Stock Market At All Time High

The wins keep coming for Joe Biden. Record stock market is the latest following record jobs and a soft landing of inflation. I paid $2.49 for gas this morning. I mean what else can he do?

Sorry about the last thread.. hit post before I got it set up.

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I wouldn't celebrate too much.
It has only risen 3% since January of 2022.
The markets lost about 5% in 2022.
So far this year, up about 7%.
So for the past 24 months, on average, the markets have only gained 3%. Which is pretty lousy.

In contrast, the markets gained almost 14% in 2019 before Covid hit.
Great. All for it. But when the GOVT money runs out.......see 2015, 2016 when Obiden 1 ran out of stimulus funds. Sideways, lethargic, pathetic....stalled. We all lived it.

That's all pre-coup.
Now we simply digitize money and spend it to fictiously move the market.
The market going up does not make anything better for anyone except the stock brokers.
When a stock goes up and you sell to make a profit, that is not an improvement to the economy because that profit came from other buyers.
If the stock then goes down and the new buyer loses, its all a wash.
And things never just keep going up.
It is always an even up and down cycle.
The wins keep coming for Joe Biden. Record stock market is the latest following record jobs and a soft landing of inflation. I paid $2.49 for gas this morning. I mean what else can he do?

Sorry about the last thread.. hit post before I got it set up.

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Inflation over 13% over the last two years, record credit card debt, more and more are living from pay check to pay check, two trillion in spending.
Yup, Bidenomics at its best, so much so, Joe is moving away from even calling it Bidenomics.
A DJI high does nothing for anyone except stock brokers.

And the people that own the stock and choose to sell right now.

Or those that own the stock and choose to not sell and let it get even higher.

Or those living off a IRA/410k that now have a bit more money to spend.
The economy, or the stock market? Two different animals.
Sometimes, but not always.

GDP growth was 4.9% last quarter and unemployment is below 4%.

Remember last year when Republicans were saying we were in a recession? What a bunch of morons.
GDP is always reported in inflation adjusted terms.

Swing and a miss.
WTF???????? Tell that to real Americans who are paying more for nearly everything than they did 2 years ago.
13% inflation in the last two years, Marener. C/C debt higher than it's ever been.
You live you your political fantasy and I'll deal with the real world as it is. :smoke:
S&P price return year to date: 24.41% as I type this.
NASDAQ: 40.82%
Which was mostly fueled by consumer spending for the past 6 months.
Primarily due to inflationary decreases in non food products, people dramatically decreased spending this year due to crushing inflation in 2022 to early 2023. Now that inflation on non food items has slowed a lot, coupled with wage increases, people are spending more.
Having said that, most economist believe the GDP for 2024 is going to be stagnate to perhaps even a loss. Lots of reasons for that.
2024 is not going to be good, and there is not much that is going to stop it.
Biden didn't have anything to do with a better 2023 GDP, and he will have nothing to do with a sinking 2024 either.
WTF???????? Tell that to real Americans who are paying more for nearly everything than they did 2 years ago.
13% inflation in the last two years, Marener. C/C debt higher than it's ever been.
You live you your political fantasy and I'll deal with the real world as it is. :smoke:
Credit card debt was higher than it’d ever been in 2019 too. Is that a sign of economic weakness?

Youre cherry picking data because that’s what political hacks do.

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