Stolen Trump Documents Contained Most Highly Classified material...

The Trump documents were at a residence where they were locked away that had secret service agents there with a closed circuit security system the Clinton e-mails were on a private server in the basement of her home that had Three Stooges level security. You can make the case both had stuff they should not have had but it would have been far easier for someone to hack into that server and get access to the stuff Hillary had than to break into Mar- a - Lago and get to the stuff Trump had.
Too bad. It’s good reporting. The only people claiming Trump cooperated are Trump and his lawyers, which is hardly surprising.
And who claimed he was not cooperating? What's in the affidavit? Why the raid?
This is way worse than the Fake email scandal. HRC never had any serious material, only low level material.

Trump had the most sensitive and top secret material sitting unprotected in his basement.


This is a serious serious crime, one that he signed to law !!!

The National Archives found more than 700 pages of classified material — including “special access program materials,” some of the most highly classified secrets in the government

Trump needs to go to prison for this. If any other person did this, they would go to prison for a very long time.

Try the Presidential Records Act. Trump can legally retain and possess these documents under the PRA.
You will have to prove... That the documents were not declassified by Trump. That Trump was using them in a nefarious manner. That there is a national security interest in the papers all former presidents have and still possess.
The judge just threw the DOJ attorneys into a frenzy when they could not answer the PRA status of those records. They have no Probable Cause for the warrant and the search was illegal. When the DOJ could not answer the judge, the hearing went into recess. ITs not looking good for the DOJ.
Try the Presidential Records Act. Trump can legally retain and possess these documents under the PRA.
You will have to prove... That the documents were not declassified by Trump. That Trump was using them in a nefarious manner. That there is a national security interest in the papers all former presidents have and still possess.
The judge just threw the DOJ attorneys into a frenzy when they could not answer the PRA status of those records. They have no Probable Cause for the warrant and the search was illegal. When the DOJ could not answer the judge, the hearing went into recess. ITs not looking good for the DOJ.
You're literally insane.

The PRA says exactly the opposite.

You and Trump have to prove that the docs were declassified...oh doesn't matter. The PRA and the three statutes listed in the warrant are not dependent on whether the docs were classified.

He simply could not have them.
You're literally insane.

The PRA says exactly the opposite.

You and Trump have to prove that the docs were declassified...oh doesn't matter. The PRA and the three statutes listed in the warrant are not dependent on whether the docs were classified.

He simply could not have them.
Why couldn't he have them? What exactly were those documents? Explain yourself.

You will believe any lie your told.

The documents were not only classified, but they were “special access program materials" which is the highest possible level of classification.

Trump committed any extremely serious crime.
In your warped mind,Obama and Biden putting a lighter to the constitution as they have is NOT an extremely serious crime. :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:
The Trump documents were at a residence where they were locked away that had secret service agents there with a closed circuit security system the Clinton e-mails were on a private server in the basement of her home that had Three Stooges level security. You can make the case both had stuff they should not have had but it would have been far easier for someone to hack into that server and get access to the stuff Hillary had than to break into Mar- a - Lago and get to the stuff Trump had.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

You sir are making far too much sense for the boy to comprehend.:thup::2up::abgg2q.jpg:
The Trump documents were at a residence where they were locked away that had secret service agents there with a closed circuit security system the Clinton e-mails were on a private server in the basement of her home that had Three Stooges level security. You can make the case both had stuff they should not have had but it would have been far easier for someone to hack into that server and get access to the stuff Hillary had than to break into Mar- a - Lago and get to the stuff Trump had.
It was 113 classified emails.

If there was something of significance there, then republicans could have done something about in the four years Trump was in.
And who claimed he was not cooperating? What's in the affidavit? Why the raid?
It seems the raid is evidence he wasn’t cooperating. Not to mention the NARA letter they released that shows Trump was really trying to slow down any investigation by making claims of executive privilege.
This is way worse than the Fake email scandal. HRC never had any serious material, only low level material.

Trump had the most sensitive and top secret material sitting unprotected in his basement.


This is a serious serious crime, one that he signed to law !!!

The National Archives found more than 700 pages of classified material — including “special access program materials,” some of the most highly classified secrets in the government

Trump needs to go to prison for this. If any other person did this, they would go to prison for a very long time.

