Well I just turned the channel after that former Kentucky governer started running his mouth. I tire of the Democrats, I really do.

That's because you're a partisan hack -- and a snowflake. God forbid you listen to the other side...might offend your delicate sensibilities!
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?
Abject poverty in America, thanks to FDR's New Deal & LBJ's War on Poverty.

There's more to be done, for sure - but if Republicans have their way, our elderly and children and disabled will be cast to the wind. Such good Christians, they are.

We're discussing human diseases, ding-dong, and FDR did not cure poverty. FDR took a short recession and turned it into a 10 year long depression.
That democrat doing the official democrat response just brought up the Russian fake news and sounds like he doesn't quite grasp The Donald is President! :p
Apparently the one on his left is the only one that's working.

Now who of you on the right used to give Obama a hard time because he used teleprompters? Oh yeah, all of you.

Look at Trump tonight. Not a single word that isn't on the screen for him. What a fucking phony. I guess he is just is reading Bannon's words.

Excuse me.....when you say ''all of you'', you would be wrong. I never have cared who did or did one use one.
he was supposed to write all that? the schmuck can tweet 140 words?
Wow. President Trump said Republicans and Democrats should work together and Democrats just sat there. What a bunch of whiny, anti-American, pieces of shit.
I look forward to this exact sentiment whenever we have a Democratic President making the same address.

The last peckerhead said "elections have consequences", he wasn't interested in cooperation. Hopefully, in 3 or 4 decades when we get the next Democrat President he'll be more like Trump than Obama
Maybe the Frenchies and the lefties and fake foreign posters still don't understand American politics but it wasn't the "State of the Union address". It's was the President's address to the joint session of Congress and Trump knocked it out of the ball park. Chris Wallace who isn't exactly a fan of Trump called it about the best speech he ever heard in that venue.
What kind of drug is Ivanka taking that she can stand right next to the widow of a dead Navy SEAL who has tears streaming down her face and is gasping for composure and have the same expression on her face that she would have if she were rolling out a new jewelry line?
You think she should ball up in tears just because she's a woman?
Trump extended the olive branch to Dem's, told them to work Republicans, do it for the people. Now if the Dem's don't play ball they will look like sour puss sore losers.

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