Stay Classy Trump Supporters...

Wait, let me get this straight. A union boss, who is a Hillary supporter, decided to go public and call Trump out after he saved Union jobs and now it is Trump's fault for this guy getting negative attention. Maybe the Union creep should have kept his mouth shut and just been thankful.

I love hope Trump is now responsible for people calling the Union douchebag but Obama and HRC are never responsible for the grief they have caused on America's streets or around the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump got caught in a lie. And you think it is ok for the guy to get death threats and his kids to get threatened over it? So you're another classy Trump supporter?
what is the lie?
How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

"When Carrier announced the close-down the whole facility in February, they announced at that point in time the research and development jobs, about 350 of them, were going to remain here in Indianapolis," Jones said. "Then when Mr. Trump got involved, what the actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs, the workers, the union members. And another 70 office, supervisory, clerical workers from management. And what they are doing is counting in 350-some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.

Donald Trump Lashes Out at Carrier Union Boss

So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
I just happened to be watching CNN yesterday when the Union leader was interviewed by (don't remember her name). Before her hour was up, she had gotten the Tweet from Trump insulting the guy. She harped on it until the hour was up and the newscaster after her seamlessly moved in to continue the spanking, with panels to discuss it, and a follow up interview with the union guy (who said, basically, who cares).
CNN does get itself worked up. I agree it was a tacky response by the Donald, but at this point is a Tweet like that NEWS? I remember Meghyn Kelly saying something about "we don't report it because it needs to be NEW" Trump doing this is really old, folks. It's what he does. China gets it. Why can't we?
how many states are in the union, 57?

How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.
Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.

Electors for Trump have been getting death threats too.
How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

"When Carrier announced the close-down the whole facility in February, they announced at that point in time the research and development jobs, about 350 of them, were going to remain here in Indianapolis," Jones said. "Then when Mr. Trump got involved, what the actual number of jobs saved is 730 bargaining unit jobs, the workers, the union members. And another 70 office, supervisory, clerical workers from management. And what they are doing is counting in 350-some-odd more that were never leaving this country at all.

Donald Trump Lashes Out at Carrier Union Boss


And Trump said 1,100. So he lied.
Wait, let me get this straight. A union boss, who is a Hillary supporter, decided to go public and call Trump out after he saved Union jobs and now it is Trump's fault for this guy getting negative attention. Maybe the Union creep should have kept his mouth shut and just been thankful.

I love hope Trump is now responsible for people calling the Union douchebag but Obama and HRC are never responsible for the grief they have caused on America's streets or around the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Trump got caught in a lie. And you think it is ok for the guy to get death threats and his kids to get threatened over it? So you're another classy Trump supporter?

Trump didn't get caught in a lie. The Union goof just doesn't agree with the number of jobs Trump said he saved but Trump still saved them.

The Union boss is the one who opened himself to the public expressing their opinion about his opinion.

Where you this pissed off when the left was attending Trump rallies to incite violence? Stay Classy Pal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
I just happened to be watching CNN yesterday when the Union leader was interviewed by (don't remember her name). Before her hour was up, she had gotten the Tweet from Trump insulting the guy. She harped on it until the hour was up and the newscaster after her seamlessly moved in to continue the spanking, with panels to discuss it, and a follow up interview with the union guy (who said, basically, who cares).
CNN does get itself worked up. I agree it was a tacky response by the Donald, but at this point is a Tweet like that NEWS? I remember Meghyn Kelly saying something about "we don't report it because it needs to be NEW" Trump doing this is really old, folks. It's what he does. China gets it. Why can't we?
yay, the clinton news network. No credibility issues there against Trump eh? LOL dude too funny.
How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.

I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?
i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.

I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?
what was his lie? that was the question and no answer from you bot.
I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?

Hillary lied and people died. We could still have the FBI finish the Clinton Fondation and email issues...
how many states are in the union, 57?

How many jobs did the Carrier deal save?

i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.

I am supporting no such thing. Trump fired back, he didn't endorse going after the guy's family.

You are a liar, and a horrible person. Go play in traffic.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
I just happened to be watching CNN yesterday when the Union leader was interviewed by (don't remember her name). Before her hour was up, she had gotten the Tweet from Trump insulting the guy. She harped on it until the hour was up and the newscaster after her seamlessly moved in to continue the spanking, with panels to discuss it, and a follow up interview with the union guy (who said, basically, who cares).
CNN does get itself worked up. I agree it was a tacky response by the Donald, but at this point is a Tweet like that NEWS? I remember Meghyn Kelly saying something about "we don't report it because it needs to be NEW" Trump doing this is really old, folks. It's what he does. China gets it. Why can't we?
yay, the clinton news network. No credibility issues there against Trump eh? LOL dude too funny.
The UNION GUY is the one who said 730 union jobs and 70 clerical/support jobs were saved. 500+ are still going to Mexico from that same plant. CNN didn't lie about it. They just fussed about it endlessly when Trump pulled his typical shit.
i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.

