Steven Bannon indicted for Fraud


Right. Only criminals and frauds on the left should be targeted.
Or fucking arrested! AL Sharpton has been taking millions of dollars from his foundation every month and sticking it in his bank account never been arrested the squad members have been taking money from the campaign sending it to their boyfriends business taking money out of it not arrested
Fair points
It misses the mark, ultimately. Kolfage’s biggest problem is that he publicly and proudly advertised he would get no money from the fund and that everything would be going towards the wall. Therefore, taking money demonstrates that he was defrauding his donors. Moving the money in secret via shell companies demonstrates intent to defraud. Had it not been for that, he probably wouldn’t be in trouble.

Now, if you can find similar circumstances for Al Sharpton, you may have a point but that is essential.

As for “the squad” sending money to their boyfriends, I assume they’re referring to Ilhan Omar employing her then boyfriend now husband with campaign money. Problem is that her husband has a firm that does this work and it’s not illegal to pay people, even your family members, for doing actual work for a campaign. Sometimes, it’s even necessary because not charging for something or value could be a campaign contribution.
This is what America will look like if you vote democrat,, arrest ppl you disagree with and do the same shit
Wow the entire construct is falling like dominoes... so much for alt-right supremacists.

If the US survives Trump and the pandemic, there's a lot of reflection and self-assessment to be done.

The only way to avoid another 'Al Capone as president and minions' in the future is an access to tax returns. But then again... the dark web and dark economy awaits...
i saw Bannon give a speech once. the audience was forgettable. Bannon was unforgettable

brimming with vigor in a military field jacket, he made an impassioned speech about how Trump should win in 2016, and that he has "a special place in the vanguard of a new populist conservatism"
It seems funny that almost every indictment against conservatives originate in this NY court or the 9th circuit.
Because that is where they go to commit their fraud.
Rule: news about arrests will be allowed in the Politics forum only when a Democrat is the subject:
...AND in breaking news surprisingly Trump says he doesn't know anything and has had NOTHING to do with Bannon in a long time! This despite praising what Bannon has been doing outside of his campaign to help his re-election push just weeks ago.

Jesus, when will his supporters learn?
Rule: news about arrests will be allowed in the Politics forum only when a Democrat is the subject:

I was wondering why this wasn't in the Politics forum lol.
There's a bunch of dead threads sticking out like sore thumbs started and closed. Must be a real busy day for the moderators ;)
...AND in breaking news surprisingly Trump says he doesn't know anything and has had NOTHING to do with Bannon in a long time! This despite praising what Bannon has been doing outside of his campaign to help his re-election push just weeks ago.

Jesus, when will his supporters learn?
When will you understand why we put him in the White House
i saw Bannon give a speech once. the audience was forgettable. Bannon was unforgettable

brimming with vigor in a military field jacket, he made an impassioned speech about how Trump should win in 2016, and that he has "a special place in the vanguard of a new populist conservatism"

Guilty until proven innocent. Wait...what?

Well you're right but using non profits to funnel monies to shell companies and submit fake invoices to pay yourself sort of says it all.
Maybe in your world, but, what role did Bannon play that was illegal? Or, was he part of this in name only? You just don't know, and either do I.
He funneled money to himself and the other 3 guys, while lying to donors that all the contributions would go to building the wall.

The Indictment charges are public, you can Google and find them if you want to learn more about the accusation charges!
At least you got your side of the story. I'll wait for the other side of the story before I formulate an opinion.
It's just what I do.
I do that as well...get both sides....

But in this particular case, it's pretty lock solid, open shut case, with a direct paper trail.

The fund raising site directly stated these founders would not receive a dime, the postal inspector and SDNY followed the money, right in to the 4 founder's bank accounts.
...AND in breaking news surprisingly Trump says he doesn't know anything and has had NOTHING to do with Bannon in a long time! This despite praising what Bannon has been doing outside of his campaign to help his re-election push just weeks ago.

