Still have no proof of Russians "altering" election results?

She won the Popular Vote, so if Russia tried to affect the outcome of the Election they did a Piss Poor Job of It.

Please explain your logic and then secondly offer proof to back up your weak assumptions and anemic allegations.

You completely ignore that Clinton stole debate questions, rigged the DNC primary, and paid for violent protestors to riot in the streets and disrupt political rallies.

There is PROOF of all of that, but none for your allegations.

So please provide it.
So if there's plenty of evidence but no 'proof',

isn't that the precise definition of sufficient probable cause to proceed with an independent investigation?

there was enough evidence to warrant probable cause and investigate Clinton multiple times, then repeat the investigations after nothing illegal was found.

but in the name of RW partisan horseshit there isn't enough evidence to investigate Russia/Trump simply because there's too much evidence for an independent investigation.
Do you know there is no proof of man made global warming?


There will never be any proof posted because it didn't happen. Pretty sad to see lemmings still running with that deflated ball.
there was enough evidence to warrant probable cause and investigate Clinton multiple times, then repeat the investigations after nothing illegal was found.

but in the name of RW partisan horseshit there isn't enough evidence to investigate Russia/Trump simply because there's too much evidence for an independent investigation.

Imagine for a moment John Mitchell came out and proclaimed that "Nixon dindu nuffin" and declared the Watergate investigation closed.

Yes, the Obama regime really was that corrupt.
She won the Popular Vote, so if Russia tried to affect the outcome of the Election they did a Piss Poor Job of It.

Please explain your logic and then secondly offer proof to back up your weak assumptions and anemic allegations.

You completely ignore that Clinton stole debate questions, rigged the DNC primary, and paid for violent protestors to riot in the streets and disrupt political rallies.

There is PROOF of all of that, but none for your allegations.

So please provide it.

What this guy said.... they yammer on and on about HRC getting more votes then bitch that the Russians made her lose. Essentially admitting she lost while simultaneously arguing she won.
Obama could have investigated them but he didn't because he knew the whole thing was a ruse that he was a party to!

It was Fake News manufactured to deflect from the Unethical Behavior of The DNC who rigged their own primary.

Democrats defected in droves to vote for Trump and against a party that no longer represents American values.

Instead of The DNC coming out and apologizing to The American People and stringing up all of its corrupt members for trying to affect the outcome of a Demcratic Election and showing a little honor and accountability, they doubled down on stupid and invented a cover story just like Hillary Clinton did for Benghazi.

Typical and not surprising at all.

The Leopard Never Changes Her Spots.

So if there's plenty of evidence but no 'proof',

isn't that the precise definition of sufficient probable cause to proceed with an independent investigation?

there was enough evidence to warrant probable cause and investigate Clinton multiple times, then repeat the investigations after nothing illegal was found.

but in the name of RW partisan horseshit there isn't enough evidence to investigate Russia/Trump simply because there's too much evidence for an independent investigation.
'Still have no proof of Russians "altering" election results?'

There is none.
At worst they by-passed piss-poor DNC computer security and stole e-mails
Those e-mails revealed Democrats
- Rigged their Primary
- Engaged in voter fraud during their Primary
- Fed Debate Questions in advance
- That Hillary would have lost the Primaries to Bernie if she had not gotten help
- Are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites

None of this was anything people did not already know.

All of the sudden now, illegal hacking is 'bypassing' a computer's security. lol, this gets better every minute.

and btw, can you imagine ANY RWnut on this board holding a consistent view of this affair if the Russians had hacked Trump and the RNC on behalf of Hillary?

How did the Russians hack the election?

Oh for fuck's sake.

Care to answer the question? Did they hack voting machines? I'm just trying to understand...

Why are you pretending you don't know what was done? Do you think that's cute or something?
She won the Popular Vote, so if Russia tried to affect the outcome of the Election they did a Piss Poor Job of It.

Please explain your logic and then secondly offer proof to back up your weak assumptions and anemic allegations.

You completely ignore that Clinton stole debate questions, rigged the DNC primary, and paid for violent protestors to riot in the streets and disrupt political rallies.

There is PROOF of all of that, but none for your allegations.

So please provide it.

What this guy said.... they yammer on and on about HRC getting more votes then bitch that the Russians made her lose. Essentially admitting she lost while simultaneously arguing she won.

Murder vs. attempted murder.
'Still have no proof of Russians "altering" election results?'

There is none.
At worst they by-passed piss-poor DNC computer security and stole e-mails
Those e-mails revealed Democrats
- Rigged their Primary
- Engaged in voter fraud during their Primary
- Fed Debate Questions in advance
- That Hillary would have lost the Primaries to Bernie if she had not gotten help
- Are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites

None of this was anything people did not already know.

All of the sudden now, illegal hacking is 'bypassing' a computer's security. lol, this gets better every minute.

and btw, can you imagine ANY RWnut on this board holding a consistent view of this affair if the Russians had hacked Trump and the RNC on behalf of Hillary?

