Stay Strong and Stand on Principal


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
Republicans need to look back at the past 4 years and realize regardless of what they do anything bad will be blamed on them. It is time to stop worrying about blame and do what is best for the country. You need to stand your ground sure it will be painful now but a little pain compared to what is in store for the near future if the deficit is not fixed. I agree taxes should not go up and you have said as much but the Democrats will not allow them to stay the same and that is just that. We need to stand our ground at the debt ceiling which is the only place where we will have the ability to save this nation. Do not allow that ceiling to go up without huge fixes to spending and the tax code, Also use it to force budget out of the senate. No budget in four years is just ridiculous.

At least if we go over the cliff maybe more people will actually start paying close attention rather than letting the fly by media say whatever they want and take it as fact.
I hope the GOP continues to stand its ground. But I am sure for a much different reason.
The GOP is dying a slow death.... by their own hand.

You retards don't even realize, they have no ground to stand on.

How do you think Wall Street is going to react to their incompetence? Not just the market, but the people who run the markets and EVERYONE who is invested in the market?

We will never vote GOP again.
The GOP is dying a slow death.... by their own hand.

You retards don't even realize, they have no ground to stand on.

How do you think Wall Street is going to react to their incompetence? Not just the market, but the people who run the markets and EVERYONE who is invested in the market?

We will never vote GOP again.

This country is dying a slow death at our own hand and you retards don’t even realize it. Every country in the world besides the US has already begun Austerity measures to curb their deficits and fix their debt. But you idiot Democrats live in a fantasy world where there is nothing wrong with borrowing so much money that as soon as interest rates go back up all our revenue will be going towards interest. The problem with next year is less with the fiscal cliff and more with the possibility that interest rates on our treasuries could start to go up as more see other countries handling their debt while we keep digging deeper and deeper.
I hope the GOP continues to stand its ground. But I am sure for a much different reason.

It does not matter. There were indicators pointing to a recession over three months ago. They were already predicting a recession in 2013. So if republican bend and give in to what Obama wants and a recession happens then it is the republicans fault. If they do not give in and we have a recession, then it is the republicans fault. At the end of the day, it is better to stand on principal and do what is best for the country than try and playing a lose, lose situation with todays media.
I predict a mass exodus of people from the failed Democrat plantation in the near future.

Because eventually, the democrats/liberals will wake up and have to face the fact that their fiscal and social policies are destructive to both our nation and it's people.

And the steadfast conservative Republican wing of the party will be there welcoming these former democrat/liberal refugees with open arms. :cool:
The GOP is dying a slow death.... by their own hand.

You retards don't even realize, they have no ground to stand on.

How do you think Wall Street is going to react to their incompetence? Not just the market, but the people who run the markets and EVERYONE who is invested in the market?

We will never vote GOP again.

This country is dying a slow death at our own hand and you retards don’t even realize it. Every country in the world besides the US has already begun Austerity measures to curb their deficits and fix their debt. But you idiot Democrats live in a fantasy world where there is nothing wrong with borrowing so much money that as soon as interest rates go back up all our revenue will be going towards interest. The problem with next year is less with the fiscal cliff and more with the possibility that interest rates on our treasuries could start to go up as more see other countries handling their debt while we keep digging deeper and deeper.

The FOX is strong in you....
Rooting for economic hardship to develop, worsen or persist is not a winning strategy.
The GOP is dying a slow death.... by their own hand.

You retards don't even realize, they have no ground to stand on.

How do you think Wall Street is going to react to their incompetence? Not just the market, but the people who run the markets and EVERYONE who is invested in the market?

We will never vote GOP again.

When things get bad enough you can be assured that they will.
The GOP is dying a slow death.... by their own hand.

You retards don't even realize, they have no ground to stand on.

How do you think Wall Street is going to react to their incompetence? Not just the market, but the people who run the markets and EVERYONE who is invested in the market?

We will never vote GOP again.

This country is dying a slow death at our own hand and you retards don’t even realize it. Every country in the world besides the US has already begun Austerity measures to curb their deficits and fix their debt. But you idiot Democrats live in a fantasy world where there is nothing wrong with borrowing so much money that as soon as interest rates go back up all our revenue will be going towards interest. The problem with next year is less with the fiscal cliff and more with the possibility that interest rates on our treasuries could start to go up as more see other countries handling their debt while we keep digging deeper and deeper.

The FOX is strong in you....

