Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .
McCain's an old Warmonger nutball and Graham's a closet gay buffoon. I have no idea how they keep getting elected.
Better than any speech Obama ever gave!

Please ! Obama is an excellent speaker . Fake trump reading off a promter ain't shit.

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

How so the most used word in an oshit speech is DUHH DUHHHH Duhhh ahhhh.

Yeah they win big at being third world countries, and lose at everything else except murder by government.
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?
Abject poverty in America, thanks to FDR's New Deal & LBJ's War on Poverty.

There's more to be done, for sure - but if Republicans have their way, our elderly and children and disabled will be cast to the wind. Such good Christians, they are.
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
Seeing how they werent citizens the gun he got was illegally bought probably out of a trunk of a car or just on the street in general. What would you want done that would stop that? Ban guns? Never gonna happen.

Have titles just like cars. Then people wouldn't sell
To criminals if the gun can be traced back to them.
What kind of drug is Ivanka taking that she can stand right next to the widow of a dead Navy SEAL who has tears streaming down her face and is gasping for composure and have the same expression on her face that she would have if she were rolling out a new jewelry line?
Wow, best speech since Reagan. Huge difference from the big liar, racist, socialist Obama.
Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
Seeing how they werent citizens the gun he got was illegally bought probably out of a trunk of a car or just on the street in general. What would you want done that would stop that? Ban guns? Never gonna happen.

Have titles just like cars. Then people wouldn't sell
To criminals if the gun can be traced back to them.
THEY DO! ANY gun legally bought has to be registered or transferred when ownership changes!
Drive off a cliff, will you please.

Sorry, I don't take orders from conservative fuckboys.

Show some class asshole.

Says the conservative fuckboy after telling me to drive off a cliff. Go choke on Donald's orange cock, it's all you're good for anyway.

It wouldn't have mattered what Trump said, you would have claimed it was the worst speech ever. You have no credibility, now run along and let the adults converse.

I wouldn't say it was the "worst" speech ever, but it was incredibly insincere. A retarded monkey could've seen right through his hollow words. Why didn't you?
He got the deficit figure wrong and his anti-immigrant tone was there, giving the impression that only undocumented immigrants are committing crimes.

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