Steelers head coach shitting on players FA rights

Yesterday the millionaire victims of the Ravens, and millionaire victims of the Jaguars took a knee for the National Anthem and stood up for God Save the Queen in England.

Someone tell the black millionaires (especially the ones that own V12 Bentleys) that it was actually England that began the slave trade with the black slave owners in Africa...when it began in the Americas.

Oh wait, most of them are the ones who love Che who openly mocked blacks.

Lol, what a joke we are becoming. I am telling you. The media owns our hearts and minds.
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Yesterday the millionaire victims of the Ravens, and millionaire victims of the Jaguars took a knee for the National Anthem and stood up for God Save the Queen in England.

Someone tell the black millionaires (especially the ones that own V12 Bentleys) that it was actually England that began the slave trade with the black slave owners in Africa.

Oh wait, most of them are the ones who love Che who openly mocked blacks.

Lol, what a joke we are becoming. I am telling you. The media owns our hearts and minds.
not mine, sorry bubba, don't be all inclusive there.
The Steelers disrespected the American flag then lost to the scrub team Chicago Bears, karma.
They also disrespected Villanueva, they could have just walked 20 steps and stood with him, instead they hide in the tunnel like a bunch of girls, then they played like they were girls.

So you're saying anyone who doesn't sheep-along with the mob mentality is a "girl".

Bizzaro. :cuckoo:

Good god man, if you only knew what a "girl" actually is.................
it's what he wrote, right?



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

He got a standing 'O' from me.
You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .

1. His teammates don't have that much of a right to be annoyed, as their 'solidarity move' was supposed to be about how their fellow teammates had every right to express themselves in the manner they choice. That's what he did.

2. I really don't think he gave a damn what they thought of him when he did it. I am sure he made it perfectly clear to them that he is their teammate, that he loyal to the team, but this was one thing, one part of who he is, that he would NOT compromise...not even for them.

I applaud him for that.

No one should be bullied or forced by peer-pressure to engage in something they don't believe in.

(BTW, I wouldn't call what the coach said / did 'shitting on him', but I do find it a little hypocritical / inappropriate.)
well I learned yesterday that 70% of the league is black. that is all one needs to know I guess. See no one but them matters in the country today. ask them. Only they have rights. they have the right to play and earn a salary the fans pay them. they have a right to not play, just like we fans have a right to flip them off and not go to games or watch commercials that they show on TV. I'm saddened that I no longer have the sport of football to watch. fk off all you losers.
Mike Tomlin should be fired for his n!ggerdly behavior, abusing his power to coerce the players into speech they may object to, which all good people do object to, and which has no place at his place of work.

You can give blacks jobs through racial discrimination against non-blacks, but you can't make blacks qualified.

Like the total retard you are, you have no idea what niggardly means! What an ass, you racist piece of shit!

I hope you burn in hell!
Rather sad that Alejandro Villanueva was only one on the Steelers that had to balls to stand up to Tomlin's boycott of the anthem.

A head coach has a lot of power to punish players, not to mention the harassment Villanueva will suffer from the racist libtards among his fellow players.
I doubt that Tomlin, no matter how stupid, is stupid enough to do anything to Bronze star winning Villanueva. The disrespect shown to Villanueva should get Tomlin fired, but won't, the Rooneys don't care.
Just to let you know, many veterans don't like the term "winning" a medal.

Learned that the hard way. Years ago I was 15 or so and I met a retired Colonel. I asked him if he had WON a medal in Vietnam. He then informed me that in the future don't ask veterans if they "won" a medal. He let me know it is not a sport and we don't win them. We RECEIVE them.

Just to let you know. Some veterans get touchy about that.

oh hell isn't there anything that someone won't whine about? I see his point but come on.
Tomlin took a swipe with his 100 percent remark. Because that is not what they actually did. It obviously wasn't 100 percent to hide in the tunnel. This is more Tomlin BS, just like how he is suppose to be so smart but his team almost always ill prepared. They are just lucky they have some very good athletes.

I'm sorry, did you SEE and HEAR his full press interview after yesterday's game live? I did. There was no swipe, none implied, none suggested, none inferred. Not even thought so in the 4 hours of analysis by local sports commentators afterwards.
I did listen to the press conference, I guess this will be chalked up to agree to disagree.
I understand his position as coach, and in some respects it's fair to all sides, but really, a man wants to stand for the anthem of his country for which he has risked his life. Coach should have just not responded to any questions or addressed it, because in fact, he knows it's the right thing to do. he should have just said "next question". If he has something to say, address it behind closed doors with his player.

Oh, and good for Villanueva, I would pick up his jersey but I am already a converted Cowboy fan. Looking for a Jerry Jones jersey with wear.

God Bless America! Stand and be proud of your nation!
i don't *think* tomlin is trying to go after the vet. it sounded more like he thought they all agreed they would stay out of it by *not* going out at all. unfortunately, in this "war" - not picking a side only means someone will pick a side for you.

imho, tomlin should have said something to the effect of "as a team i hoped we could come together and make this choice. as a coach and friend, i support his choice to do as he felt was right".



