your latest 'far left drone' fantasy, it only takes 4 justices to grant cert to any of those appeals. Which meant that some if not all of the conservative justices sided with Kennedy and the left wing of the court in refusing the appeals from the 4th, 7th and 10th appeals circuit.

Once again the far left drones that try not to be, but when they get caught they deny it even more.

There was no ruling made the USSC another far left drone exposed.

what dont you understand about a privilege

if it was a right you would not need an ok from the state

to get hitched

No that's not what means. Not unless you think owning a gun is only a privilege because you can be required to get a license for it.

Is that it? Gun ownership is not a right?

what the hell are you talking about

i am not required to get a license for a firearm

I said you can be. I'm also guessing that you can't get a machinegun without licensing or permitting or something similar.

Want to try again?

no i cant be required to be licensed to own a firearm

You can go to prison in NYS for owning a handgun without a permit. What do you think that is?

that would affirm my position on state rights

you see i cant get thrown in prison for owning a pistol without a permit in this state
Once again the far left drones that try not to be, but when they get caught they deny it even more.

Note you can neither refute, nor even disagree with anything I've posted.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News
Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean that the world disappears.

And so many far left drone believe if the USSC doe snot decide to hear cases on a particular subject for the opinion of the court then it is suddenly a ruling and it is "blessing".

The courts have allowed every lower court ruling that overturns gay marriage bans to stand.

Without exception. Deny as you will. History doesn't change.

Show where one gay pers9n (in the US) has gone to prison for being "illegally" "Married".

No one has made such a claim. You're swinging at strawmen again. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lean so heavily on imaginary conversations.
that would affirm my position on state rights

you see i cant get thrown in prison for owning a pistol without a permit in this state

So the handgun ban in Chicago at the heart of McDonald V. Chicago n which the city of Chicago utilized the State's sovereignty to outlaw handguns.....would the ban affirm your position on State's Rights?
that would affirm my position on state rights

you see i cant get thrown in prison for owning a pistol without a permit in this state

So the handgun ban in Chicago at the heart of McDonald V. Chicago n which the city of Chicago utilized the State's sovereignty to outlaw handguns.....would the ban affirm your position on State's Rights?

they shouldnt have outlawed them

but you knew that
Once again the far left drones that try not to be, but when they get caught they deny it even more.

Note you can neither refute, nor even disagree with anything I've posted.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News
Just because you close your eyes doesn't mean that the world disappears.

And so many far left drone believe if the USSC doe snot decide to hear cases on a particular subject for the opinion of the court then it is suddenly a ruling and it is "blessing".

The courts have allowed every lower court ruling that overturns gay marriage bans to stand.

Without exception. Deny as you will. History doesn't change.

Show where one gay pers9n (in the US) has gone to prison for being "illegally" "Married".

No one has made such a claim. You're swinging at strawmen again. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lean so heavily on imaginary conversations.

Note I already have and you can not prove your comments based on the far left religious quotes found the far left blog sites.

So once again the far left proves that to them the USSC not hearing the case to give an opinion is a ruling and a "blessing".

Thus once again proving what I have been saying along the far left has no concept of the Constiut8ion, much less anything else that denies their programming.

And once again the far left can post no proof that anyone gay has been arrested for being in an "illegal" "Marriage", thus debunking all the propaganda they post.

So like I said remove government from "Marriage".
Note I already have and you can not prove your comments based on the far left religious quotes found the far left blog sites.

You mean all the claims no one is making that you've bizarrely chosen to refute anyway? That's you citing yourself.

So once again the far left proves that to them the USSC not hearing the case to give an opinion is a ruling and a "blessing".

You can deny that the US denied appeals for 5 States and made gay marriage legal in appeals circuit district 4, 7 and 10 if you'd like. But reality doesn't change just because its inconvenient to your argument.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

Deny all you like. Gay marriage is still legal in 30 states. And with the USSC's blessing.

Thus once again proving what I have been saying along the far left has no concept of the Constiut8ion, much less anything else that denies their programming.

You say that marriage isn't a right. The SCOTUS says marriage is a right. Deny all you like, but marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right.

And once again the far left can post no proof that anyone gay has been arrested for being in an "illegal" "Marriage", thus debunking all the propaganda they post.

No one has ever made that claim. But keep swinging at those strawmen.

While you wear yourself out, gay marriage is still legal in 30 states. The USSC has preserved every lower court ruling overturning gay marriage bans. And even ruled that DOMA's gay marriage prohibitions are unconstitutional.

Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.
Note I already have and you can not prove your comments based on the far left religious quotes found the far left blog sites.

You mean all the claims no one is making that you've bizarrely chosen to refute anyway? That's you citing yourself.

So once again the far left proves that to them the USSC not hearing the case to give an opinion is a ruling and a "blessing".

You can deny that the US denied appeals for 5 States and made gay marriage legal in appeals circuit district 4, 7 and 10 if you'd like. But reality doesn't change just because its inconvenient to your argument.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

Deny all you like. Gay marriage is still legal in 30 states. And with the USSC's blessing.