Trump was very contrary about his control over all information. He fought with his staff and advisors because he thinks it's all at his discretion. He repeatedly blabbed confidential and classified information.
It seems the raid is evidence he wasn’t cooperating. Not to mention the NARA letter they released that shows Trump was really trying to slow down any investigation by making claims of executive privilege.

Do you suppose Trump still thinks he has executive privilege?
Do you suppose Trump still thinks he has executive privilege?
He does have some form of executive privilege, I think that much is clear from prior court decisions.

The weirdest part is that he’s trying to claim executive privilege in order to keep information about the executive branch from the executive branch.

And that makes ZERO sense.
He does have some form of executive privilege, I think that much is clear from prior court decisions.

The weirdest part is that he’s trying to claim executive privilege in order to keep information about the executive branch from the executive branch.

And that makes ZERO sense.

Nothing Trump does makes any sense. He sabotaged his presidency and his reelection with his oral diarrhea, conspiracy theories and mean girl attacks.
A couple of things about the judges statement in response to Trump's motion. Trump should have made this filing in Reinhart's court. Why he didn't is obvious for two reasons. 1. Reinhart hasn't been deferential to Trump. 2. He was hoping the judge he appointed would be.
In her statement Judge Cannon is essentially asking what statutory relief Trump is seeking, and why he thinks she has the authority to rule on the matter. Because the filing from Trump, legally, is a piece of shyte.

Finally, the real reason for the filing is to string this along, trying to appear aggrieved, since he is duping The Following in to sending him money on this matter hand over fist.
Filing a motion in Cannon's court without doing so in Reinhart's court, since he is the presiding judge in the case, is essentially venue shopping. The motion is nothing but PR as Don seeks to continue his grift, fleecing the minions of their money.
He does have some form of executive privilege, I think that much is clear from prior court decisions.

The weirdest part is that he’s trying to claim executive privilege in order to keep information about the executive branch from the executive branch.

And that makes ZERO sense.
Read the letter from the National Archives. Trump's EP claim was summarily rejected on solid legal ground.
From the NA's letter.........

We advised you inwriting onApril 12 that, “ in light ofthe urgency of this request, we planned to provid[e] access to the FBI next week i.e., the week of April 18. See Exec Order No. 13,489, 2 (b ), 74 Fed. Reg. 4,669 (Jan. 21, 2009) (providing a 30-day default before disclosure but authorizing the Archivist to specify a shorter period of time if required under the circumstances ) ; accord 36 C.F.R. § 1270.44( g) ( The Archivist may adjust any time period or deadline under this subpart, as appropriate, to accommodate records requested under this section. ) . In response to a request from another representative of the former President, the White House Counsel's Office acquiesced in an extension of the production date to April 29, and so advised NARA. In accord with that agreement, we had not yet provided the FBI with access to the records when we received your letter on April 29, and we have continued to refrain from providing such access to date. It has now been four weeks since we first informed you of our intent to provide the FBI access to the boxes so that it and others in the Intelligence Community can conduct their reviews. Notwithstanding the urgency conveyed by the Department of Justice and the reasonable extension afforded to the former President, your April 29 letter asks for additional time for you to review the materials in the boxes in order to ascertain whether any specific document is subject to privilege and then to consult with the former President so that he may personally make any decision to assert a claim of constitutionally based privilege. Your April 29 letter further states that in the event we do not afford you further time to review the records before NARA discloses them in response to the request, we should consider your letter to be a protective assertion of executive privilege made by counsel for the former President. The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here, President Biden defers to my determination , inconsultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding whether or not I should uphold the former President's purported protective assertion of executive privilege. See 36 C.F.R. 1270.44( ( 3) . Accordingly , I have consulted with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel to inform my determination as to whether to honor the former President's claim of privilege or instead to disclose the Presidential records notwithstanding the claim of privilege Exec . Order No. 13,489, § 4(a) .
This is way worse than the Fake email scandal. HRC never had any serious material, only low level material.

Trump had the most sensitive and top secret material sitting unprotected in his basement.


This is a serious serious crime, one that he signed to law !!!

The National Archives found more than 700 pages of classified material — including “special access program materials,” some of the most highly classified secrets in the government

Trump needs to go to prison for this. If any other person did this, they would go to prison for a very long time.

Yes, it's very serious and deliberate no matter what Trump says.
What were these super duper documents? If you know how secret they are, you must surely know what they are.

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