Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?[/QU
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?
The only jobs The Blamer ever created were wasted government jobs. Doubled our debt - incurred more debt than all the previous presidents combined. Yeah - fine job.
80%+ to avert a full blown corrupt GOP depression and help the victims DUHHHHHHHHH.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if it's for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, or allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who place party before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.
After 8 years of total, mindless GOP obstruction of good solutions, hilarious. We'll help on his good ideas. So much more than you lying a-holes/hypocrites and dupes did...
The whole world watched that speech last night. The hissy throwing rude democrats hurt themselves and are too damn stupid to know it!
No the whole world did not watch it. Most didn't bother to watch it at all. Most vote based on a 30 second commercial telling them who is going to give them the most presents for being born.

Could it be? Trump will make CNN great again too?

Went overboard there....somewhat true. It was the teleprompter and the speech writers...

An Obama blowhard complaining about a teleprompter is quite hilarious.


Probably a hilarious as those complaining about Obama doing it for 8 years not complaining when Trump did it.

Basically it's people in glass houses laughing at people in glass houses.

We never complained about him using a teleprompter when addressing Congress. He had to use them at nearly every public speech he gave, which was a bit overboard. When he spoke unscripted he was a train wreck.

Because your propaganda machine cherry picked the worst, dupe? Hilarious. He's well known and admired around the word as one of our best communicators. You could never tell by your bs/hate propaganda.

Not complaining, hater dupe. FACTS duh. You're the a-hole dupes that made Obama the teleprompter idiot, JACKASS. EVERYBODY USES TELEPROMPTERS.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if itcs for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who 0lace oarty before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.

Which is EXACTLY what the Republicans started, it's called precedent. If you start fucking around, don't go criticizing others for doing exactly the same shit you pulled for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.

Hence you agree the 2 party system creates the sabotage of partys and non compliance.
But you are wrong in confusing disagreeing with Obama care and similar opposition positions with such behavior since they were never given the forum to work together to come up with viable plans or alternatives and the MAJORITY OF THE People of the U.S. did not want being forced into health care and a system they knew would be a disaster.
The other conflicting issues were typical opposition views and not a collective sabotage plan. Obama didn't care what the people wanted, he had his progressive agenda he placed before the people's wishes.
He got ACA and that's it dupe. The problem with ACA is simply that our care sysytem is WAYYY too expensive. Let it WORK= and go after costs. Supposedly the GOP talent. HAHA- good one.
I dunno if I enjoyed Trump's speech more or watching democrats act like pouty little children before a massive audience.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if it's for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, or allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who place party before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.
After 8 years of total, mindless GOP obstruction of good solutions, hilarious. We'll help on his good ideas. So much more than you lying a-holes/hypocrites and dupes did...

Good solutions? What, are you from Colorado or something? Just because it's legal there doesn't mean you should be frying your brain smoking it.
Trump is not the establishment, it's what the people want not what the party wants
otherwise your own party would not be claiming he has opponents in his own party. Damn guysn make up your minds, you keep playing both sides to whatever suits your excuses for failing to deliver good policies and get the country back on track. The only people who think bringing back jobs and industry, stimulating economy, lowering crime, protecting our country and trade interest is the left that is affraid a successful country will lock them out of power for a while. Proving they care about affiliation over country and the wishes of the people. You guys still don't get that, which is why you'll keep losing elections, in fact a third party will surpass you guys because you don't grasp it.
Oh yeah that's right they can't because you liberals control the media surpressing equal rights and access for other parties.
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?[/QU
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?
The only jobs The Blamer ever created were wasted government jobs. Doubled our debt - incurred more debt than all the previous presidents combined. Yeah - fine job.
80%+ to avert a full blown corrupt GOP depression and help the victims DUHHHHHHHHH.
Just in your utopian existence. Dupe.
I saw on the ABC news a clip I didn't see during the speach.
When he spoke of unity to finally get things done together the Dems sat while Republicans stood up. Basically an admission as they had done in the beginning, that they will not unite or work to do what needs to be done which will make Trump look good even if it's for the good of our country.
Because then it will open the door for non career politicians to run for all kinds of offices over shadowing the incompetent career politicians. Dems are showing why our 2 party system doesn't work when party is more important then country, self serving more important then serving the people.
The only way this behavior changes is changing the system, or allowing the other alternative parties equal rights and access, or making sure those who place party before country never see another office as in vote them out and make it a point to learn from. The later seemdd not to sink in this time around however the next time round the house & senate races and such could make a statement that this sabotage, race baiting, and affiliation tactics stops now and will not be tolerated by the voters who ACTUALLY WANT THINGS TO GET DONE FOR A CHANGE. The exact thing Dems showed the world they weren't willing to do for those who elected them and pay their salaries.
After 8 years of total, mindless GOP obstruction of good solutions, hilarious. We'll help on his good ideas. So much more than you lying a-holes/hypocrites and dupes did...

