Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

Yeah, he touches pussy with an American flag pin on, he trashed the Constitution with the American flag pin on, he ignores the Constitution with an American flag pin on, he trashes judges with an American flag pin on, yep, he's wearing an American flag pin.
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?
Is that your [@francohfw ] business? I stated I am not a Republican. I also am not a Democrat. That's all you need to know.
Wow Kat .

You must have taken Cruz's defeat pretty hard.

1 - he was Canadian so he could not be POTUS;

2 - he was extremist so the majority would not have voted for him;

3 - he showed no great love for the jobs that were lost in the swing states so he did not have a viable platform.

Trump is the best we could have expected so we all just need to hold our noses and kiss his ugly butt.
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

Yeah, he touches pussy with an American flag pin on, he trashed the Constitution with the American flag pin on, he ignores the Constitution with an American flag pin on, he trashes judges with an American flag pin on, yep, he's wearing an American flag pin.
More lies. You libs gotta be good at something I suppose.
What he's promised:

"Dying industries will come roaring back to life." Which industries is he talking about here? It's so vague no one could ever hold him to such a statement.

"Heroic Veterans will get the care they desperately need." As opposed to those veterans who got shot, captured, injured in any way because they're not heroes for him, they're just pathetic losers. Will veterans get more spending? "

"Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve", so apparently they deserve resources, are we assuming this is resources they don't have right now? Like what? Hot chicks in battle? Is this a pledge at more spending on the military? Didn't he say he wanted to cut back on the military? Don't these "brave warriors" deserve F-35s instead of F-18s?

"Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways, gleaming across our very, very beautiful land", wait, has he promised "gleaming" roads and bridges etc. Do the people want "gleaming" roads? Or just roads that function?

"Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately stop", oh, this one is precious. How many presidents have tried to stop the drug epidemic? How many have succeeded? Trump won't succeed either, it's just not going to happen.

"and our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety and opportunity", well, if he could pull this one off he'd be king, but he won't.

What are the chances he managed to do all of these things? About 0%. What are the chances he does half? Well, he can do the ones where he increases spending. Where's all this money going to come from? All of a sudden he's gone from cutting back taxes to talking about spending EVEN MORE.
No, they're democratic socialist countries. Germany, France, the U.K., Australia, Italy, dozens more. Here's a wiki for you, dear: List of democratic socialist parties which have governed - Wikipedia

What do they have in common? Thriving but REGULATED capitalism. What Democrats have been fighting for here (not always hard enough) since the 1930s.
After 8 years of Obama, most of those countries are more capitalist than the USA.

One thing that is true about all those countries if you are born poor you will die poor. In America, you can achieve anything if you have the desire, the talent and the inclination.

This is the just one unique aspect of the United States. The right of the individual to be as important as any concept. The fact that the history of the U.S includes fighting and beating the greatest power on earth to earn your independence. Right from the beginning, America was forged to be exceptional and it rewards those who strive to be.

Furthermore, you can look even further, Americans are more generous, giving a great deal more to charity than most countries, defenders of Faith and countries who are in peril.

Without America the world would be an entirely different and darker place in 2017, you can bet your right arm on that assertion.
BS, dupe! After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

That's right, the EU, OZ, NZ have better upward mobility - SEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING.
BS, dupe! After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!!

That's right, the EU, OZ, NZ have better upward mobility - SEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING.

Your ignorance and desperation is duly noted!
Idiot dupe...
Search Results
U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility | Economic Policy Institute
Oct 10, 2012 - The notion that anyone in America who is willing and able to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” can achieve significant upward mobility is ...
Economic Mobility -- United States Compared to Europe ...
Jul 6, 2015 - Does the U.S. Have Lower Economic Mobility than Other Countries? ... ends up in the middle fifth as an adult, that is upward relative mobility.
Is it easier to obtain the American Dream in Europe? | PunditFact
Dec 19, 2013 - But the United States is distinct from other countries, research shows, in having "less, not more, intergenerational mobility than do Canada and several European countries." Upward mobility is particularly uncommon for children who are born into families at the lowest income bracket.

If you think upward mobility is easier in Europe then you are clearly much dumber than I thought you were.....and I already had you pegged as a retard.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if it's for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, or allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who place party before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.
Is that your [@francohfw ] business? I stated I am not a Republican. I also am not a Democrat. That's all you need to know.
Wow Kat .

You must have taken Cruz's defeat pretty hard.

1 - he was Canadian so he could not be POTUS;

2 - he was extremist so the majority would not have voted for him;

3 - he showed no great love for the jobs that were lost in the swing states so he did not have a viable platform.