Jesus, when will his supporters learn?
When will you understand why we put him in the White House

I do understand. You like someone that trolls people, you wanted someone that would try to reverse anything Obama did in his 8 years, and you are so partisan you would have voted for a dog with an face painted on its ass that was trained to walk backwards.
So Bannon was caught committing fraud by conning people out of their money, collecting money for one thing an then using it for something else, himself. He committed a crime, and now he is going to pay for it.

Wouldn't it be great if that was the case for EVERY person, no matter who they were?

I seem to recall, for example, the DNC was caught moving donations for other candidates in other races into Hillary's campaign funds and other 'campaign finance violations back in 2016...with no one ever being held accountable.

Look, I don't mean to pick on Hillary or distract from the fact that Bannon turned out to be a self-serving criminal, just pointing out that for every 1 person like Bannon caught there is a dozen who get away with it. There is a reason why elected politicians on both sides walk away from the job as 'public servants' being Millionaires and many others associated with / connected to politics - like Bannon - also milking / fleecing the American people.

When I heard about Bannon's little project / personal org raising money for the wall I all but knew it was a scam. The federal govt is responsible for the security and protection of the United States. I already donated to the funding of the wall - it's called 'MY TAXES'. If someone comes up to you and asks you to contribute money to pay for something you have already paid for, just say, 'No Thanks!'

As P T Barnum said, though, 'There is a sucker born every minute'.

Fortunately there is a justice system that occasionally nabs the con men and a prison cell in which to hold them.

'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold for a reason - she is supposed to be impartial in dispatching Justice. Nab 'em all, no matter who they are or 'whose side' they are on, and send them to jail.

So Bannon was caught committing fraud by conning people out of their money, collecting money for one thing an then using it for something else, himself. He committed a crime, and now he is going to pay for it.

Wouldn't it be great if that was the case for EVERY person, no matter who they were?

I seem to recall, for example, the DNC was caught moving donations for other candidates in other races into Hillary's campaign funds and other 'campaign finance violations back in 2016...with no one ever being held accountable.

Look, I don't mean to pick on Hillary or distract from the fact that Bannon turned out to be a self-serving criminal, just pointing out that for every 1 person like Bannon caught there is a dozen who get away with it. There is a reason why elected politicians on both sides walk away from the job as 'public servants' being Millionaires and many others associated with / connected to politics - like Bannon - also milking / fleecing the American people.

When I heard about Bannon's little project / personal org raising money for the wall I all but knew it was a scam. The federal govt is responsible for the security and protection of the United States. I already donated to the funding of the wall - it's called 'MY TAXES'. If someone comes up to you and asks you to contribute money to pay for something you have already paid for, just say, 'No Thanks!'

As P T Barnum said, though, 'There is a sucker born every minute'.

Fortunately there is a justice system that occasionally nabs the con men and a prison cell in which to hold them.

'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold for a reason - she is supposed to be impartial in dispatching Justice. Nab 'em all, no matter who they are or 'whose side' they are on, and send them to jail.

Ok? So the President was caught using Trump Foundation money to pay for things like a huge painting of himself, legal fees, and a Tim Tebow helmet. So you are agreeing he should be charged and arrested for it?
Ok? So the President was caught using Trump Foundation money to pay for things like a huge painting of himself, legal fees, and a Tim Tebow helmet. So you are agreeing he should be charged and arrested for it?

No more so / Justas much as the Clintons should be charged for their abuse of the Clinton Foundation, which was nothing more than an 'Influence Peddling Slush Fund'. After losing in 2016 and no more 'Influence' to peddle, the 'donations' dried up, workers were laid off, and what has become of the 'Foundation' now?

Don't give me 'emotion', give me the evidence of a crime, something Democrats and snowflakes have failed to deliver for the last 4 years against President Trump.

As I said, I am for indicting, convicting, and jailing all the con-men/women ... except if we did that DC would be deserted.


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