Stating Factual Information is Punishable by "Death"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Adviser to Boris Johnson quits British government after race inferiority storm

While this Sabisky fellow is a bit of a flamethrower, often making intentionally outrageous statements for their effect, he "crossed the line" when be observed that Caucasian Americans were generally more intelligent than "Black" Americans. The uproar over this statement of fact was simply too much to permit him to continue in his high-level advisory position.

How dare he?

It is somewhat interesting that it becomes more and more difficult to locate research data on the relative intelligence of different demographic groups, as funding for such research dries up, but there is absolutely no question that what Mr. Sabisky is quoted as saying is literally and demonstrably true. Not that it matters to Leftists and the Media.

Interestingly, Leftist Politico Al Gore raised the expression, "An Inconvenient Truth," to cultural prominence, and now it appears that stating certain "inconvenient truths" can be figuratively - and even literally - criminally charged, if the truth is offensive to certain select demographic groups.

As a member of the "anti-science party," I find this abhorrence of reality to be troubling.

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