Stick a Fork in Liz Cheney—She's Done

And he joined the ranks of the rhino's... Hope he feels like he's in good company, because if I were him I would have recused myself from the position of speaker or residing officer over the certification process.
I feel sorry for Pence

He tried to have it both ways and now he’s an outcast getting it from both sides
Actually, not in this instance. She is one of the rare few speaking out in opposition to the Big Lie.

One of the rare few? I thought the entire rational for the Big Steal is that it must be a lie since so many republicans are going along with it?! :21:
any congressional Republican who honors their sworn oath of office.

If any democrats were honoring their oath,
  1. There never would have been a stolen election
  2. There'd be no J6
  3. Afghan would have been a piece of cake.
  4. The Taliban would be out 28 billion in weapons.
  5. The nation would have trillions more.
  6. There'd be no war with Russia
  7. Gas would still be $2.50
  8. Shelves would be stocked
  9. The border would be protected
  10. Crime would be low.
Pence couldn't delay the certification while result's were under review ?
Absolutely not. Pence’s role was to open envelopes in Alphabetical Order. The coup attempt was to not count the votes from Georgia Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin and Nevada Arizona and New Mexico because he had two sets of supposedly certified electors in front of him. The Trump certifications were a fraud. They were fake and not certified. By not counting those states it changed the electoral college votes needed to win. By Eliminating seven states that Biden won Trump won more electoral votes than Biden did so Pence was supposed to declare Trump the winner. That of course was not going to fly but the plan was deeper than that. Trump knew this would throw the whole election process into chaos and at that point chaos would have driven the deciding vote as defined in the constitution to go to the house of representatives. The house had a majority at the time and they could choose Trump to be the winner. The net result of that is that the entire 2020 election is thrown out. Nobody’s vote nobody vote counted. Not yours not mine, nobody’s. That’s what Trump wanted to do to us.
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To be a Republican in the Trump era and even beyond the sheep still can't make a decision.
Must be why 99% of all democrats walk and talk in lock step.

she's more intelligent than Dumb Donald and Dumb Kevin. She learns quickly and learns from experience. Dumb Donald and Dumb Kevin bumble their way and can't seem to see the light.
Must be why the democrats have failed at 100% of everything they've tried and are about to get the ass-pounding of the century. :auiqs.jpg:
Hey lantern2814 do you think the new ABC/Ipsos poll showing that 58 percent of Americans support charges against Trump after seeing just two hearings from the committee is funny?

The next hearing features the Republican election officials from Georgia and the phone call from Trump Trying to get Rothlisberger to “find “12,000” votes - Just pulling out of his ass so to speak.That’s very much illegal.

If Trump decides to move to Russia do we taxpayers have to pay the Secret Service to protect him while he’s living over there? Things we have to think about right?
Absolutely not. Pence’s role was to open envelopes in Alphabetical Order. The coup attempt was to not count the votes from Georgia Pennsylvania Michigan Wisconsin and Nevada Arizona and New Mexico because he had two sets of supposedly certified electors in front of him. The Trump certifications were a fraud. They were fake and not certified. By not counting those states it changed the electoral college votes needed to win. By Eliminating seven states that Biden won Trump won more electoral votes than Biden did so Pence was supposed to declare Trump the winner. That of course was not going to fly but the plan was deeper than that. Trump knew this would throw the whole election process into chaos and at that point chaos would have driven the deciding vote as defined in the constitution to go to the house of representatives. The house had a majority at the time and they could choose Trump to be the winner. The net result of that is that the entire 2020 election is thrown out. Nobody’s vote nobody vote counted. Not yours not mine, nobody’s. That’s what Trump wanted to do to us.
Isn't this exactly why the certification should have been delayed ? Otherwise how could all this had been in play regardless of what was going on in either direction, and the certification go on anyways ?? Seems this is a flaw found in our system, and it did exactly what no American with any sense about themselves would have wanted, and that was to get the knuckleheads in charge of this country like we are dealing with and suffering with now.

A serious review of election integrity best be front and center in every state if we are going to survive as a legitimate nation.
And he joined the ranks of the rhino's... Hope he feels like he's in good company, because if I were him I would have recused myself from the position of speaker or residing officer over the certification process
Somebody had to preside over it. Who do you think it should’ve been?. Donald Trump Junior Because he began thinking about the coup attempt as executed on November 5 With Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows.
Seems this is a flaw found in our system,
It’s worked for 240 years because we have never had the biggest liar on earth become president.