Trump is the best we could have expected so we all just need to hold our noses and kiss his ugly butt.

LOL I could not stand him. Ask Boss. We had several rounds over Cruz. I like him a bit better now, but no no no....during the Primaries I loathed him.
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?[/QU
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?
The only jobs The Blamer ever created were wasted government jobs. Doubled our debt - incurred more debt than all the previous presidents combined. Yeah - fine job.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if itcs for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who 0lace oarty before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.

Which is EXACTLY what the Republicans started, it's called precedent. If you start fucking around, don't go criticizing others for doing exactly the same shit you pulled for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.
What he's promised:

"Dying industries will come roaring back to life." Which industries is he talking about here? It's so vague no one could ever hold him to such a statement.

"Heroic Veterans will get the care they desperately need." As opposed to those veterans who got shot, captured, injured in any way because they're not heroes for him, they're just pathetic losers. Will veterans get more spending? "

"Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve", so apparently they deserve resources, are we assuming this is resources they don't have right now? Like what? Hot chicks in battle? Is this a pledge at more spending on the military? Didn't he say he wanted to cut back on the military? Don't these "brave warriors" deserve F-35s instead of F-18s?

"Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways, gleaming across our very, very beautiful land", wait, has he promised "gleaming" roads and bridges etc. Do the people want "gleaming" roads? Or just roads that function?

"Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately stop", oh, this one is precious. How many presidents have tried to stop the drug epidemic? How many have succeeded? Trump won't succeed either, it's just not going to happen.

"and our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety and opportunity", well, if he could pull this one off he'd be king, but he won't.

What are the chances he managed to do all of these things? About 0%. What are the chances he does half? Well, he can do the ones where he increases spending. Where's all this money going to come from? All of a sudden he's gone from cutting back taxes to talking about spending EVEN MORE.
Hey moron - the man has been in office 6 weeks. Perhaps now that Trump is president, even low IQ people as yourself will be able to get a job.

Could it be? Trump will make CNN great again too?

Went overboard there....somewhat true. It was the teleprompter and the speech writers...

An Obama blowhard complaining about a teleprompter is quite hilarious.


Probably a hilarious as those complaining about Obama doing it for 8 years not complaining when Trump did it.

Basically it's people in glass houses laughing at people in glass houses.
LOL I could not stand him. Ask Boss. We had several rounds over Cruz. I like him a bit better now, but no no no....during the Primaries I loathed him.
Ok thanks. Neither could I.

Looks like you have inherited the night shift, just like a new nurse at a hospital.

Pretty amazing how the Democrats showed their distain for Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration criminals as Jamiel Shaw was there in support of Trump for his son that was killed by an illegal alien gang member.

I guess some people are just expendable when it comes to Democrats' policy of open borders.


Could it be? Trump will make CNN great again too?

Went overboard there....somewhat true. It was the teleprompter and the speech writers...

An Obama blowhard complaining about a teleprompter is quite hilarious.


Probably a hilarious as those complaining about Obama doing it for 8 years not complaining when Trump did it.

Basically it's people in glass houses laughing at people in glass houses.

We never complained about him using a teleprompter when addressing Congress. He had to use them at nearly every public speech he gave, which was a bit overboard. When he spoke unscripted he was a train wreck.
LOL I could not stand him. Ask Boss. We had several rounds over Cruz. I like him a bit better now, but no no no....during the Primaries I loathed him.
Ok thanks. Neither could I.

Looks like you have inherited the night shift, just like a new nurse at a hospital.


LOL I am a night owl anyhow, so that is okay. Headed out soon though.. :)
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if itcs for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who 0lace oarty before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.

Which is EXACTLY what the Republicans started, it's called precedent. If you start fucking around, don't go criticizing others for doing exactly the same shit you pulled for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.

Hence you agree the 2 party system creates the sabotage of partys and non compliance.
But you are wrong in confusing disagreeing with Obama care and similar opposition positions with such behavior since they were never given the forum to work together to come up with viable plans or alternatives and the MAJORITY OF THE People of the U.S. did not want being forced into health care and a system they knew would be a disaster.
The other conflicting issues were typical opposition views and not a collective sabotage plan. Obama didn't care what the people wanted, he had his progressive agenda he placed before the people's wishes.
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

If he wore TWO of those pins, would he be DOUBLY patriotic?
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

If he wore TWO of those pins, would he be DOUBLY patriotic?
More patriotic than Obama.

The above from the guy who doesn't think there should even BE a country.

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