Stephen Colbert - Public Crybaby

Aaaaaand I nailed it. Same two fallacies trotted out, same two fallacies utterly fail.

"Fish can swim" is not a number. Your incoherent self-delusional ass-ertion is a NUMBER. Numbers are quantifiable. And "quantify" is what you fail to do. Because you can't, because no such number exists. If such a number did exist --- you could show it. And you can't because it doesn't. First Law of Existence.
Numbers are purported to be truth by polls every day. I did my own poll. For 40 years, in 4 states, and 12 counties.

And it's not necessary to any exact number. Just the knowledge that there are MILLIONS of illegal aliens in the USA + the 3 items I posted in Post # 48 is sufficient. That where I nailed it. :biggrin:

Congratulations --- the post above has been selected by The Psychologist's Desk Reference to serve as its example for the term "paranoid self-delusion"
Nope. I have a proctology report. This just in --- "pulling it out of your ass" still does not count as evidence. And is not expected to any time soon.

There's nothing wrong with this point that a huge wad of toilet paper and a commode can't fix.
You got the right answer.

Again >>
I CAN ignore them, because they >>

1. ALLOW the illegal alien vote

2. Don't subtract the illegal alien vote out.

Now you've got the corrected "numbers".
Congratulations --- the post above has been selected by The Psychologist's Desk Reference to serve as its example for the term "paranoid self-delusion"
Gosh! It didn't fit into the liberal think tanks, liberal media, liberal universities, liberal professors scenario, now did it ?

Got it. You pull your information out of your ass.
If I had, even that might be better than your liberal think tanks, liberal media, liberal universities, etc :biggrin:

And you didn't answer my question. Can your liberal think tanks, liberal media, liberal universities, etc prove that fish can swim ?
I can't hear you.

View attachment 120187

Well, yes. They can prove fish can swim. It's a reproducible phenomenon, just like birds flying. I'm not sure how you could not be aware of that.
well sorry liberal loons I'm in the public library and now am out of time. Gotta go now, This completes you instruction fo rthe day. You're
Aaaaaand I nailed it. Same two fallacies trotted out, same two fallacies utterly fail.

"Fish can swim" is not a number. Your incoherent self-delusional ass-ertion is a NUMBER. Numbers are quantifiable. And "quantify" is what you fail to do. Because you can't, because no such number exists. If such a number did exist --- you could show it. And you can't because it doesn't. First Law of Existence.
Numbers are purported to be truth by polls every day. I did my own poll. For 40 years, in 4 states, and 12 counties.

And it's not necessary to any exact number. Just the knowledge that there are MILLIONS of illegal aliens in the USA + the 3 items I posted in Post # 48 is sufficient. That where I nailed it. :biggrin:

Got it. You pulled it out of your ass.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?

Nope...not how it works at all.

20 Years ago......

Obama's first election.........


The last election...... SEEING A PATTERN YET????????

Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?

Nope...not how it works at all.

20 Years ago......

Obama's first election.........


The last election...... SEEING A PATTERN YET????????


That's exactly how it works. You can't just wish the parts you don't like into the corn field.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?

Nope...not how it works at all.

20 Years ago......

Obama's first election.........


The last election...... SEEING A PATTERN YET????????


That's exactly how it works. You can't just wish the parts you don't like into the corn field. are ignoring that Democrat voting is disappearing all across America. You have lost mainstream America with the party going far left. And that is why Hillary didn't mop the floor with Trump as she absolutely should easily have done.
Most people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary had 3 million more votes than him. Remember?

And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?

Nope...not how it works at all.

20 Years ago......

Obama's first election.........


The last election...... SEEING A PATTERN YET????????


That's exactly how it works. You can't just wish the parts you don't like into the corn field. are ignoring that Democrat voting is disappearing all across America. You have lost mainstream America with the party going far left. And that is why Hillary didn't mop the floor with Trump as she absolutely should easily have done.

3 million more votes sounds like mopping to me.
And, again, liberals miss the glaring 20 ft. tall fluorescent neon sigh from that very fact....if you remove liberal la-la land coastal cities from the equation....she got way-way-way less.

If you remove a couple of New England's touchdowns, the Falcons won the Super Bowl. If you remove some of the calories, a Big Mac is less fattening that a couple of carrot sticks. Beginning to understand how that works yet?

Nope...not how it works at all.

20 Years ago......

Obama's first election.........


The last election...... SEEING A PATTERN YET????????


That's exactly how it works. You can't just wish the parts you don't like into the corn field. are ignoring that Democrat voting is disappearing all across America. You have lost mainstream America with the party going far left. And that is why Hillary didn't mop the floor with Trump as she absolutely should easily have done.

3 million more votes sounds like mopping to me.

Keep thinking that, just make sure all of your liberal friends also think the same.
If I was a liberal, and saw these three maps...and understanding the basic matrix of electoral voting works...I would be quite nervous. Your base is evaporating all over the U.S.
A national election cannot be won by carrying only the heavily populated coastal cities. It can be 5 million more - and still lose badly. You have to count the entirety of the WHOLE COUNTRY...and the blue mass is shrinking every single election.
She got millions of illegal votes from illegal aliens. Anybody who denies this is a liar or the dumbest blockhead in America.

She did not you idiot.

Of course she did. And so did Obama, Kerry, Nader, Bill Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, McGovern - all of whom I voted for, when I was a stupid liberal. But unlike you, at least I'm strong enough to admit it.

Oh, you're one of those. I shouldn't have bothered engaging. My bad...

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