State unemployment: Jobs picture gets worse in 27 states


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
State unemployment: Jobs picture gets worse in 27 states


The national unemployment rate may have only ticked up slightly in August, but on a state-by-state basis, the jobs picture continues to look a lot more grim in places like Nevada, Michigan and California.

A total of 27 states reported higher unemployment rates in August, nearly double the 14 that saw increases in July, the Labor Department said in its monthly report on state unemployment Tuesday.

While the rate remained at 9.6% for the country as a whole, Nevada, Michigan and California have consistently racked up rates above 12%.

Nevada had the worst rate for the fourth month in a row, at a record high of 14.4%, up from 14.3% in July. Michigan followed with 13.1% unemployment, unchanged from the prior rate, and California was third with a 12.4% rate, an increase from 12.3% in July.
State unemployment: Jobs picture gets worse in 27 states - Yahoo! Finance
Those numbers are impossible. The recession ended in June of last year, right? Are you saying that Obama's panel of economists got it all wrong?

Btw, didn't Joe said this was summer of recovery?

:) :) :)
Ame®icano;2759769 said:
Those numbers are impossible. The recession ended in June of last year, right?
Look up the definitions used for "Recession." You'll find that unemployment doesn't play a direct role.

Are you saying that Obama's panel of economists got it all wrong?
Who are you talking about? State Unemployment data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (whose commissioner is a Bush appointee) and the states, and recessions are determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (A private research group). None of those groups are "Obama's.
Obama made a huge mistake when he took office. After so many decades of overpromising and underdelivering on economic numbers he should have gone with the most conservative numbers possible across the board, he didn't and he is paying for it.

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