Thus once again proving what I have been saying along the far left has no concept of the Constiut8ion, much less anything else that denies their programming.

You say that marriage isn't a right. The SCOTUS says marriage is a right. Deny all you like, but marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right.

And once again the far left can post no proof that anyone gay has been arrested for being in an "illegal" "Marriage", thus debunking all the propaganda they post.

No one has ever made that claim. But keep swinging at those strawmen.

While you wear yourself out, gay marriage is still legal in 30 states. The USSC has preserved every lower court ruling overturning gay marriage bans. And even ruled that DOMA's gay marriage prohibitions are unconstitutional.

Alas, the world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes.

So basically you have nothing! You have a non-ruling from the USSC that you take as a ruling, just like the far left blog sites tell you. Also you should read the link you post even if they are from FOX NEWS. Headlines can always be deceiving.

Once again the far left invents that the USSC (who did not hear any cases) claims it as a ruling..
So basically you have nothing!

I have zero evidence to support claims I've never made.

Remember, we can't actually hear the imaginary 'far left drone' voice you have in your head.

You have a non-ruling from the USSC that you take as a ruling, just like the far left blog sites tell you.

You're *still* denying that the USSC refused cert on 5 different appeals and allowed gay marriage to become legal in the 4th, 7th and 10th appeals districts?

Um, wow.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

No doubt the 'far left drones' at Fox will be ignored by you as surely as Gallup, Bloomberg, Pew or your own sources at Polling When you have to ignore your own sources, clearly your argument isn't working out for you.

Also you should read the link you post even if they are from FOX NEWS. Headlines can always be deceiving.

Which might have some relevance if I'd posted the headline. I didn't. I posted the first two paragraphs. And exactly as I predicted, you ignored Fox too.

When even Fox is 'far left' by your estimation, your perspective may be a bit skewed.
So basically you have nothing!

I have zero evidence to support claims I've never made.

Remember, we can't actually hear the imaginary 'far left drone' voice you have in your head.

You have a non-ruling from the USSC that you take as a ruling, just like the far left blog sites tell you.

You're *still* denying that the USSC refused cert on 5 different appeals and allowed gay marriage to become legal in the 4th, 7th and 10th appeals districts?

Um, wow.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

No doubt the 'far left drones' at Fox will be ignored by you as surely as Gallup, Bloomberg, Pew or your own sources at Polling When you have to ignore your own sources, clearly your argument isn't working out for you.

Also you should read the link you post even if they are from FOX NEWS. Headlines can always be deceiving.

Which might have some relevance if I'd posted the headline. I didn't. I posted the first two paragraphs. And exactly as I predicted, you ignored Fox too.

When even Fox is 'far left' by your estimation, your perspective may be a bit skewed.

Once again the far left can not support their claims except to go see FOX said as well.

But then again it is what they do deny, divert and pretend..

Man these far left drones are just to easy..

Still got anything to post showing that "Marriages" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?
Once again the far left can not support their claims except to go see FOX said as well.

So you're actually ignoring Fox News as an unreliable source? I mean, damn.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

So I'll add Fox to the list of 'far left' organizations you're committed to ignoring. Including Gallup, Pew, CBS, Bloomberg, and essentially every poll from Polling

Your own source.

But then again it is what they do deny, divert and pretend..

And by 'deny, divert and pretend', you mean offer an exact quote?

Still got anything to post showing that "Marriages" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?

I never made such a claim. So why would i have anything showing it? Keep swinging at those strawmen.
Once again the far left can not support their claims except to go see FOX said as well.

So you're actually ignoring Fox News as an unreliable source? I mean, damn.

The Supreme Court on Monday turned away appeals from five states looking to prohibit gay marriage, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in those states and likely others -- but also leaving the issue unresolved nationally.

The justices rejected appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. The court's order immediately ends delays on gay marriage in those states.

Supreme Court paves way for gay marriage in several states leaves issue unresolved nationally Fox News

So I'll add Fox to the list of 'far left' organizations you're committed to ignoring. Including Gallup, Pew, CBS, Bloomberg, and essentially every poll from Polling

Your own source.

But then again it is what they do deny, divert and pretend..

And by 'deny, divert and pretend', you mean offer an exact quote?

Still got anything to post showing that "Marriages" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?

I never made such a claim. So why would i have anything showing it? Keep swinging at those strawmen.

Yes you have! But it is the far left programming in you that allows you deny it without hesitation..

Do you have any proof that "Marriage" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?

Any at all or they all just fanatical far left talking points?

And once again the far left posts a link then cuts and pastes something that does not even back their own claims. They just see keywords and cut and paste and do not read what they post, but somehow thinks it backs their far left religious claims..

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".
Last edited:
State nullification unless it challenged the Constitution is illegal. Your thread should have been dead from the first post. Stop keeping this trash alive please. The Constitution is Freedom of Religion. Only RELIGION challenges gay marriage. Politics doesn't get any more basic than this so if you don't understand this, you won't understand ANYTHING in politics EVER.
Referenda? lol, those are examples of that direct democracy mob rule that you conservatives claim to hate when it's convenient for you.

