So Dems are for drugs flowing across border, failing infrastructure, jobs sent abroad, importing terrorists...

Could it be? Trump will make CNN great again too?

Went overboard there....somewhat true. It was the teleprompter and the speech writers...

An Obama blowhard complaining about a teleprompter is quite hilarious.


Probably a hilarious as those complaining about Obama doing it for 8 years not complaining when Trump did it.

Basically it's people in glass houses laughing at people in glass houses.

We never complained about him using a teleprompter when addressing Congress. He had to use them at nearly every public speech he gave, which was a bit overboard. When he spoke unscripted he was a train wreck.

So what? Is the president a source of entertainment? Surely communicating with the public is important, does it matter if they use a telepromper as long as they get it right.
His campaign speech but on a teleprompter. Nothing new or helpful.

Dude...that wasn't my post....

I thought Trumps speech was outstanding and historic......
What has socialism ever cured?

All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.
Donny's and Ivanka's products are still produced in other countries.
You democrats,destroyed the industry to make them here....
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if itcs for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who 0lace oarty before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.

Which is EXACTLY what the Republicans started, it's called precedent. If you start fucking around, don't go criticizing others for doing exactly the same shit you pulled for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.

Hence you agree the 2 party system creates the sabotage of partys and non compliance.
But you are wrong in confusing disagreeing with Obama care and similar opposition positions with such behavior since they were never given the forum to work together to come up with viable plans or alternatives and the MAJORITY OF THE People of the U.S. did not want being forced into health care and a system they knew would be a disaster.
The other conflicting issues were typical opposition views and not a collective sabotage plan. Obama didn't care what the people wanted, he had his progressive agenda he placed before the people's wishes.

I hate the two party system. PR is the way forwards.

You think Obama didn't try and get the Republicans on board? I doubt that. The right would have told him where to go right from the start, hence created no ability for them to have much of a say.

The majority of the people don't think, the majority of the people just accept what they're told by their own party.

I'd say if people actually thought, they'd prefer a healthcare system like the UK's.
Still wetting your panties over Hillary' hmm Kowboy?

no, just still very grateful about our country dodging a bullet and keeping her out of the WH

thanks for asking

Yeah you dodged a bullet in favor of a renewed arms race. You do know the difference Between a bullet in a pistol and a nuclear warhead in a silo. Right?
. Well let's just ask will the real culprits of that please stand up ? Talking about you liberals/Democrats. You people would start world war three if you can't get your petulant ways.
Liar & Chief Trump personally blessed the Worlds Biggest Merger / Corp Tax Inversion Ever between Monsanto & Bayer. The largest gutting of the USA to date. Trump is nothing but an empty suit of hollow words!
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All the winner countries are socialist leaning .

In other words socialism has never cured anything. Capitalism has created everything in this world that makes life worth living. What you call "winner countries" are far more capitalist than socialist.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.
Donny's and Ivanka's products are still produced in other countries.
You democrats,destroyed the industry to make them here....
I love the fact that Trump didn't hesitate to use the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism.
Something Obama could never manage to say about his pet religion.
The Dems need to stop their antagonistic policies and support the new President

I agree and if I were them I'd be very worried about the elections in 2018.

They are going to need a lot of luck because they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
At this point only profoundly mentally ill folks (not just stupid idiots) have issues with President Trump. These folks should indeed be monitored for public safety issues.
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!

You do know it is against the law for illegals to own a gun here in the states and the gun they obtain is not legally obtained, right!?!

I find it strange liberals like you blame the gun and not the fact the person is illegally here and had no business owning a gun in the first place!

I bet you blame the automobile or the victim when you read about some illegal asshole plowing into someone while drunk off their ass, right!?!

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