Elizabeth Warren was caught on camera during the address grumpy faced shaking her head saying no to MILLIONS OF NEW JOBS during the updating infrastructure speach.
I guess if you live in Massachusetts you better get her out of there before she costs you jobs & much needed updating of Electric grids, roads, bridges etc.
AMERICA is seeing who's with us and who's against our country by those not standing to applaud Country issues.

I noticed CNN didn't dare show how many Dems sat when everyone stood to applaud the disabled lady. They did the second round of applause where many stood up but still there were pockets of Dems
sitting-disgraceful as was the ones who did not support the law inforcement.
The orange shitlord is devoting this entire speech to painting some sort of apocalyptic picture of the USA. This is so bizarre, it's like we've entered into some sort of parallel universe. I guess conservatives love to be scared shitless, all day every day.
Republicans want Meaghan dead!

Take a Xanax and calm down boy.
President Trump wants to free the slaves from the Democratic plantation. Looks like Democrats aren't to happy about that.
"education is the civil rights issue of our time". He's putting the pressure on the Democrats to stop with their socialist indoctrination and to allow disadvantaged youth to have opportunities in the school of their choice. Good work Mr. President!

I grew up poor, I went to sub-par schools and I've seen smart people fail because expectations were low, teachers didn't care. I was lucky, I really was, I had great teachers for the most part, and in particular a few female teachers who cared and encouraged me to strive harder, and I did. Education is a right for those who want to pursue it and contribute, no barriers should be in place, just consider Dr. Ben Carson.

This issue gets me a bit angry, so I will just state, what offensive, arrogant, self serving person would deny the waste of ability and talent in America or any other Western nation just so that they can try and control their belief system?

This alone is a huge issue, and Trump and the GOP are on the right side of it.
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Love The VOICE announcement. This has been swept under the rug too long.

Nazi America Hating Dems booed at supporting victims of crimes.
Listen to this shit!!! It's 100% fear mongering BULLSHIT. Fear, fear, fear, illegal immigrants, fear, fear, ISIS, fear ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
I can't lie, tearing up hearing the stories of these officers families and the others who lost their loved one due to murder. We don't have any of these powerful moments in Canadian parliament. A good officer in uniform has a right to go home and any good nation needs to do their part to provide a reasonable environment for them.

Please tell me every single Democrat is standing and applauding for Private Owens. Anyone sitting should resign or be resigned.
Cause as we all know . The military gets no money! Lol! It's our biggest expense !
Apparently the one on his left is the only one that's working.

Now who of you on the right used to give Obama a hard time because he used teleprompters? Oh yeah, all of you.

Look at Trump tonight. Not a single word that isn't on the screen for him. What a fucking phony. I guess he is just is reading Bannon's words.
But Obama was bleck!
I can't lie, tearing up hearing the stories of these officers families and the others who lost their loved one due to murder. We don't have any of these powerful moments in Canadian parliament. A good officer in uniform has a right to go home and any good nation needs to do their part to provide a reasonable environment for them,

Get a grip. You sure are easily manipulated. Sheesh.
The fake news also didn't dare show the dems not supporting the victims of Illegal aliens. Interesting, something people would not have noticed years ago, before the awakening.

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