Stevie Nicks Thinks She Will Move To Space If Trump Wins

Okay so I think this is actually a GREAT idea, you know I was reading the other day that NASA or whatever had discovered about another 50 situations in Outer Space that COULD hold some type of Non-Earthling Life, as all these Trump Derangement Syndrome maniacs are now so deranged that they could be declared Not Of This Planet then I think if Trump does win and with ALL those new 50 situations in Outer Space that POSSIBLY HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of these Moonbats across The Western World could ALL be shot up into Outer Space and left there.

So here's Stevie Nicks illustrating actually WHY the Mentally Ill should NOT be allowed to vote and should either be shot up into Outer Space and/or put out of a chopper sans parachute.

Stevie Nicks is also a WALKING ILLUSTRATION of what happens when a WOMAN does NOT give birth to children as we are INTENDED to do, but instead sleeps around and has ABORTIONS instead, they go literally deranged, throw in probable Brain Fried Syndrome from dropping too much Acid and you have someone who NORMAL peoples should think "Who gives a FUCK what that deranged Moonbat Stevie Nicks thinks!"






^^^^ If Stevie Nicks had NOT have aborted her OWN children, then at the age of 72 she would be distracted now by enjoying her Grandchildren instead of worrying about feral mobs of Black Marxists and Trannies and general Freaks of Nature. Stevie Nicks is a woman with ALL her priorities WRONG.


Meghan Markle, when safely ensconced in Canada, vowed never to return to the USA while Trump Was in the White House.

Famous last words. The rest is history......

Why not just move to another country on planet Earth?

God bless you and her always!!!

She said "we're not welcome" anywhere.I tend to agree

I'd be happy to strap her ass to a rocket and light the fuse.

She can long as you follow (she is not the voice the hit....Christie McVeigh is three times the voice Stevie Shithead is..

Then well light the next rocked and watch that ugly bitch Chelsey Handler leave for orbit too.
I like her music. Don't care about her opinions on ANYTHING else.
I mean, do you ask your dentist for auto repair advice?

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