"Stop and frisk" fascism vs. 2nd Amendment

So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.

Yes what the country saw at the debate was Trump demanding people give up their 2nd amendment rights and Hillary Clinton defending the 2nd amendment and telling Trump his gun-grab idea is un-Constitutional.

Trump you crafty turd, you know just how to crack an egg on your own face.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop & frisk does not violate a lawful citizen from possessing a firearm lol
All the thugs wanna LEGALLY carry a weapon? Fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else.
Or are you suggesting blacks are too stupid to do that? Perhaps it is YOU who is the racist no? Either that or you're just really fucking stupid

So you are against open carry? Open carry means exactly that. You can openly carry a pistol with no paperwork, identification, or any paperwork whatsoever.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? What you refer to is constitutional carry. Open carry in my State still requires a carry permit.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop and frisk is an element of proactive policing, trying to prevent violent crimes rather than just clean up the bodies afterwards. Since black people and Hispanics are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, they are also the greatest beneficiaries of stop and frisk, so the question is, is it worse for a young black man to be unfairly stopped by police or to be murdered because some one else was not stopped by police? Hillary, and you apparently, think he'd be better off dead.
so you support police racially profiling and illegally searching blacks and hispanics, "for their own good"

It's called criminal profiling dumb ass and it's not done randomly, the officer must have a reasonable suspicion.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
When stop and frisk is done correctly, there is reasonable suspicion the person is involved in criminal activity. That is not profiling. If they are stopped and frisked for no reason that is unconstitutional

No. Before guns there was no gun violence. Here's where that reading stuff finally pays off.

I see;

So you are one of those who thinks that a man stabbed and beaten in a park lays dying with the last thoughts of "I'm so glad that I wasn't shot."

My observation is the left is ultimately dedicated to the return of feudalism. Everything the left does is to return to a world when a tiny elite rules absolutely. Under the feudal lords, the peasants occupied the status of basically slaves, at the mercy of the nobles in all things. The Crown (state) owned all lands, the peasant merely worked the land on behalf of the central rulers. (think the democrat opposition to private property) The trade off was that nobles were professional soldiers, trained in the use of weapons, which were forbidden to the commoners. One could be executed for training with a sword or spear, the disarmed masses were at the mercy of their rulers.

What guns did was to allow commoners to defend against the elite. This in turn destroyed the ability of the elite to keep the peasants in bondage. What you and your party seek is to disarm the masses, in hopes of again putting the majority in chains, to serve the Aristocrats.

Without the right to keep and bear arms, there are no other rights. I suspect you know this fully - you're masters certainly do. You seek a disarmed populace who will be powerless under nobles who rule them on behalf of a supreme state.
--------------------------------------- and its interesting to me to see military and the police that volunteer and beg for the jobs of police , professional volunteer military and firemen being elevated to heroic 'first responders' status and all they are is public servants PAID to do a job that they begged to get . Actually they are the governments enforcers or 'kings men' and the Kings Knights right out of feudal times UNCensored.
[First, let's admit that gun violence in and of itself is impossible without the presence of guns.

So Comrade, before their were guns, there was no violence and the world was at peace with full equality?

But you have done a very pretty Fred Astaire around the qyestions concerning the 4th and 5th amendments. What makes those amendments so dispensable while the 2nd must be defended hammer and tong?

Stop and frisk violates the 4th.

No question.
No. Before guns there was no gun violence. Here's where that reading stuff finally pays off.
---------------------------- yeah , before guns there was just knife , rock , fist and feet , club violence . Guns are great , they are the great equalizer for a small , weak , handicapped , old person and for regular people on the street or in their homes or cars . Guns are good and are to be used when peaceful people are attacked by monster sized or little murderers , rapists , robbers and burglars and in these times guns can be used to defend against Islamic terrorists Nosmo !!
Well, we define "gun violence" as violence committed with a gun.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop & frisk does not violate a lawful citizen from possessing a firearm lol
All the thugs wanna LEGALLY carry a weapon? Fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else.
Or are you suggesting blacks are too stupid to do that? Perhaps it is YOU who is the racist no? Either that or you're just really fucking stupid

So you are against open carry? Open carry means exactly that. You can openly carry a pistol with no paperwork, identification, or any paperwork whatsoever.
republicans support every gun law imaginable for black people, but to be fair they dont support black people have any rights whatsoever not just gun rights or the right not to be searched

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So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.