I’m very good at math and I have looked at the numbers on my own. I don’t need Fox to tell me anything in fact I feel Fox tends to underplay it for fear of being accused of be a conspiracy theorist or alarmist.

At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.

Republicans need to realize that the democrat march to the sea can't be stopped. The promise of more for less is a siren song. Give it up, let the democrats destroy the country. Meanwhile work at setting up an alternative government that will be ready to step in and seize control when it becomes necessary.

At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.

Problem is Republicans compromised many times with Democrats for spending cuts in return for raising taxes. But the spending cuts never ever come. The way I see it Democrats owe a hell of a lot of cuts before they get any more new taxes. For far too long Republicans have made deals with Democrats only to have them screwed over by the Democrats. How do you bargain with people that have no morals and take no accountability what so ever?
Republicans need to realize that the democrat march to the sea can't be stopped. The promise of more for less is a siren song. Give it up, let the democrats destroy the country. Meanwhile work at setting up an alternative government that will be ready to step in and seize control when it becomes necessary.

Here is the problem with that plan. Usually when collapses happen it is not capitalism that follows but rather communism or fascism that follows. You need food well the government has to take over the means of production of food to give you the food you need. You need housing because you are homeless. Well the government needs to take over private homes to provide people with a place to live. Economic disaster means many starving and homeless. The government will take over private in order to provide what they will call a necessity to save lives.

At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.

Problem is Republicans compromised many times with Democrats for spending cuts in return for raising taxes. But the spending cuts never ever come. The way I see it Democrats owe a hell of a lot of cuts before they get any more new taxes. For far too long Republicans have made deals with Democrats only to have them screwed over by the Democrats. How do you bargain with people that have no morals and take no accountability what so ever?

At some point, hopefully before we're in the ground, someone is going to have to be the first to suck it up and rise above these games. They can then take their case to the public and say "in the best interests of the country, we gave in, THIS TIME." It will then be up to the public to decide whether they want to reward that side for ending this insane game and doing the mature thing.

Both parties are too fixated on winning battles, and not enough on winning the war.

Republicans need to look back at the past 4 years and realize regardless of what they do anything bad will be blamed on them. It is time to stop worrying about blame and do what is best for the country. You need to stand your ground sure it will be painful now but a little pain compared to what is in store for the near future if the deficit is not fixed. I agree taxes should not go up and you have said as much but the Democrats will not allow them to stay the same and that is just that. We need to stand our ground at the debt ceiling which is the only place where we will have the ability to save this nation. Do not allow that ceiling to go up without huge fixes to spending and the tax code, Also use it to force budget out of the senate. No budget in four years is just ridiculous.

At least if we go over the cliff maybe more people will actually start paying close attention rather than letting the fly by media say whatever they want and take it as fact.
We don't have a choice, Thomas. We have to stop the damn spending spree.

Because Obama doesn't stand behind a thing he says to get elected:

[ame=]Obama PROMISES To Cut Deficit In Half By 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.

Problem is Republicans compromised many times with Democrats for spending cuts in return for raising taxes. But the spending cuts never ever come. The way I see it Democrats owe a hell of a lot of cuts before they get any more new taxes. For far too long Republicans have made deals with Democrats only to have them screwed over by the Democrats. How do you bargain with people that have no morals and take no accountability what so ever?

At some point, hopefully before we're in the ground, someone is going to have to be the first to suck it up and rise above these games. They can then take their case to the public and say "in the best interests of the country, we gave in, THIS TIME." It will then be up to the public to decide whether they want to reward that side for ending this insane game and doing the mature thing.

Both parties are too fixated on winning battles, and not enough on winning the war.


The problem is what the public wants is usually not what is best for the country but rather what is best for them. The public will always be in favor of the government providing more stuff as long as they never have to pay for it. Problem is there is not enough rich people, 2%, to pay for all the stuff for them. But at the end when we run out of money and none of that will matter as there will be nothing we will be able to do but suffer.
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At some point, people lost sight of the fact that standing on your principal and practicing mature compromise are not mutually exclusive. It was at that point people from both ends of the spectrum began acting like petulant children who simply had to have their way or they were going to take their toys and go home, damage be damned.

A mature, reasonable person takes the victories they can get today and then works diligently to gain further victories in the near future. Their self-esteem and their ego are not permanently damaged if they don't get their way. Zero-sum thinking is simplistic, immature and destructive.

Currently, the children are in control.


Nope. The two ends are not equally to blame. They are not equally petulant. There is more of an effort to move forward coming from the Democratic side. Period.

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