76% of all CBS viewers approved of Trump SUA.

Viewers strongly approve of Trump's speech to Congress

While half of Democrats found the speech “divisive,” about one-third of them also said Mr. Trump was “specific” and “knowledgeable”; neither label drew a majority, but nonetheless sizeable numbers compared to the more negative reactions Democrats have had to other aspects of his presidency.

And viewers of all stripes described the speech as at least somewhat positive in tone.

Overall, most watchers approved of the speech. Republicans did tune in to watch it in much greater numbers than Democrats (as a president’s party typically does) which bolstered those approval numbers. Forty percent of Democrats at least somewhat approved; 18 percent strongly approved.​

Democrats loved the speech... Trump nailed himself down...

94 million out of the workforce! Is that number going up or down... Ye are some fucking idiots... He has put that number out there so we can use that figure for the next 4 years....

No pre-existing coverage insurance.... Lets see you get that past the GOP...

Federal regulated Health Insurance... No States anymore... GOP loves the Feds...

Pharma Costs to go down... Good luck with that, GOP are sucking big time on that gravy train....

it goes on and on.... Democrats over the bloody moon, Trump owns his shit now...

And if congress doesn't try to help him, He can point to Dems and Republicans and say "I tried, but these people stopped me, You need to Primary out the republicans that won't work with me, and vote Republican over Dems to get people I can work with"

Unlike your typical Rep/Dem, he will be willing to sell down the river anyone who tries to block his agenda.
Democrats this morning: "Ok, Trump wasn't crazy but...but...but...but...lets see if he can keep it up." You need better than that guys.
Trump owned that place last night. Even the communist news organizations had to admit it this morning!!:oops-28:

All you had to do last night to see the state of the DUM Party is look at Nancy Pelosi. She looked like she was 250 years old and in need of about 50 face lifts. These people are miserable because in the arena of idea's, they don't have dick and they know it too! And how stoopid did those women in the white outfits look to the rest of the nation last night?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The Pajama Boy era officially ended last night for anybody paying attention.:popcorn:Unless you are from New York or California and a couple of other places, last night was a hoot.:rock:
Really now how did they do that? another pile of shit out of the mouth of a liberal.

Because our gun laws suck!

Think about it . Some douche who has already been deported , and gets back in ( which is bullshit ) , has are record to boot , STILL can get a gun .

And you don't think there's an issue with our gun laws ??
Seeing how they werent citizens the gun he got was illegally bought probably out of a trunk of a car or just on the street in general. What would you want done that would stop that? Ban guns? Never gonna happen.

Have titles just like cars. Then people wouldn't sell
To criminals if the gun can be traced back to them.
THEY DO! ANY gun legally bought has to be registered or transferred when ownership changes!

No they don't. Private sellers can do whatever they want .
Not really. You sell a gun privately you usually take a name and check ID in case gun ever gets used in crime YOU don't want to be the one questioned for it.Much like a car title its transferred to new owner.
LMAO! Did you hear the dumbocrats when President Trump announced the victims group!
CNN refused to show the Dem side remained seated nor capture their faces that might be considered disgraceful considering the context. As they said,vthey intend to control what people think by what people are exposed to (seeing).
Everyone is saying it was the best speech before a joint session in thirty years! President Trump's after speech poll numbers jump to 58% APR
Did you all see how small of a gathering the dems have? That place was two thirds GOP one third high school girls....errrrr dems
There is not one man serving in the democrat party, there are humans with male body parts but no real men in the democrat party. Not anymore!
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

Actually, it makes perfect sense to people with IQs greater than the average turnip.

Let me break it down for you ...

... to be generous, the man speaks at a third grade level ...

... his policy prescriptions are completely divorced from reality ...

... and, his attempt to play on peoples fears and emotions and to their worst natures is craven and cynical ...

... but, because he turned the volume down a notch, he appeared "presidential" ...

... that, and he wore a flag pin.

How much lower can the bar possibly be set?
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

Actually, it makes perfect sense to people with IQs greater than the average turnip.

Let me break it down for you ...

... to be generous, the man speaks at a third grade level ...

... his policy prescriptions are completely divorced from reality ...

... and, his attempt to play on peoples fears and emotions and to their worst natures is craven and cynical ...

... but, because he turned the volume down a notch, he appeared "presidential" ...

... that, and he wore a flag pin.

How much lower can the bar possibly be set?

Which policies are you referring to? YOU have yet to make any kind of point whatsoever.

How is he playing on people's fears? Who is to say he doesn't share those fears?
Run out the door girls, don't be seen shaking the presidents hand girls. BUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
Nice to see our President wearing an American flag pin again.

The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

He can't. He's just a paid partisan hack that has to complain about Trump no matter what.

You can get paid for rhetorically kicking pig ignorant Trump supporters in the nuts?

Who knew?

And, here I am doing it just for the fun of it like a sucker.
The bar has been set impossibly low.

Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

He can't. He's just a paid partisan hack that has to complain about Trump no matter what.

You can get paid for rhetorically kicking pig ignorant Trump supporters in the nuts?

Who knew?

And, here I am doing it just for the fun of it like a sucker.

You aren't nearly clever enough to be paid for your lame posts.
Trump looked looked powerful and Presidential and gave a fantastic speech. The sniveling Democrat 'Resistance' looked small and petty.
and the goofs they are. Not standing for all americans to get affordable healthcare said it all for me, along with the no stand to the child with the disease or Seal Ryan.
Instead of just making silly drive by comments, how about you elaborate?


If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

He can't. He's just a paid partisan hack that has to complain about Trump no matter what.

You can get paid for rhetorically kicking pig ignorant Trump supporters in the nuts?

Who knew?

And, here I am doing it just for the fun of it like a sucker.

You aren't nearly clever enough to be paid for your lame posts.
much more defined than your sorry posts.
Actually, it makes perfect sense to people with IQs greater than the average turnip.

Let me break it down for you ...

... to be generous, the man speaks at a third grade level ...

... his policy prescriptions are completely divorced from reality ...

... and, his attempt to play on peoples fears and emotions and to their worst natures is craven and cynical ...

... but, because he turned the volume down a notch, he appeared "presidential" ...

... that, and he wore a flag pin.

How much lower can the bar possibly be set?
You broke it down from your padded cell anyway. America first is fear mongering to you? Obama rammed one thing after the other down our throats, his health care wet dream is failing across the board. That's the reality you live in. Obviously third grade English goes over your head.

If this president* doesn't drop trou and take a dump behind the podium and then light his hair on fire, he's being presidential.

But, he's wearing a flag pin.


This makes no more sense than your previous comment. Now, what exactly is your problem with his speech again? Which parts did you disagree with?

He can't. He's just a paid partisan hack that has to complain about Trump no matter what.

You can get paid for rhetorically kicking pig ignorant Trump supporters in the nuts?

Who knew?

And, here I am doing it just for the fun of it like a sucker.

You aren't nearly clever enough to be paid for your lame posts.
much more defined than your sorry posts.

What about my posts?
Dems sat on their hands when the President said "we will deport the illegal alien criminals". Why? Do they want the criminals to remain in our cities? Do they want drugs to flow across the border? Do they want our schools filled with gangster punks that shouldn't even be in our nation? Do they want our jails filled to the brim so high that idiots like Gov Brown will release them back into society? If there is one brave lib on this board that can answer these questions I will be surprised as hell.

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