Yes what the country saw at the debate was Trump demanding people give up their 2nd amendment rights and Hillary Clinton defending the 2nd amendment and telling Trump his gun-grab idea is un-Constitutional.

Trump you crafty turd, you know just how to crack an egg on your own face.
-------------------------------------- I'm voting Trump , don't agree with his thought on gun that he espoused last night or on his stop and frisk . Maybe the TRUMP just needs some teaching but I am voting for him . What , vote for Hillary as protest Issac ??
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop and frisk is an element of proactive policing, trying to prevent violent crimes rather than just clean up the bodies afterwards. Since black people and Hispanics are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, they are also the greatest beneficiaries of stop and frisk, so the question is, is it worse for a young black man to be unfairly stopped by police or to be murdered because some one else was not stopped by police? Hillary, and you apparently, think he'd be better off dead.
I don't want anyone to be harassed unconstitutionally.

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I can see how the program could be abused but just put in safety clauses to protect those abuses. For instance no policeman without a body camera on his person can actively stop & frisk anyone.

Bottom line it's time to be proactive instead of reactive
So it's OK to be unconstitutional, just make sure that you record it. Right?

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The freedom to practice religion does not include a right to discriminate.

I believe that since the left opposes discrimination in all cases, that leftists should be prohibited from discriminating between peanut butter and dog shit, between salt and rat poison.

No one is prevented from attending church. They just can't misuse faith to protect their hatred.

So, provided we have dog runs where people can speak, it is perfectly acceptable to outlaw speech in public that is opposed by the party?

You in no way support the 1st, you support only your party.
God only knows what primrose path you are tripping down with you talk of dog parks and peanut butter.

The fact remains: you cannot wrap yourself in dogma, call it a prime tenet of your faith and use that dogma as an excuse to discriminate.

These people claiming to be Christians are acting decidedly unchristian. How does their warped dogma trump "love your neighbor as yourself would be loved"?

In my faith our minister has never admonished us to avoid commerce with homosexuals. Yet these dogmatic bigots think they have found a way around both secular and ecclesiastical law. As it is said, that dog won't hunt.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.

Yes what the country saw at the debate was Trump demanding people give up their 2nd amendment rights and Hillary Clinton defending the 2nd amendment and telling Trump his gun-grab idea is un-Constitutional.

Trump you crafty turd, you know just how to crack an egg on your own face.
-------------------------------------- I'm voting Trump , don't agree with his thought on gun that he espoused last night or on his stop and frisk . Maybe the TRUMP just needs some teaching but I am voting for him . What , vote for Hillary as protest Issac ??

Don't vote. You'll have someone you CAN get behind in 4 years. Someone that isn't a straight up looney car salesman who really can't figure out why we can't use nuclear weapons.
Any of you rubes read past the 2nd ? There are more amendments in the bill of rights!

4th amendment :
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[2]
God only knows what primrose path you are tripping down with you talk of dog parks and peanut butter.

Dog runs, sparky.

I thought you a tad more informed than you apparently are.


You of the anti-liberty left piss all over freedom of speech, offering small dog runs as the only place opposition views are permitted.

[/quote]The fact remains: you cannot wrap yourself in dogma, call it a prime tenet of your faith and use that dogma as an excuse to discriminate.[/quote]

The left are ignorant creatures who would not survive in the wild..

I attempted to illustrate to you that humans MUST discriminate, or die. If you fail to discriminate between a red and green light when crossing the street, there is a good chance you'll be splattered.

The ability to discern the different qualities of people is what keeps sentient beings from getting into cars full of people who clearly intend harm. Leftists are clearly too stupid to grasp this, and will in short course make decisions that remove them from the gene pool, resulting in a better species.

