Stephen hawking is right!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
i think if the economy was like a machine that distributes goods to the people then it would seem that that machine is broken because what would explain why some people get so much and others so little? In an economy that is managed it would just seem that all wealth is distributed evenly. That makes sense because why would anyone think someone should have more than they do. In a free market that machine doesn't exist simply by definition but in a managed economy that machine should create economic equality for all so why doesn't it? The same forces of greed that causes so much wealth inequality in a capitalist system would also appear in a socialist system but it would be much worse. Government agencies would give more to themselves and their friends than to others. They would also ensure their enemies would be punished. All of this happened in communist Russia.

In the hybrid, corporatism, governments would create de facto monopolies for themselves and their friends just like they did in communist Russia.

I think people make some pretty honest arguments against the free market system but the same thing would happen in any other economic system. Communist Russia had rich and poor just like the capitalist system does so I don't see how socialism ever addressed those issues at all and quite frankly I don't think the communist ever cared because once you have direct control over a nations wealth why wouldn't you divert that to yourself? Proof: the people who got rich in the communist revolution were the communist themselves.
Hawkins should stick to what he knows and its not macroeconomics, he's as wrong as Krugman
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.
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Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.

Thank god liberals let "smarter" people think for them that way it saves them the time and effort of having to think at all.
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.

Thank god liberals let "smarter" people think for them that way it saves them the time and effort of having to think at all.

Its always 'all or nothing' 'us vs them' in your mind eh.

You listen to smarter people all the time. I'm guessing you, like everyone else, don't tell your doctor he doesn't know jackshit. I'd also guess your doctor has opinions about just about everything as all people do and his education allows for a more informed opinion on just about everything. Not always, but in general.

But con-media likes to couch anyone smarter as 'elite'. This is a propaganda tool meant to discredit intelligence greater than yours so you can look at a Stephen Hawking and say he doesn't know anything except physics.

That isn't how life works.
First of, there has never been such a thing as "Communist Russia".
Second, you need to understand what drives capitalism. Ambition and responsibility. If a person doesn't have that, they wont succeed.
"In an economy that is managed it would just seem that all wealth is distributed evenly."

In SOCIALISM wealth (or lack thereof) is evenly distributed to those NOT in the self-appointed ruling class. 'Wealth' is not being 'evenly distributed' today because there are millions of people content to sit on their asses and live off of the hard-working middle class tax payer-funded 'freebies' Liberals are doling out in exchange for votes. It is an 'economic slavery' system created by LBJ designed to prevent blacks / minorities from realizing their true potential, to keep minorities poor, dependent, and reliant on those who ensure the 'freebies' keep coming.

After Civil Rights passed Democrats were scared shi'iteless of the potential for blacks to rise in power. LBJ is quoted as saying, "These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - the power behind their movement. We have to give them something but not enough to make a difference....I will have these 'ni@@ers' voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years.'
-- At the LBJ Library dedication Barak Obama declared LBJ to be one of the best friends blacks have ever had.

In the last 50+ years, since Civil Rights passed, LBJ's plan was put into action, and blacks 'pledged' their loyalty to the Democratic Party, the status of blacks in this country have not improved much at all. They have been taught they are 'victims', that their country OWES them, and that the best they can hope for in life is to stay poor, poorly educated, and dependent on Democrats for the 'hand-outs' that do nothing to make them more successful and independent. Those who do 'escape' the DNC's/LBJ's indoctrination, who instead become successful and independent, and who speak out are labeled as 'Uncle Toms' or 'Tokens' because they have escaped the DNC 'economic plantation'.

Liberals are self-appointed would-be Socialist rulers who take from the middle class for their own personal benefit. This was demonstrated through the failed Obama Stimulus bill, a nearly $1 trillion dollar bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY self/party-serving pork. One of many self-serving examples of how Democrats helped themselves to YOUR money for THEIR benefit was (D-Ca) Senator Barbara Boxer who gave herself, from the hard-working middle class tax funds that paid for this PO$, a huge 'loan' (which has reportedly NOT been paid back to the people) to bail HER HUSBAND'S BUSINESS out of bankruptcy. I wonder how many other small / personal businesses were in bankruptcy when the Stimulus passed that never received tax dollars to bail THEM out?!

Liberal spending such as this under Obama (and DNC-control of congress / federal government spending beginning in the last 2 years of the Bush administration) resulted in the addition of nearly $7 TRILLIION in new debt in ONLY 4 years... proving the old saying: "Socialism works GREAT...until the Socialists run out of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!"
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.
You mean Al.......the guy who didn't know how to operate a comb ?
He stole all his "inventions" whilst working at a patent office.
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.

Intelligence does not equate correctness. The greatest minds can also be wrong. Don't believe me? You're using a computer, right? That means Einstein was wrong.
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.

Anyone who thinks life all came to be without an intelligent designer (read: God) --- anyone who does not understand the value of a soul over a temporal existence --- anyone who thinks it so important to tell the world how we should greet aliens from outer space if and when they arrive --- they are really not all that "smart" (read: wise)
Another thread where people in their underwear get to say they are smarter than our era's Einstein, Stephen Hawking.

Bugwits unite.

Anyone who thinks life all came to be without an intelligent designer (read: God) --- anyone who does not understand the value of a soul over a temporal existence --- anyone who thinks it so important to tell the world how we should greet aliens from outer space if and when they arrive --- they are really not all that "smart" (read: wise)

Not if you run on emotion rather than reason.

I mean stop, you are some people on a message board trying to portray Stephen Hawking as not that bright.

WTF comes to mind.
Not if you run on emotion rather than reason.

I mean stop, you are some people on a message board trying to portray Stephen Hawking as not that bright.

WTF comes to mind.

Are you incapable of distinguishing the difference between intelligent and wise? There are “bright” people (scientists) who believe there is no God and/or no sign of the supernatural. There are equally “bright” people (scientists) who are convinced by empirical evidence that there has to be a God and many signs are only explained by supernatural, not natural.

So which of those groups are not “bright?”

I said Stephen Hawking was not wise. He is blinded by his passion for seeking to know everything about the natural world he can possibly discern. Because he has discovered so much that was never known before he (and his ilk) place themselves on the top of some phony pinnacle where they believe science is the greatest source for answers and can ultimately answer all unanswerable questions. It is pure chutzpah.

God has performed many (inexplicable in the natural) signs and wonders to bolster the faith of the believer and challenge the doubter. The refutations of the skeptic are so flimsy or desperate, we cannot most often take you seriously. Then the skeptic forgets all about it and moves on to the next challenge as though that has all been dealt with.

Hawking has no answer for how that image was formed on the Shroud, nor can he explain how a wooden statue of Mary in Akita, Japan can weep tears of blood 101 times. Except to say maybe everybody is lying. : 0 That is not “bright.”

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