Steve Bannon subpoenas Nancy Pelosi and every member of the House J6 committee in his contempt of Congress case

I know you no nothing about cellular service. That's why you laugh. Used in courts all the time. Tower data. See you asked for evidence, then ignore when evidence is presented. you can't argue the data because you know you can't. So you use meme's. I get it.

What the fuck are you loons waiting for? Why aren't rightwing nutters lawyers lining up to get this in the court room?
Pelosi is not a witness. You can't use the court system to punish the people you don't like. Defendants cannot issue a subpoena. Only the court can do that so the Defendant would have to prove to the court that the witness is material to their case.
Sure she is. She helped put together and authorized the "Committee"

haha that's what Bannon is saying your dembots are doing...and it's certainly what the left has done with Trump, and others.

In our justice system, the defendant has the right to call witnesses.....the Court orders them to come, if the witness doesn't want to be subpenoned it's on them to file a motion to quash it. The Court will not inquire until that motion is made.
Those who defend all things Trump (and Bannon by extension) don't seem to realize Stevo is an anarchist.
If he is he still not far enough politically to offset the Progressive Socialists in power.
Perjured? When was Garland under oath?
I thought he made those statements under oath, either way that statement showed intent to manipulate elections and his abuse of position, he did lie under oath in front of congress when he said he would not use his appointment by the president to obstruct Hunter or other Biden member's investigations.
Pelosi is not a witness. You can't use the court system to punish the people you don't like. Defendants cannot issue a subpoena. Only the court can do that so the Defendant would have to prove to the court that the witness is material to their case.
Pelosi is not a witness.

Nazi Pelousy should be the first witness, but she stacked the deck in this farce. And you still have no clue how our system works, Dumbass.

Go clean up your shithole KKKanada where they lock people up and seize their property for disagreeing with your tyrannical government.
And you still have no clue how our system works, Dumbass.
So in the House, the minority party can just stomp it's feet and refuse to participate in a special oversight committee, and that magically makes the oversight investigation and their subpoena's illegitimate? We know they can in the Senate but I'm not sure that applies to the House.
So in the House, the minority party can just stomp it's feet and refuse to participate in a special oversight committee, and that magically makes the oversight investigation and their subpoena's illegitimate? We know they can in the Senate but I'm not sure that applies to the House.
The committee is a joke and its soul purpose is to keep Trump from taking back the WH. It will backfire like everything else they have tried for the last six years.

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