Good solutions? What, are you from Colorado or something? Just because it's legal there doesn't mean you should be frying your brain smoking it.
Wrong thread for this but someone might argue it's their right to do that protect under their freedom of sex right, yet to be given. Brains, it's an aphrodisiac.
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?[/QU
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?
The only jobs The Blamer ever created were wasted government jobs. Doubled our debt - incurred more debt than all the previous presidents combined. Yeah - fine job.
80%+ to avert a full blown corrupt GOP depression and help the victims DUHHHHHHHHH.
Just in your utopian existence. Dupe.
He spent 4-5 TRILLION propping up the economy, police and teachers, local gov't, banks etc etc etc and ANOTHER 3 TRILLION + on UE and Welfare for victims. STILL 300 billion/year. And you dupes think it never happened lol ARGHHHHHHHH.....
President Trump's State of the Union address was one of the finest ever given. Unifying, substantive and strong.
Maybe now it will sink in that we have a president with serious intentions and the will to see them thru to completion...not the pansy dreams of the community organizer.
did the dirt bag mention how all this bs will get paid for without raising the debt?

What BS are you referring to?
infrastructure ,lower taxes billions more for military,,and education how will it get paid for ??all happy talk now lets see him walk the walk

You consider that BS?

I'm sure Obama made some campaign promises he didn't keep either, no?
sure but that was then this is now and the markets soar when they hear him What happens when he can't deliver ?? Will he blame the generals ?? lol
No, he will blame the obstructionist asshole anti-American Democrats in Congress because the are doing everything to make him fail and say, fuck the country as usual.
We you are giving a lot of credit for a guy who had a coherent speech peppered with hate...

But I love how the Trumpettes here want the Feds to take over Health Insurance... Great support of a massive power grab....

I saw a lot of new spending, very little actual cuts and except of course tax cuts (which we know are geared to favour Billionaires)....

Democrats will learn that to night will be a big win for them... He has put stuff out he can't take back...
That guy made more money on his own that your paid DNC trolls will ever make combined. Thank you...
Oh yes, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea....all winners there:eusa_think:

I said socailist leaning . Not commie or fascist.

But you tell me . What are your top 5 countries.?

You won't answer my question . Cause you are a coward bitch .

Top 5

1) US
2) Germany
3) Japan
4) Singapore
5) Switzerland

As you were....
1- thank you for answering my question.

2- you listed a bunch of socialist countries .
Proving, once again, that leftwingers don't know what the word "socialist" means.
Sure lol. See def- Where means of production are controlled or REGULATED by the state.

Breaking for dupes: NOT communism, just fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed. Only in the US are so many people confused. Thanks New BS GOP...
So socialism is a form of capitalism?

You kill me, Franco.
The speech was not unifying because this country is divided and only if it grows more divided can it survive. Come on deport me. Come on.
Trump is creating jobs and Liberals are still miserable. There's go's all the entitlements. LOL

Is he creating jobs?

The economy has been improving for a long time now. Funny how those he hate Obama will say Trump is creating jobs.

But hey, let's look at Republican presidents and their job creating.

Bush W. Started at 4.2 and ended at 7.8
Bush snr. started at 5.4 and ended at 7.3
Reagan started at 7.5 and ended at 5.4

Okay, so there have been three Republican presidents to finish a term since 1980 and two of them have started with low numbers and ended high, Reagan started high and ended lowish, though having had the highest amount of unemployment for a post WW2 president.

What are the chances that if other "job creating presidents" end up not having jobs that Trump will do the same?

Take enough workers out of the labor force and you can do wonders with a fictitious unemployment rate, can't you?


How did they take them out of the workforce?

What's the difference between unemployment statistics now and unemployment statistics 20 years ago?

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