There are some lines which politics should not cross, it seems some don't understand this, and it is accurate to suggest that it is unpatriotic and borderline treason. Some believe they are Kings and Queens, when they are in fact there to serve and do their best for the American citizen.
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
This is not a State of the Union.

Do any conservatives on this forum know the basics of American government?

We already noted that. Did you read, or just go on the attack?
Honestly, when I have a comment, I don't usually wade through pages of the same idiot Trump-supporter drivel before making it.

After seeing so much misinformation and lack of knowledge about basic functioning of our government in threads here the past few months, I feel compelled to educate whenever possible.

My apologies for calling the OP writer a conservative; I see upon further exploration of your signature that you appear to be a rational person.
Nobody gives a shit...
Yes, I've seen how many people here at USMB are righteously ignorant and damned proud of it.

Nevertheless, I'll persist.
Like you, when you started running your mouth in this thread before proudly not even reading it first? You're just a run of the mill knee jerk leftist drone. Listen more, read more; talk less. You might avoid making yourself look foolish again, like you already have in this thread...
Eh stfu. It's easy to think a con would start this, and make that mistake. Go Sawx! lol

The president gives remarks at the invitation of the speaker of the House — in this case, Rep. Paul Ryan — and it's up to the speaker what the speech is called, says Gerhard Peters, co-director of the American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Ryan invited Trump to give an "address" and not a State of the Union speech. That's mainly out of tradition: Trump, like his predecessors in the first year of their presidencies, is assumed to be too new to the job of running the country to authoritatively describe the state of the nation.- NPR

The BBC called it a SOTU, btw. That's where I got it...
Al Frankenstein is looking
Kinda Pudgy these days.

He probably reminds
Lefty of that weird
Uncle all the kids were afraid of.
Illegals have much lower crime rates. It's another campaign speech...DO SOMETHING!

My thoughts exactly. Just a stupid campaign speech. Btw, the orange shitlord couldn't possibly sound more insincere if he tried.
Cry snowflake cry! I wonder who is more butt hurt you or August or Timmy?. I am going with you. August is just a foul mouth shit stain and Timmy sounds really young and ignorant.
"we are all made by the same God". Here come the angry Atheists, the dinosaur Commies and the Snowflakes. Also, "it is time to dream big...put those dreams into action". Damn straight. Get 'er done!

"Believe once more in America. Thank you, God Bless you. And God Bless the United States of America!"

He hit it out of the park, can't wait for CNN to rip it apart and make fools of themselves and their hardcore alt-left friends.
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??

I know it is NOT an issue with our gun laws. They help criminals more then they hurt them. Now prove that any of these murdering POS got their gun legally!!!
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
Seeing how they werent citizens the gun he got was illegally bought probably out of a trunk of a car or just on the street in general. What would you want done that would stop that? Ban guns? Never gonna happen.
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.

Well in a world of capitalism , who wants to pay for some rare disease cure?

What has socialism ever cured?
Trump kicked Lefty's Lying Unpatriotic
Hypocritical Ass to the curb tonight and once again exposed the Left for the narrow minded and petty people they are.

And still he invited them to join in on making America Great Again! The ball is in their court. Get busy and do what is right or continue to turn your back on America and Serve your selfish agendas!
What an absolute joke of a speech that was. Jesus Christ.

Yes a big joke on liberal shit dimocrats. A real winner for the rest of us as we grind our heels on your heads and laugh at your stupid statements. HAAHAHAHA.

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