Stephanie Grisham Says She Was Part Of Something 'Unusually Evil' Working For Trump

I'm sure you were in Washington on Jan 6th to help the fat former fraud in his "Save the Steal" riot......unless you were too afraid.
Pfft, that guy blows more hot air than a jet engine.

Typical infantile conservative...loves violence, as long as he isn't involved and people he hates get hurt.
That's a lie, or course. What do you suppose the people who change Biden's diapers think of him?
The only people who think highly of Trump are the ones like Roger Stone who Trump pardoned to keep their asses out of prison. The one person who actually spoke truth to power about Trump, aka "Individual One", Michael Cohen went to prison.

Trump right now is named as an unindicted co - conspirator for the crimes that he & Cohen committed.

There's your fucking orange god.

Once again, you have nothing. You never have anything to counter our facts or evidence. When the weak insults don't work, you move on to lame ass memes.

Instead of reading all of this propaganda you keep linking to, why don't you try looking at the government statistics - the ones Trump used to back up his assertions, and see what they really say?

Donald Trump promised to eliminate your trade deficit. He slapped all of those tariff's on foreign goods coming into the USA. But instead of eliminating the trade deficit, Trump increased it by nearly 25% over what it was when he took office. Even worse, your exports were LOWER after 4 years of Trump's trade policies, than they were prior to him taking office.

When Trump was elected, the US had a trade deficit with Canada of $11 billion, and a trade deficit with Mexico, of just over $63 billion, in manufactured goods. Trump renegotiated NAFTA to get a "better deal" for American workers. In 2019, your trade deficits with Canada and Mexico were just under $26 billion and $100 billion respectively.

It's all here in black and white. Why do you refuse to see that everything Trump said he "fixed", he made worse? Everything Trump touches, dies.

Once again, you have nothing. You never have anything to counter our facts or evidence. When the weak insults don't work, you move on to lame ass memes.

Instead of reading all of this propaganda you keep linking to, why don't you try looking at the government statistics - the ones Trump used to back up his assertions, and see what they really say?

Donald Trump promised to eliminate your trade deficit. He slapped all of those tariff's on foreign goods coming into the USA. But instead of eliminating the trade deficit, Trump increased it by nearly 25% over what it was when he took office. Even worse, your exports were LOWER after 4 years of Trump's trade policies, than they were prior to him taking office.

When Trump was elected, the US had a trade deficit with Canada of $11 billion, and a trade deficit with Mexico, of just over $63 billion, in manufactured goods. Trump renegotiated NAFTA to get a "better deal" for American workers. In 2019, your trade deficits with Canada and Mexico were just under $26 billion and $100 billion respectively.

It's all here in black and white. Why do you refuse to see that everything Trump said he "fixed", he made worse? Everything Trump touches, dies.

I don't waste my time debating liars. There's nothing easier than spewing one lie after another. On the other hand, gathering up all the evidence to dispute those lies is a herculean task.
So be exact. Need names.

1). Who did trump actually drain from the swamp?
2). Which swamp characters was trump UNABLE to drain from the swamp?
Because parts of the Deep State are secretive, we don't know all the names.
Seems like, the closer someone worked with Trump, the less they think of him.

His personal lawyer, his comm directors, his chiefs of staff, his sec of state... they use adjectives like "moron" and "evil" and "stupid" and "liar".

Every Republican who isn't worried about his or her own reelection speaks of him the way they speak about criminals and stupid people.
Seems like, the closer someone worked with Trump, the less they think of him.

His personal lawyer, his comm directors, his chiefs of staff, his sec of state... they use adjectives like "moron" and "evil" and "stupid" and "liar".

Every Republican who isn't worried about his or her own reelection speaks of him the way they speak about criminals and stupid people.

What do the people changing his diapers think of Biden?
She is a lying bitch according to some White house staffers who said she never attended the meetings where she "heard" the things that were said.
Nonsense. She was there and was exposed to Trump's bad behavior.

Trump was known to inflate his importance and wealth through a media that loved covering him. When he was denied an NFL franchise, he became an investor in the USFL, which he ruined. He owned several failed casinos, becoming the first person to lose money in that sector. He famously stiffed contractors who worked on his properties, and filed for bankruptcy several times. In the end, only Russian-backed banks would lend to him, which compromised his presidency. As president, he divided the nation, preferring white nationalist ideology over inclusion. He enjoyed a cult following while the nation withered, and his loyalty to America was always in question, since Russia held much of his debt. He was slow to respond to the Covid pandemic, and appeared weak and undecided on the matter. Regarding policy, he sided with anyone who he thought liked him. He was a small man, without virtue or conscience. His lack of understanding of history set the stage for a neo-fascist movement, lauded by white supremacist kids who were easy to manipulate. President Trump is a stain on our democracy, as he presses for an autocracy with him as King.
His trade policy was a disaster and a failure, as our allies began to make trade deals with China, which boosted China's economic influence. Trump's 25% tariffs only hurt us, since we pay them, and the trade deficit increased.
Trump inherited an economy which was on the mend. He slashed 100 regulations regarding the environment, which were put into effect to protect your health, for profit. His tax reduction for the rich only helped the rich become richer. His "locked and loaded" nature has put the world on edge and has cost us the respect that we once had. His deal with the Taliban without including the Afghan government, removing all but 2500 troops, was a recipe for disaster. North Korea "diplomacy" was a failure.
The deficit dramatically increased in spite of his promise to eliminate it. Trump did not resolve the border problem and did create a bubble at the border, and it burst.

All factual

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