I guess this time it's not that convenient...
Remind me how you disapprove of Colorado's legalization of marijuana. Oh yeah, that's different somehwo because well it just is.

Don't change the subject. The feds have every right to enforce federal marijuana laws.
So why arent they? WHy arent you outraged at this blatant example of state nullification of federal law. That's federal law, btw, not some judge's opinion.

They haven't nullified the law. Personally I believe the federal government should either enforce it or repeal it.
They havent nullified the law? Federal law forbids growing, selling, using marijuana. But no one is prosecuted for it in Colorado. If that isnt nullification then what is?

There is no Constitutional law to stand against gay marriage or the sale of hemp/weed. Learning anything yet?
Yes you have! But it is the far left programming in you that allows you deny it without hesitation..

And yet when challenged to post me saying as much, you've failed perfectly and utterly. As I've said no such thing. do realize that we can't actually hear the 'far left drone' voice in your head, right? Because you're quoting him *all* the time.

Do you have nay proof that "Marriage" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?

I've never made such a claim. But you punch yourself out with your strawman.

I'll keep saying what I've said: Marriage is a right. And if you want to deny gays and lesbians that right, you'll need a good reason. And there isn't one

A point you can't refute. And have yet to disagree with.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Just extend legal recognition to gays and lesbians. Its far simpler and far more just.

Which is why the courts has ruled in favor of it about 2 dozen times.
State nullification unless it challenged the Constitution is illegal. Your thread should have been dead from the first post. Stop keeping this trash alive please. The Constitution is Freedom of Religion. Only RELIGION challenges gay marriage. Politics doesn't get any more basic than this so if you don't understand this, you won't understand ANYTHING in politics EVER.

It is like I said it is all over a word. One side wants to punish the other by using said word. The other side say s the word belongs to them and believes that the government will force them to do something against their beliefs.

So get the government out of the business of "Marriage".
Yes you have! But it is the far left programming in you that allows you deny it without hesitation..

And yet when challenged to post me saying as much, you've failed perfectly and utterly. As I've said no such thing. do realize that we can't actually hear the 'far left drone' voice in your head, right? Because you're quoting him *all* the time.

Do you have nay proof that "Marriage" will be "Invalidated" if the government gets out of the business?

I've never made such a claim. But you punch yourself out with your strawman.

I'll keep saying what I've said: Marriage is a right. And if you want to deny gays and lesbians that right, you'll need a good reason. And there isn't one

A point you can't refute. And have yet to disagree with.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Just extend legal recognition to gays and lesbians. Its far simpler and far more just.

Which is why the courts has ruled in favor of it about 2 dozen times.

"Marriage" is not a "right", just like you can not post anyone that is gay that has been arrested for being in an "illegal" "Marriage".
State nullification unless it challenged the Constitution is illegal. Your thread should have been dead from the first post. Stop keeping this trash alive please. The Constitution is Freedom of Religion. Only RELIGION challenges gay marriage. Politics doesn't get any more basic than this so if you don't understand this, you won't understand ANYTHING in politics EVER.

Well, Rabbi is one of those 'seccesionist' advocates. So it would make sense that he'd demand a course of action that is illegal and would likely set any state trying it on a collision course with the Federal Government and the national guard.

Some folks just want civil war. The reason that it won't that almost none of the 'seccessionist' crowd is willing to bleed. Its always someone else's job. Which is why there is no revolution. There is no secession. And there is no nullification.

But our little arm chair commandos can dream, can't they?
State nullification unless it challenged the Constitution is illegal. Your thread should have been dead from the first post. Stop keeping this trash alive please. The Constitution is Freedom of Religion. Only RELIGION challenges gay marriage. Politics doesn't get any more basic than this so if you don't understand this, you won't understand ANYTHING in politics EVER.

Well, Rabbi is one of those 'seccesionist' advocates. So it would make sense that he'd demand a course of action that is illegal and would likely set any state trying it on a collision course with the Federal Government and the national guard.

Some folks just want civil war. The reason that it won't that almost none of the 'seccessionist' crowd is willing to bleed. Its always someone else's job. Which is why there is no revolution. There is no secession. And there is no nullification.

But our little arm chair commandos can dream, can't they?

Wow! All those far left programmed keywords..

Just get the government out of the business of "Marriage".
One side wants to punish the other by using said word.

So I'm 'punishing' you asking you to back any of the silly strawmen you're swinging at with actual quotes?

You poor soul.

So get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Or simply extend gay marriages legal recognition. And solve the whole problem more justly and simply. Which is what's happening now.

"Marriage" is not a "right",

So you say. The USSC says otherwise. In any contest on legal definitions, they win.

just like you can not post anyone that is gay that has been arrested for being in an "illegal" "Marriage".

Probably because you're quoting that voice in your head and not me. I've never said any such thing.

I've said that you can violate rights by not applying the law equally. And without a very good reason and compelling interest of the State, denying gays and lesbians legal recognition of their marriages is a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. And there is no such reason or compelling state interest.

Feel free to quote me.

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