Yet another post that lacks any substance. Bravo!
Just a reflection of YOU, lil' snowflake.

Instead of Continuing to 'come after ME' why don't you take your own advice - 'Start Debating OR GTFO'?!


I will once you tell me what he said during the speech that you take issue with. Still waiting.
I did not 'take issue' with anything he said, lil' snowflake...and apparently most of the media 'Left and right' - did not either...

Media left and right give Trump's speech thumbs up
Oh, sorry. My mistake. I thought you were calling Trump a snowflake here and kind of confused you with the other poster, edward. Oopsie. :D
No, dear. I am NOT a 'snowflake'. Trump is not a 'snowflake'. As has been explained before, 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are fragile, easily offended, and who don't accept very well any reality that is not as they like it .
Maybe now it will sink in that we have a president with serious intentions and the will to see them thru to completion...not the pansy dreams of the community organizer.
did the dirt bag mention how all this bs will get paid for without raising the debt?

What BS are you referring to?
infrastructure ,lower taxes billions more for military,,and education how will it get paid for ??all happy talk now lets see him walk the walk

You consider that BS?

I'm sure Obama made some campaign promises he didn't keep either, no?
sure but that was then this is now and the markets soar when they hear him What happens when he can't deliver ?? Will he blame the generals ?? lol
Interesting, this morning I flipped between CNN and MSNBC. Of course they are all speaking against Trump and his speech. I also noticed that all of them said "Mr. Trump" or simply "Trump"...not President or President Trump. And that tells you all you need to know about these self serving bottom feeders.
This is the lamest complaint ever.

First, I've been watching MSNBC all morning and have heard 'President Trump' dozens of times. So you're a liar.

Second, shorthand use of ANY President's last name by media has been around for decades.

Grow up, whiny snowflake.
Maybe now it will sink in that we have a president with serious intentions and the will to see them thru to completion...not the pansy dreams of the community organizer.
did the dirt bag mention how all this bs will get paid for without raising the debt?

What BS are you referring to?
infrastructure ,lower taxes billions more for military,,and education how will it get paid for ??all happy talk now lets see him walk the walk

Maybe by cutting funds to other countries, cutting out redundancy in government and government waste (of which there is a LOT every year).
agree chris but far easier said than done
Interesting, this morning I flipped between CNN and MSNBC. Of course they are all speaking against Trump and his speech. I also noticed that all of them said "Mr. Trump" or simply "Trump"...not President or President Trump. And that tells you all you need to know about these self serving bottom feeders.
This is the lamest complaint ever.

First, I've been watching MSNBC all morning and have heard 'President Trump' dozens of times. So you're a liar.

Second, shorthand use of ANY President's last name by media has been around for decades.

Grow up, whiny snowflake.

No...nice try.
Of course people in media refer to a President by their last name only, but not over and over.
And once again the left media isolates themselves from the vast majority of Americans. Early polls show 70% of people who watched the speech agreed that it was a good speech, then the media spends all morning tearing it apart. And you have an idiot like Schumer come out and said "I couldn't find one thing in this speech that I can agree with"...absurd and what you can expect from these old guard irrelevant, worn out do nothings who happen to control your party.
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

He can't. He's just a paid partisan hack that has to complain about Trump no matter what.
Maybe now it will sink in that we have a president with serious intentions and the will to see them thru to completion...not the pansy dreams of the community organizer.
did the dirt bag mention how all this bs will get paid for without raising the debt?

What BS are you referring to?
infrastructure ,lower taxes billions more for military,,and education how will it get paid for ??all happy talk now lets see him walk the walk

Maybe by cutting funds to other countries, cutting out redundancy in government and government waste (of which there is a LOT every year).
agree chris but far easier said than done

Nobody said that fixing the mess would be easy. Maybe that's why we need a determined asshole as the president? Things need fixing, and we all know that the establishment democrats and republicans will NOT own it and will not take responsibility for it and will not fix it. All they will do is blame one another and the endless cycle of partisan crap perpetuates itself endlessly.

When I voted for Trump, I was voting for some YUGE changes. :)
This is a summary of the Presidents address in bold letters along with Democratic responses in italics.

Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our Nation's path toward civil rights and the work that still remains. Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.

Trump is a White Supremacist!

What we are witnessing today is the Renewal of the American spirit.Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead. All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free.

America is a colonialist regime established by slave owning white supremacists! All whites are racist and need to give up all they own and give it over to blacks as reparations for slavery!

I will not allow the mistakes of recent decades past to define the course of our future. For too long, we've watched our middle class shrink as we've exported our jobs and wealth to foreign countries. We've financed and built one global project after another, but ignored the fates of our children in the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit -- and so many other places throughout our land. We've defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross -- and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented rate. And we've spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled.

Spending money on the middle class that could be better spent helping minorities is racism!

Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately, stop. And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity.Above all else, we will keep our promises to the American people. Thank you.

Over our dead bodies!

To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a task force on reducing violent crime. I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation.


At the same time, my administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security. By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. We want all Americans to succeed,but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders.For that reason, we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.

Arrgghh! Oogle-moogly-boogladeli-jeeeejeeejeee-shizzoli-grrrgrrrgrrr!

To anyone in Congress who does not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this question: what would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one, because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States.

Fuck the citizens of the United States!

We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America, we cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.That is why my administration has been working on improved vetting procedures, and we will shortly take new steps to keep our nation safe, and to keep out those who would do us harm.

