Stephanie Grisham Says She Was Part Of Something 'Unusually Evil' Working For Trump

"I think that this will follow me forever," she told New York magazine.

In a chilling new interview former White House communications director and press secretary Stephanie Grisham says she was involved in something “unusually evil” working in Donald Trump’s administration.

I don’t think I can ’rebrand,’” Grisham confessed in an early online version of an article that appears in the Monday issue of New York magazine.

“I think this will follow me forever. I believe that I was part of something unusually evil, and I hope that it was a one-time lesson for our country, and that I can be a part of making sure that at least that evil doesn’t come back now,” she added.

Grisham believes Trump will run again. If he wins, he won’t have to worry about reelection and he “can do whatever he wants,” she said. “That’s scary.”

Check out the full piece in New York mag here.

It also looked unusually evil from the outside - and still does. What do you think?
I think it means Biden and the American Marxists know their time is running out

He left the first time, when he, and millions and millions of Americans felt that the un-elected Corporatocracy, and bureaucracy had rigged the outcome. . .

. . . and so, when the Constitutional proscribed term limit comes, you think he wouldn't then leave?

The man has shown more restraint, and more integrity than the current criminals in office.

I don't understand your thinking.

oh wait, I forgot, you don't do any of your own. . .it's all just TEE VEE propaganda.

It's 1939 all over again I tell ya!!!

Tritler will end all democracy!!!

Save us AOC!!!

Truthfully, I believe she is just selling a book while knowing many will read it and pas her bank account.

Trump is and has always been Trump and anyone that knows the man knows he is Narcissistic asshole but hey seventy plus million people adore that quality in him, so who am I to judge what they consider evil.
Trump did his best to tear down our institutions like the DOJ, the FBI and US intelligence services. He knew more than anyone, remember?

Wrongo. He exposed how corrupt they were. Aren't you the same people who always bitch about how the CIA is always "starting wars" and shit?

You can't have it both ways, depending on which one suits your narrative of the day.
It also looked unusually evil from the outside - and still does. What do you think?
This isn't about "evil". It's not even about Trump. Never has been.

This is about a rage and paranoia that has been bubbling under the surface for decades. This is sociological, anthropological.
It's unusually evil to put America First after decades of allowing your adversaries to gain ground?

I'm not the most dedicated political watcher, but I didn't even know who this woman was before Trump hired her. Just what "rebranding" is she referring to? She is far more well known today than before Trump hired her. In what other capacity would she even be able to author a book and find a publisher?
Re-electing Trump could be the catalyst for a civil war because he won't leave office.
We have no concern for your cities. Stay within your sphere of influence. But you can not. Because you are useless crazy. But in power and control. Take your winnings and build foundation with it. But you can't.
Grisham tries to straddle both sides of the fence
Denouncing Trump while she spent years pandering to Trump and his mail order bride
"I think that this will follow me forever," she told New York magazine.

In a chilling new interview former White House communications director and press secretary Stephanie Grisham says she was involved in something “unusually evil” working in Donald Trump’s administration.

I don’t think I can ’rebrand,’” Grisham confessed in an early online version of an article that appears in the Monday issue of New York magazine.

“I think this will follow me forever. I believe that I was part of something unusually evil, and I hope that it was a one-time lesson for our country, and that I can be a part of making sure that at least that evil doesn’t come back now,” she added.

Grisham believes Trump will run again. If he wins, he won’t have to worry about reelection and he “can do whatever he wants,” she said. “That’s scary.”

Check out the full piece in New York mag here.

It also looked unusually evil from the outside - and still does. What do you think?

WOW, this is your 2nd 'I hate Trump' thread of the evening, & he isn't even President anymore.

Is this part of your '12 Step' Trump OBSESSED - Irrational Trump Haters Anonymous' Recovery process?

That's it...get it all out of your system, snowflake.

"I think that this will follow me forever," she told New York magazine.

In a chilling new interview former White House communications director and press secretary Stephanie Grisham says she was involved in something “unusually evil” working in Donald Trump’s administration.

I don’t think I can ’rebrand,’” Grisham confessed in an early online version of an article that appears in the Monday issue of New York magazine.

“I think this will follow me forever. I believe that I was part of something unusually evil, and I hope that it was a one-time lesson for our country, and that I can be a part of making sure that at least that evil doesn’t come back now,” she added.

Grisham believes Trump will run again. If he wins, he won’t have to worry about reelection and he “can do whatever he wants,” she said. “That’s scary.”

Check out the full piece in New York mag here.

It also looked unusually evil from the outside - and still does. What do you think?
What do I think?

I think you are a TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven snowflake with a very unhealthy obsession with the former Prssidrnt and that the only thing 'evil' she was probably part of was the Democrats' constant undermining, sedition, and treasonous failed Pelosi Impeachnent attempts..

I also think you should get serious professional psychological help to get over your Trump obsession / addiction.
Well for an "evil" guy Trump did great by America and Americans.

Don't know about you but I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon.

I liked jobs all across this country.

I liked UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

I liked a great economy.

You voted for a disaster who will never achieve any of that. Congrats dumbass.
Well for an "evil" guy Trump did great by America and Americans.

Don't know about you but I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon.

I liked jobs all across this country.

I liked UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

I liked a great economy.

You voted for a disaster who will never achieve any of that. Congrats dumbass.
Trump fucked up royally
He had a strong economy and looked like he would win in spite of his obnoxious personality

But his inept leadership during COVID cost him the election.
Then there was Jan 6

Republicans would be advised to get a fresh candidate
Well for someone you say "fucked up royally" he did a good job as POTUS. He was helping Americans. Your boy Bidung is a walking disaster. A disaster YOU voted for. Congrats.

Oh and Bidyung hasn't done any better with the Chinese virus. Congrats again.

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