Statistical Analysis Proving the U.S. Electoral College is Undemocratic

I don't need any analysis to tell me that. We got screwed in 2000 and got screwed yesterday.

We should be electing presidents based on popular vote. Not some antiquated voting system.
I don't need any analysis to tell me that. We got screwed in 2000 and got screwed yesterday.

We should be electing presidents based on popular vote. Not some antiquated voting system.

Yeah, who wants a system that's worked remarkably well for most of our history! Let's replace it with mob rule because YOUR candidate sucked and didn't get elected! (eye roll)
Libs don't understand why the electoral college exists but were boasting about it a few days ago.
Gaaa, I'm seeing the same ignorant whining all over my facebook page.

ffs, we are not a pure democracy. The electoral collage works as intended.

Take five minutes to watch this. Learn something and pipe down.

Everyone knows and understands the rules that govern our elections. Check out Michael Moore's facebook page and you'll see where this astroturf originates.

"6. Begin a national push while it's fresh in everyone's mind for a constitutional amendment to fix our broken electoral system: 1. Eliminate the Electoral College -- popular vote only. 2. Paper ballots only -- no electronic voting. 3. Election Day must be made a holiday for all -- or held on a weekend so more people vote. 4. All citizens, regardless of any run-ins with the criminal "justice" system, must have the right to vote. (In swing states like Florida and Virginia, 30-40% of all Black men are prohibited by law from voting.)"

Good analysis on why the US electoral college sucks


What do you find more troublesome, that the system of voting is flawed or that four out of ten voters don't even bother to cast their vote?

Is it the system that make people passive or isn't it that important who holds the office after all?

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