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.
Rather sad that Alejandro Villanueva was only one on the Steelers that had to balls to stand up to Tomlin's boycott of the anthem.

A head coach has a lot of power to punish players, not to mention the harassment Villanueva will suffer from the racist libtards among his fellow players.
I doubt that Tomlin, no matter how stupid, is stupid enough to do anything to Bronze star winning Villanueva. The disrespect shown to Villanueva should get Tomlin fired, but won't, the Rooneys don't care.
Just to let you know, many veterans don't like the term "winning" a medal.

Learned that the hard way. Years ago I was 15 or so and I met a retired Colonel. I asked him if he had WON a medal in Vietnam. He then informed me that in the future don't ask veterans if they "won" a medal. He let me know it is not a sport and we don't win them. We RECEIVE them.

Just to let you know. Some veterans get touchy about that.

oh hell isn't there anything that someone won't whine about? I see his point but come on.
I know, but some veterans get a little touchy. Let me put it this way. If they have actually seen action, nearly all of them are messed up. More to greater degree than others. All of them suffer from guilt...for surviving while friends of theirs didn't. Someone with PTSD can and will be set off by very small things. That terminology is one of them. Just saying it can get a little weird with them. Just so you are aware.
I understand his position as coach, and in some respects it's fair to all sides, but really, a man wants to stand for the anthem of his country for which he has risked his life. Coach should have just not responded to any questions or addressed it, because in fact, he knows it's the right thing to do. he should have just said "next question". If he has something to say, address it behind closed doors with his player.

Oh, and good for Villanueva, I would pick up his jersey but I am already a converted Cowboy fan. Looking for a Jerry Jones jersey with wear.

God Bless America! Stand and be proud of your nation!
i don't *think* tomlin is trying to go after the vet. it sounded more like he thought they all agreed they would stay out of it by *not* going out at all. unfortunately, in this "war" - not picking a side only means someone will pick a side for you.

imho, tomlin should have said something to the effect of "as a team i hoped we could come together and make this choice. as a coach and friend, i support his choice to do as he felt was right".
I don't think the teams nor the coaches should have said a gd damn thing. who are they that they can dictate someone's loyalty? I mean all this shit about what Trump said and all he did was speak his opinion. like he isn't allowed to as the leader of the country that pro players think our country sucks for them and their millions. can't quite grasp that one yet, but it isn't anyone's but an individuals right. not team, not coach not commissioner. see ya



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.
Timmy is also a blatant racist.



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.
Timmy is also a blatant racist.
well I learned yesterday that 70% of the league is black. that is all one needs to know I guess. See no one but them matters in the country today. ask them.
I am not going to go 'there', but I do have a challenge for you guys:

Go to Google' and search for players who REFUSE to take a knee, pictures of players STANDING for the national anthem. Can't be done. Biasedly-rigged google goes on and on and on with anti-Turmp and protest articles, protest articles and photos, but you won't find any on players who chose to stand. The only one I found was buried, and it was about the lone Steeler who chose to stand.

I guess 'disrespect' and 'protest' get the attention and those who actually stand deserve none. sad.


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I don't think the teams nor the coaches should have said a gd damn thing. who are they that they can dictate someone's loyalty?

Exactly. And who is the Pentagon, or its prostitute the NFL, or various posters here, to dictate the same thing.
i don't *think* tomlin is trying to go after the vet. it sounded more like he thought they all agreed they would stay out of it by *not* going out at all. unfortunately, in this "war" - not picking a side only means someone will pick a side for you.

Libtards, Democrats, don't believe in neutrality. Either you join in their agenda or you're against them.

Being fascist scum is pointless if you believe in neutrality.
I don't think the teams nor the coaches should have said a gd damn thing. who are they that they can dictate someone's loyalty?

Exactly. And who is the Pentagon, or its prostitute the NFL, or various posters here, to dictate the same thing.
who on here? I haven't seen one poster say these goofs don't have a right to take a knee. no one. they can do as they please, the consequences will be what they will have to deal with. cause I ain't gotta like it. and no one as I said has a right to force someone like what happened yesterday. sad day in the USA. fk them all
well I learned yesterday that 70% of the league is black. that is all one needs to know I guess. See no one but them matters in the country today. ask them.
I am not going to go 'there', but I do have a challenge for you guys:

Go to Google' and search for players who REFUSE to take a knee, pictures of players STANDING for the national anthem. Can't be done. Biasedly-rigged google goes on and on and on with anti-Turmp and protest articles, protest articles and photos, but you won't find any on players who chose to stand. The only one I found was buried, and it was about the lone Steeler who chose to stand.

I guess 'disrespect' and 'protest' get the attention and those who actually stand deserve none. sad.
Fox sports wanted us all to know. It was actually rather amusing. it was like, hey mr. president, bet you didn't know you're a racist cause 70% of the league is black. now, I won't go any further, but that is in itself about as racist and bigoted as one can be and it was most all on the fox sunday show.

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