Protecting the USA is fascism and racism combined!

Finally, I have kept my promise to appoint a Justice to the United States Supreme Court -- from my list of 20 judges -- who will defend our Constitution.


From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears –- inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past –- and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts.I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the American spirit.I am asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country. And I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment and --- Believe in yourselves. Believe in your future. And believe, once more, in America.

Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless the United States.


Well, that just about summarizes it all very nicely, IMNSHO.

This is a summary of the Presidents address in bold letters along with Democratic responses in italics.

Tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of Black History Month, we are reminded of our Nation's path toward civil rights and the work that still remains. Recent threats targeting Jewish Community Centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a Nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.

Trump is a White Supremacist!

What we are witnessing today is the Renewal of the American spirit.Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead. All the nations of the world -- friend or foe -- will find that America is strong, America is proud, and America is free.

America is a colonialist regime established by slave owning white supremacists! All whites are racist and need to give up all they own and give it over to blacks as reparations for slavery!

I will not allow the mistakes of recent decades past to define the course of our future. For too long, we've watched our middle class shrink as we've exported our jobs and wealth to foreign countries. We've financed and built one global project after another, but ignored the fates of our children in the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit -- and so many other places throughout our land. We've defended the borders of other nations, while leaving our own borders wide open, for anyone to cross -- and for drugs to pour in at a now unprecedented rate. And we've spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas, while our infrastructure at home has so badly crumbled.

Spending money on the middle class that could be better spent helping minorities is racism!

Dying industries will come roaring back to life. Heroic veterans will get the care they so desperately need. Our military will be given the resources its brave warriors so richly deserve. Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land. Our terrible drug epidemic will slow down and ultimately, stop. And our neglected inner cities will see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity.Above all else, we will keep our promises to the American people. Thank you.

Over our dead bodies!

To protect our citizens, I have directed the Department of Justice to form a task force on reducing violent crime. I have further ordered the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice, along with the Department of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels that have spread all across our nation.


At the same time, my administration has answered the pleas of the American people for immigration enforcement and border security. By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone. We want all Americans to succeed,but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos. We must restore integrity and the rule of law at our borders.For that reason, we will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border.

Arrgghh! Oogle-moogly-boogladeli-jeeeejeeejeee-shizzoli-grrrgrrrgrrr!

To anyone in Congress who does not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this question: what would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or their loved one, because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders? Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States.

Fuck the citizens of the United States!

We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America, we cannot allow our nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.That is why my administration has been working on improved vetting procedures, and we will shortly take new steps to keep our nation safe, and to keep out those who would do us harm.

Protecting the USA is fascism and racism combined!

Finally, I have kept my promise to appoint a Justice to the United States Supreme Court -- from my list of 20 judges -- who will defend our Constitution.


From now on, America will be empowered by our aspirations, not burdened by our fears –- inspired by the future, not bound by the failures of the past –- and guided by our vision, not blinded by our doubts.I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the American spirit.I am asking all members of Congress to join me in dreaming big, and bold and daring things for our country. And I am asking everyone watching tonight to seize this moment and --- Believe in yourselves. Believe in your future. And believe, once more, in America.

Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless the United States.


Well, that just about summarizes it all very nicely, IMNSHO.


We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate...

But I love how the Trumpettes here want the Feds to take over Health Insurance... Great support of a massive power grab....

I saw a lot of new spending, very little actual cuts and except of course tax cuts (which we know are geared to favour Billionaires)....

Democrats will learn that to night will be a big win for them... He has put stuff out he can't take back...
We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate...

But I love how the Trumpettes here want the Feds to take over Health Insurance... Great support of a massive power grab....

I saw a lot of new spending, very little actual cuts and except of course tax cuts (which we know are geared to favour Billionaires)....

Democrats will learn that to night will be a big win for them... He has put stuff out he can't take back...

you keep using the word "hate" like it has any relevant meaning anymore.

Progs like you removed the animus of the word when you call anyone to the right of Mitt Romney (and Mitt Romney) racists, sexists, nazi, homophobic etc, etc, ad nauseum, blah blah blah.

Keep thinking this is "finally the time Trump has really screwed up". That's worked so well for you the past year or so.
Jim, great post. It summarized the night quite nicely. Last night I was proud to say I voted for President Trump. On the other hand I was embarrassed for Democrats and how poorly they acted.
We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate...
you keep using the word "hate" like it has any relevant meaning anymore.
Progs like you removed the animus of the word when you call anyone to the right of Mitt Romney (and Mitt Romney) racists, sexists, nazi, homophobic etc, etc, ad nauseum, blah blah blah.
We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate.

I just find so much of the libtard blathering these days to be just completely 100% comical.
We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate...

But I love how the Trumpettes here want the Feds to take over Health Insurance... Great support of a massive power grab....

I saw a lot of new spending, very little actual cuts and except of course tax cuts (which we know are geared to favour Billionaires)....

Democrats will learn that to night will be a big win for them... He has put stuff out he can't take back...

you keep using the word "hate" like it has any relevant meaning anymore.

Progs like you removed the animus of the word when you call anyone to the right of Mitt Romney (and Mitt Romney) racists, sexists, nazi, homophobic etc, etc, ad nauseum, blah blah blah.

Keep thinking this is "finally the time Trump has really screwed up". That's worked so well for you the past year or so.

That's why I say we all just keep feeding him and his entourage plenty of rope and kick back and enjoy the show.

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