How did the Russians hack the election?

Oh for fuck's sake.

Care to answer the question? Did they hack voting machines? I'm just trying to understand...

Why are you pretending you don't know what was done? Do you think that's cute or something?

I am asking a very simple question... how did they hack the election? Did they cast ballots?
No one had to 'HACK' the Democrats' e-mails - as pointed out, Hillary was giving them out to her lawyers, the 'personal classified server storage company' run by guys with inadequate security clearances to have them, and even her maid!

Democrats hired 3 Pakistani brothers - 1 with a criminal record - to work on House computers, giving them illegal access to classified information.

And now we're learning Wasserman Schultz's IT Tech, who was paid $100,000 by an Iraqi Politician, also was given the opportunity to illegally access secret files.

The fact that the Russians acquired some e-mails that the Hillary won the DNC Primary ONLY because the DNC rigged their Primaries and the fact that Democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites is NOTHING compared to all of that.

The fact that countless Obama AGENCIES WERE using personal UN-secured e-mails in an attempt to by-pass FOIA / Congressional Records Act - EPA, DHS, Hillary, etc - makes what the Russians acquired through e-mails moot. Hell, the President of the United States was CAUGHT lying about finding out when Hillary was using her private e-mail account. It was PROVEN not only did he know about it earlier but he was USING AN ALIAS TO E-MAIL HER.

The Russian Hacking DNC E-mails is a pimple on the ass of the REAL Story, which is how the Obama administration and Democrats were walking, talking piss-poor cyber security, National Security-endangering, Constitution/Law-violating criminals!

EXCLUSIVE: House Dem IT Guys In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money
It is clear that circumventing the FOIA and Congressional Records Act, acting in the shadows to hide their deeds rather than to be the 'Most Transparent administration evuh', was the Democrats / the Obama administration's #1 goal. Over an 8 year span Obama and his administration violated the FOIA - BROKE THE LAW - a reported 75 of the time by illegally refusing to comply with FOIA requests.

The fact that Barak Hussein Obama used an alias to e-mail Hillary Clinton on her Un-Authorized, Un-Secure e-mail proves he KNEW it was not legal, knew it was not safe, and intentionally acted to disguise / HIDE the fact that he was e-mailing her (knew about it).

In an attempt to hide their deeds, like cockroaches in the kitchen at night before the light comes on, the Obama administration hid their mid-seeds for as long as they could...until the 'kitchen light' came on.

The Russians were NOTHING compared to these criminals.
Interesting, considering the pathetic left still cockledoodledo about their stupid witch winning the "popular vote."

No really, makes a lot of sense. :cranky:

Oh, there is no proof? Well, except maybe for the TRUTH about the emails by the witch. Ahhhh, but who cares about the TRUTH in those emails, right?

So, there is still no proof? Say, how did those Jill Stein recounts work out? Didn't it lead to more votes for Trump?

How, how much money did she make off the useful morons? Lol!!!!!


Quit making stuff up. The claim isn't that they "altered" the election results.

It's that they ATTEMPTED to.
Interesting, considering the pathetic left still cockledoodledo about their stupid witch winning the "popular vote."

No really, makes a lot of sense. :cranky:

Oh, there is no proof? Well, except maybe for the TRUTH about the emails by the witch. Ahhhh, but who cares about the TRUTH in those emails, right?

So, there is still no proof? Say, how did those Jill Stein recounts work out? Didn't it lead to more votes for Trump?

How, how much money did she make off the useful morons? Lol!!!!!


Quit making stuff up. The claim isn't that they "altered" the election results.

It's that they ATTEMPTED to.
Holy shit
Interesting, considering the pathetic left still cockledoodledo about their stupid witch winning the "popular vote."

No really, makes a lot of sense. :cranky:

Oh, there is no proof? Well, except maybe for the TRUTH about the emails by the witch. Ahhhh, but who cares about the TRUTH in those emails, right?

So, there is still no proof? Say, how did those Jill Stein recounts work out? Didn't it lead to more votes for Trump?

How, how much money did she make off the useful morons? Lol!!!!!


Quit making stuff up. The claim isn't that they "altered" the election results.

It's that they ATTEMPTED to.
So Liberals are calling for assassinations and military coups because the Russians tried but FAILED to alter the election. Considering how bad Democrat Cyber Security was, that sounds like reason to celebrate, not bit@h and whine.
Interesting, considering the pathetic left still cockledoodledo about their stupid witch winning the "popular vote."

No really, makes a lot of sense. :cranky:

Oh, there is no proof? Well, except maybe for the TRUTH about the emails by the witch. Ahhhh, but who cares about the TRUTH in those emails, right?

So, there is still no proof? Say, how did those Jill Stein recounts work out? Didn't it lead to more votes for Trump?

How, how much money did she make off the useful morons? Lol!!!!!


Quit making stuff up. The claim isn't that they "altered" the election results.

It's that they ATTEMPTED to.
Holy shit

The Pope's Portapotty?

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