These people claiming to be Christians are acting decidedly unchristian. How does their warped dogma trump "love your neighbor as yourself would be loved"?

Who cares?

In a free society, people are free to follow any wacky belief they like, as long as they don't DIRECTLY harm others. I'm not talking about hurt feelings.

In my faith our minister has never admonished us to avoid commerce with homosexuals. Yet these dogmatic bigots think they have found a way around both secular and ecclesiastical law. As it is said, that dog won't hunt.

Who cares? When we used to be a free country, you're faith did not dictate what others could or could not believe.
Any of you rubes read past the 2nd ? There are more amendments in the bill of rights!

4th amendment :
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[2]

You Communists said that really means women can kill their offspring, not that it actually protects us from search and seizure... :eusa_whistle:
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.

Yes what the country saw at the debate was Trump demanding people give up their 2nd amendment rights and Hillary Clinton defending the 2nd amendment and telling Trump his gun-grab idea is un-Constitutional.

Trump you crafty turd, you know just how to crack an egg on your own face.
-------------------------------------- I'm voting Trump , don't agree with his thought on gun that he espoused last night or on his stop and frisk . Maybe the TRUMP just needs some teaching but I am voting for him . What , vote for Hillary as protest Issac ??

Don't vote. You'll have someone you CAN get behind in 4 years. Someone that isn't a straight up looney car salesman who really can't figure out why we can't use nuclear weapons.
----------------------------------------- thats just silly , that's probably your liberal progressive 'illary' loving spiel . No , I will vote the TRUMP and then hope to block him on issues I don't like that he proposes . Maybe the Trump just needs to learn and be taught or corrected Issac !!
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So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop and frisk is an element of proactive policing, trying to prevent violent crimes rather than just clean up the bodies afterwards. Since black people and Hispanics are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, they are also the greatest beneficiaries of stop and frisk, so the question is, is it worse for a young black man to be unfairly stopped by police or to be murdered because some one else was not stopped by police? Hillary, and you apparently, think he'd be better off dead.
I don't want anyone to be harassed unconstitutionally.

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Since the Supreme Court ruled in Terry vs. Ohio that stop and frisk is not unconstitutional, there is no need to worry.
I can see how the program could be abused but just put in safety clauses to protect those abuses. For instance no policeman without a body camera on his person can actively stop & frisk anyone.

Bottom line it's time to be proactive instead of reactive
So it's OK to be unconstitutional, just make sure that you record it. Right?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Opinion on constitutionality =/= fact
God only knows what primrose path you are tripping down with you talk of dog parks and peanut butter.

Dog runs, sparky.

I thought you a tad more informed than you apparently are.


You of the anti-liberty left piss all over freedom of speech, offering small dog runs as the only place opposition views are permitted.
The fact remains: you cannot wrap yourself in dogma, call it a prime tenet of your faith and use that dogma as an excuse to discriminate.[/quote]

The left are ignorant creatures who would not survive in the wild..

I attempted to illustrate to you that humans MUST discriminate, or die. If you fail to discriminate between a red and green light when crossing the street, there is a good chance you'll be splattered.

The ability to discern the different qualities of people is what keeps sentient beings from getting into cars full of people who clearly intend harm. Leftists are clearly too stupid to grasp this, and will in short course make decisions that remove them from the gene pool, resulting in a better species.

These people claiming to be Christians are acting decidedly unchristian. How does their warped dogma trump "love your neighbor as yourself would be loved"?

Who cares?

In a free society, people are free to follow any wacky belief they like, as long as they don't DIRECTLY harm others. I'm not talking about hurt feelings.

In my faith our minister has never admonished us to avoid commerce with homosexuals. Yet these dogmatic bigots think they have found a way around both secular and ecclesiastical law. As it is said, that dog won't hunt.

Who cares? When we used to be a free country, you're faith did not dictate what others could or could not believe.[/QUOTE]
There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination. You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

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