I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?
BTW, you have been lied to for eight fking years. Don't you start posting like you had all the facts from obummer and clinton who you couldn't stop worshiping. LOL. you bots are really good bots for the left.
i've seen numbers from 600-1300, until the deal goes through and they finish moving some of the other jobs one doesn't know.

But your obsession over a 30% difference, and the need to call it a "lie" is just the proof that you are a cheap, dime-store partisan hack-twat.

You've "seen?" So you don't believe the word of the Local Union President that was in on the deal? Gotcha. So your opinion is worthless. Ok time to move on.

yes, because a Union hack is an impartial observer....

I've called you out hack-twat, and now you are gonna go slinking away. Come back and take it like the bitch you are.

Slinking away? You're wrong, and you support a guy getting death threats and his kids getting threatened. You're a slime ball and I hope Karma gets you just the same as it did someone else on this board.
dude, you have no clue what is what. Stop while you have some integrity left. or maybe you don't.

I don't? It's fucking right there. Trump lied... and he continues to lie. And you eat it up and defend him. I'm simply amazed how so many of you buy into it. I really truly am dumbfounded how so many people can sit and be lied to straight to their faces and ignore it and accept it. How? How in the 21st Century can so many people sit and be lied to repeatedly by one person and sit and accept it?
I honestly think they're shitting us. Shining us on. Teasing us. They can't possibly not realize.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down

This is one of the things Trump does that I actually like. He doesn't back down. He doesn't kowtow to mainstream progressive sniping.

He got caught in a lie. By someone that was in on the negotiations and knows the truth. Instead of admitting he was wrong, he attacks the guy. The same Union guy that just last week Republicans on here were talking about how important Unions are.

How is the truth an "attack?"

How was the Steelworker's Union President going to stop Carrier from moving jobs without Mike Pence giving them a tax break? Why aren't you asking why Mike Pence didn't stop Carrier from moving in the first place?
He probably couldn't Lawdog. I would suspect there's a reason they are moving a division away from US regulations.
So the Steel Workers Union Local President that handles the Carrier plant in Indiana called Trump out for lying about how many jobs he saved. Then what happens? Does Trump take the high road and admit he lied? Nope! He Tweets out:

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Classy move by The Donald right? I mean how is the Local President going to negotiate a deal to beat the wages in Mexico... without Pence stepping in and giving a tax break to Carrier? But wait! Then Trump supporters start calling the poor guy... the Local Union President, the guy that everyone liked before, and giving him threats! Threats on him, his car, and HIS KIDS! Classy move Trump supporters...

Jones told MSNBC that his phone started ringing about 30 minutes later.

He said one caller asked: “What kind of car do you drive?”

We’re coming for you,” another said.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, ’You better keep your eye on your kids,’” Jones explained. “‘We know what car you drive.’ Things along those lines.”

Union leader who says Trump lied about Carrier deal refuses to back down
I just happened to be watching CNN yesterday when the Union leader was interviewed by (don't remember her name). Before her hour was up, she had gotten the Tweet from Trump insulting the guy. She harped on it until the hour was up and the newscaster after her seamlessly moved in to continue the spanking, with panels to discuss it, and a follow up interview with the union guy (who said, basically, who cares).
CNN does get itself worked up. I agree it was a tacky response by the Donald, but at this point is a Tweet like that NEWS? I remember Meghyn Kelly saying something about "we don't report it because it needs to be NEW" Trump doing this is really old, folks. It's what he does. China gets it. Why can't we?
yay, the clinton news network. No credibility issues there against Trump eh? LOL dude too funny.
The UNION GUY is the one who said 730 union jobs and 70 clerical/support jobs were saved. 500+ are still going to Mexico from that same plant. CNN didn't lie about it. They just fussed about it endlessly when Trump pulled his typical shit.
all unsubstantiated. You know the overreacting leftist are full out to try and disrupt. the hypocrites are advertising daily.
I think the left ran out of safety blankets. Whatever will they do to survive now?
The guy is receiving death threats against him and his family.
He shouldn't have been an ungrateful piss ant. Would he rather ALL the jobs went to Mexico? This is why the unions workers voted Trump because the union don't do SHIT to stop this crap. Oh and that scumbag voted for Clinton.
Having a different opinion is worthy of a personal attack on social media from the President-elect of the US and death treats against your family.
Sounds fair enough.
"One people, one country, one leader"

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