Stolen Election? What Stolen Election?

It’s the old Republican primary shuffle – hard to the right before the primary, run to the middle after the primary.

Truly dishonest and ridiculous.

Just like Republicans are doing on banning abortion

They assume all voters are dumb just because Republicans are
A great many people were asking the same question after the 2016 election. Claiming an election you lost that you thought you were going to win has become the default excuse for both sides.
Answering the question either way is a trap.

"That question has nothing to do with my campaign and the issues that I'm running on in the here and now....Care to ask me a question about any of those?"
Answering the question either way is a trap.

"That question has nothing to do with my campaign and the issues that I'm running on in the here and now....Care to ask me a question about any of those?"
Doesn‘t work like that
You have to answer for all your past proclamations

Reminds me of Trump when he suddenly claimed that Obama was American after years of claiming he wasn’t
"I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying Trump won the election, and damn it, I stand by [it]," Bolduc said during the mid-August debate.

Doesn‘t look like he stands by it
Are you trying to say that politicians change their minds for political reasons?
Are you trying to say voters aren’t smart enough to know they are being lied to?
<Well, every voter who isn’t Republican>
Republicans are so brazenly cynical because they know they can get away with anything. He peddled the lie to win, now reverts back to the truth to try and win over the educated voters.

Like a driver making a screeching U-turn, Don Bolduc, the Republican Senate nominee in New Hampshire, pivoted on Thursday from his primary race to the general election, saying he had “come to the conclusion” that the 2020 presidential election “was not stolen,” after he had spent more than a year claiming it was.

“I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I’ve spent the past couple weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from every party, and I have come to the conclusion — and I want to be definitive on this — the election was not stolen,” Mr. Bolduc said in an interview on Fox News.
He continued to falsely claim there had been fraud in the election but acknowledged that the outcome was not in question.

“Elections have consequences, and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country,” he said.

Mr. Bolduc won his primary on Tuesday over a more moderate candidate, Chuck Morse, the president of the New Hampshire Senate. Mr. Bolduc ran on an uncompromising right-wing platform, complete with declarations that former President Donald J. Trump had won the 2020 election.

But now he faces a tough general election campaign against Senator Maggie Hassan, a Democrat. She is vulnerable in November — but, Republicans worry, less vulnerable against Mr. Bolduc than she would have been against Mr. Morse.

Too late Dan. Everyone knows you are a Trump supporter.
Republican voters once again, snatching defeat..from the jaws of victory.
But to be fair, even Morse would have had a tough time against a popular former governor of NH.
Republicans are so brazenly cynical because they know they can get away with anything. He peddled the lie to win, now reverts back to the truth to try and win over the educated voters.

Like a driver making a screeching U-turn, Don Bolduc, the Republican Senate nominee in New Hampshire, pivoted on Thursday from his primary race to the general election, saying he had “come to the conclusion” that the 2020 presidential election “was not stolen,” after he had spent more than a year claiming it was.

“I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I’ve spent the past couple weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from every party, and I have come to the conclusion — and I want to be definitive on this — the election was not stolen,” Mr. Bolduc said in an interview on Fox News.
He continued to falsely claim there had been fraud in the election but acknowledged that the outcome was not in question.

“Elections have consequences, and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country,” he said.

Mr. Bolduc won his primary on Tuesday over a more moderate candidate, Chuck Morse, the president of the New Hampshire Senate. Mr. Bolduc ran on an uncompromising right-wing platform, complete with declarations that former President Donald J. Trump had won the 2020 election.

But now he faces a tough general election campaign against Senator Maggie Hassan, a Democrat. She is vulnerable in November — but, Republicans worry, less vulnerable against Mr. Bolduc than she would have been against Mr. Morse.

The brazen hypocrite wins because they think people are stupid, is their theory. You will see this more and more in the next 2 month, as being a brain-dead lapdog populist asshole works fine for their base, as they fit right in, but most people know it is BS and so are these wannabes.
Like a driver making a screeching U-turn, Don Bolduc, the Republican Senate nominee in New Hampshire, pivoted on Thursday from his primary race to the general election, saying he had “come to the conclusion” that the 2020 presidential election “was not stolen,” after he had spent more than a year claiming it was.

“I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I’ve spent the past couple weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from every party, and I have come to the conclusion — and I want to be definitive on this — the election was not stolen,” Mr. Bolduc said in an interview on Fox News.

Elections have consequences, and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country,” he said.

Mr. Bolduc won his primary on Tuesday over a more moderate candidate, Chuck Morse, the president of the New Hampshire Senate. Mr. Bolduc ran on an uncompromising right-wing platform, complete with declarations that former President Donald J. Trump had won the 2020 election.

Among other instances, in May 2021, he signed an open letter in which retired generals and admirals advanced false claims that the election had been tainted. “The F.B.I. and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020,” it said.

In a debate with his Republican primary opponents last month, he referred back to that letter and declared, to applause, that he would not budge from his position.

“I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying that Trump won the election, and, damn it, I stand by my letter,he said. “I’m not switching horses, baby. This is it.”

Switching horses on Thursday, he said in the Fox News interview
, “We, you know, live and learn, right?”
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Still better than Hassan.

She sucked as governor; she sucks as senator.
Like a driver making a screeching U-turn, Don Bolduc, the Republican Senate nominee in New Hampshire, pivoted on Thursday from his primary race to the general election, saying he had “come to the conclusion” that the 2020 presidential election “was not stolen,” after he had spent more than a year claiming it was.

“I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I’ve spent the past couple weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from every party, and I have come to the conclusion — and I want to be definitive on this — the election was not stolen,” Mr. Bolduc said in an interview on Fox News.

Elections have consequences, and, unfortunately, President Biden is the legitimate president of this country,” he said.

Mr. Bolduc won his primary on Tuesday over a more moderate candidate, Chuck Morse, the president of the New Hampshire Senate. Mr. Bolduc ran on an uncompromising right-wing platform, complete with declarations that former President Donald J. Trump had won the 2020 election.

Among other instances, in May 2021, he signed an open letter in which retired generals and admirals advanced false claims that the election had been tainted. “The F.B.I. and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020,” it said.

In a debate with his Republican primary opponents last month, he referred back to that letter and declared, to applause, that he would not budge from his position.

“I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying that Trump won the election, and, damn it, I stand by my letter,” he said. “I’m not switching horses, baby. This is it.”

Switching horses on Thursday, he said in the Fox News interview, “We, you know, live and learn, right?”

How much money did you Nazis invest in his primary?

I suspect a lot of your skullduggery is going to turn out this way. You funded him, now he's going to defeat you in the general. :lmao:
How much money did you Nazis invest in his primary?

I suspect a lot of your skullduggery is going to turn out this way. You funded him, now he's going to defeat you in the general. :lmao:
Sure he will. Still, belive Rump won the election?

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