I’ll ask again. Do you think a person on the losing ticket, the vice president can unilaterally decide on January 6 that special day that he and he alone can overturn the election that they lost? Give me an honest answer to that. And you think it’s a flaw because he couldn’t do that?
A serious review of election integrity best be front and center in every state if we are going to survive as a legitimate nation.

No you people need to denounce Trump for being a sore fucking loser who took 250 million from you marks to investigate this alleged fraud but he hasn’t spent a nickel on it as far as I know.

The election was legitimate. And apparently most people in Georgia believe it is so. The reelected Rathlesburger and the orange lying buffoon to shame. You need to give your lying buffoon up. He is ripping you people off.
Hey lantern2814 do you think the new ABC/Ipsos poll showing that 58 percent of Americans support charges against Trump after seeing just two hearings from the committee is funny?

The next hearing features the Republican election officials from Georgia and the phone call from Trump Trying to get Rothlisberger to “find “12,000” votes - Just pulling out of his ass so to speak.That’s very much illegal.

If Trump decides to move to Russia do we taxpayers have to pay the Secret Service to protect him while he’s living over there? Things we have to think about right?
No matter what you think or say, just know that you are celebrating the party that's either killing babies or abusing babies. And you are also celebrating the destruction of law and order, a bad economy, a border out of control, and a party that's attempting to be an authoritarian socialist regime that is hell bent on destroying the old and building a new against the speed recommended.

It's going to be Hell for all those who supported the party of evil when it comes to judgement day, so enjoy your bull crap while it last, because you will find that it will be short lived.

Yeah Trump had his former sins like everybody to deal with and repent of, but he did no harm as our President.

What we have now is going to make America regret the day they ever thought that Trump was their worst fears in life, well unless you are a demon, then you might keep with the thinking that Trump was the worst.
It’s worked for 240 years because we have never had the biggest liar on earth become president.

I’ll ask again. Do you think a person on the losing ticket, the vice president can unilaterally decide on January 6 that special day that he and he alone can overturn the election that they lost? Give me an honest answer to that. And you think it’s a flaw because he couldn’t do that?
Don't get into your twisting mode Lefty, because now you are attempting a set up even though you know I'm learning just like anyone else about such things. Not sure what authority Pence had, so I answered but you don't want that to be an answer, because you just like the committee want to set someone up or put word's into someone's mouth.
Isn't this exactly why the certification should have been delayed ?
NO. if the loser can delay the certification and the inauguration we don’t have a democracy anymore.

And to this day Trump has provided no evidence that the Democrats in any state or Joe Biden on a national level committed one iota of election fraud. There’s nothing there. It’s a lie. IF a billionaire goon with authoritarian desires can lie his way to delaying an election that he lost so there won’t be the constitutional transfer of power, American democracy is dead. It’s over. The best thing you can do for our country is to quit spreading trumps lies. You can start right now If you care.
Don't get into your twisting mode Lefty

I appreciate that you seem to be curious enough to learn the truth about Jan6.

I was aware of “safe harbor” on Jan6 when I closely listened to Trump’s speech. it was shocking to hear Trump’s words about him “winning” if PENCE did the right thing that afternoon,

This question is not twisting anybody’s words.

I’ll ask again. Do you think a person on the losing ticket, the vice president can unilaterally decide on January 6 that special day that he and he alone can overturn the election that they lost just because the loser one term President wants him to?

This is not conjecture on my part. Trump said it to his gathered mob on January 6.

DJTtweet8:17* January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!" 21JAN06-DJTtweet8:17​
“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05​
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to​
Trump to this day has not caught anybody in a lie.

SO if you really want to learn a lot about the certification process in safe Harbor back to my March 2021 thread by googling “five lies” it’s all been there for a year
NO. if the loser can delay the certification and the inauguration we don’t have a democracy anymore.

And to this day Trump has provided no evidence that the Democrats in any state or Joe Biden on a national level committed one iota of election fraud. There’s nothing there. It’s a lie. IF a billionaire goon with authoritarian desires can lie his way to delaying an election that he lost so there won’t be the constitutional transfer of power, American democracy is dead. It’s over. The best thing you can do for our country is to quit spreading trumps lies. You can start right now If you care.
Dominion took the machines away before anyone could examine them.

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