Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.
you're not looking hard enough I ma,,,,,republicans usually can't see the forest for the trees
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
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Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because Hillary was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
remember Osama bin laden?? Was that raid successful? and to call hillary lazy or stupid is just republicans farting into the wind
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because Hillary was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
remember Osama bin laden?? Was that raid successful? and to call hillary lazy or stupid is just republicans farting into the wind
You are easily one of the dumbest people on this board.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.

I think because an American died in the Middle East, it must be the same exact scenario and we should be outraged with the president who probably actually wisely left it to the professionals to make the decisions???

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Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.
you're not looking hard enough I ma,,,,,republicans usually can't see the forest for the trees

The premise for your thread is bogus, so no matter your response, this will be my last post in it. That being said, what made Benghazi was the misdirection, not the original problem. I see no misdirection here at all. Your premise is just a talking point with no evidence of a lie. If I was conservatives, I would let you post to this thread yourself to keep it afloat as I will, because discussing a narrative created by a posters fantasy, is kind of a waste of time!
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Trump isn't LBJ personally picking out targets and launching missions. I strongly doubt any "military officials" would say such a thing since it's the military's job to suggest missions and give recommendations.

As for Trump's lack of presence in the Situation Room, his choice, but it's an interesting tidbit on what type of Presidente he will be.

As for Benghazi, I'd still like to know why the Ambassador was in Benghazi that night although I place more blame on the WH than on State for the debacle.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Good about apples and oranges

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Good about apples and oranges

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.
Former Obama administration officials said Barack Obama didn't feel comfortable authorizing the operation because it was scheduled to take place after he left office — on Jan. 28, the next moonless night in Yemen.

On Jan. 24, new Defense Secretary James Mattis conveyed his support for the operation and forwarded it to the White House.

Trump dined the next day with an expanded team, including Mattis, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford and various military and administration officials, among them Vice President Mike Pence, chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

That was when Trump gave his approval.

The White House said the Obama administration had approved the raid, but former Obama officials took to social media to say the proposal had not gotten that far.

As for Abdel Raouf Dhahab, the target of the operation, he was among those killed. Farea Muslimi, chairman of Sanaa Center for Strategic studies, said his death will stir anti-U.S. sentiment — not because he belonged to AQAP but because he didn't.

Ahmad Salmani, another local from Yakla, said as much. "Dhahab is not AQAP, and everyone knows that he is a tribal sheikh and has nothing to do with AQAP," Salmani said in an interview. "Because of this, now everyone ... is willing to risk his life to kill a U.S. soldier."

On Friday, an embarrassing coda to the raid emerged.

The U.S. military released what it claimed was sensitive intelligence seized during the assault — video showing jihadists building a bomb — only to discover that the video had been posted online in 2007.

One of the raid's goals was to collect the computers, electronic devices and other information inside the AQAP suspected headquarters. The 2007 video was quickly taken down.


(Special correspondent Bulos reported from Beirut and Hennigan of the Tribune Washington Bureau from Washington.)

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