The orange shitlord is devoting this entire speech to painting some sort of apocalyptic picture of the USA. This is so bizarre, it's like we've entered into some sort of parallel universe. I guess conservatives love to be scared shitless, all day every day.
I don't know where you get that from. I think it's an excellent speech, and no. Not scared at all, happy as hell.
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?
This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

His problem? He's a SNOWFLAKE.... 'Nuff said.
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?
Democrats want that high achieving black girl back on their plantation for all to see.....
Guess we won't talk about the guns that Killed their loved ones.

Because violent ILLEGAL immigrants will abide by our gun laws? Liberals are so fucking stupid. How could you write that? smh

Because lax gun laws allowed violent illegals to get ahold of guns ! How fucked up is that !?!
We have strict gun laws. Back ground checks to get one. Oh and look at Chicago to prove yourself wrong. Strictest gun laws and gun crime is rampant.
Yet another post that lacks any substance. Bravo!
Just a reflection of YOU, lil' snowflake.

Instead of Continuing to 'come after ME' why don't you take your own advice - 'Start Debating OR GTFO'?!

Yet another post that lacks any substance. Bravo!
Just a reflection of YOU, lil' snowflake.

Instead of Continuing to 'come after ME' why don't you take your own advice - 'Start Debating OR GTFO'?!


I will once you tell me what he said during the speech that you take issue with. Still waiting.
Nobody wants war. However to bury your head in the sand and pretend that evil does not exist is pound foolish. The Putin propaganda brigade is out in full force. You are a enemy of this country. McCain got more votes than Trump did in Arizona and crushed his primary opponent who was a Trump supporter.
Putin propaganda brigade? You have no idea about Crimea but parroting warmongering talking points from the Global elite. You are just an uneducated DNC imbecile.

The Putin propaganda brigade doesn't quit does it. The Crimea was invaded by Russia and it is as simple as that. You are a uneducated political hack. Yo also sound exactly like Bernie Sanders and he caucuses with the Democrats. You are a DNC hack
who's that? ahem, I see you inadvertently got on the wrong board, this isn't the Russia message board, you should head back over now?
Interesting, this morning I flipped between CNN and MSNBC. Of course they are all speaking against Trump and his speech. I also noticed that all of them said "Mr. Trump" or simply "Trump"...not President or President Trump. And that tells you all you need to know about these self serving bottom feeders.

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