"Stop and frisk" fascism vs. 2nd Amendment

There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating
recognize a distinction; differentiate.
"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart;
separate, separate the sheep from the goats, separate the wheat from the chaff
"he cannot discriminate between fact and fiction"

Words have meanings, that the left cannot grasp reality in no way alters the fact that words have meanings.

The fool who cannot discriminate between a snarling dog and one wagging there tail will often find the idiocy or their ways.

"Racial Discrimination" is a phrase that means to differentiate based on race. Often this is tied to bigotry - similar to the bigotry have toward Christians.

But even in this you leftists discriminate, Muslims are good, Christians are bad.

You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

Such as the blind stupid hatred you of the left have for white people and Christians?

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

This was not a catered affair, it was a targeted attack on a religious couple to challenge and defeat 1st amendment protections. There are plenty of bakeries in Portland, "Sweet Cakes" was targeted because of Christian imagery displayed at a trade show.

Regardless of reason though, it is clear that you or abjectly hostile to the 1st amendment and an opponent of civil rights. The anti-liberty left is dedicated to crushing civil rights in general, as you demonstrate here.
There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating
recognize a distinction; differentiate.
"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart;
separate, separate the sheep from the goats, separate the wheat from the chaff
"he cannot discriminate between fact and fiction"

Words have meanings, that the left cannot grasp reality in no way alters the fact that words have meanings.

The fool who cannot discriminate between a snarling dog and one wagging there tail will often find the idiocy or their ways.

"Racial Discrimination" is a phrase that means to differentiate based on race. Often this is tied to bigotry - similar to the bigotry have toward Christians.

But even in this you leftists discriminate, Muslims are good, Christians are bad.

You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

Such as the blind stupid hatred you of the left have for white people and Christians?

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

This was not a catered affair, it was a targeted attack on a religious couple to challenge and defeat 1st amendment protections. There are plenty of bakeries in Portland, "Sweet Cakes" was targeted because of Christian imagery displayed at a trade show.

Regardless of reason though, it is clear that you or abjectly hostile to the 1st amendment and an opponent of civil rights. The anti-liberty left is dedicated to crushing civil rights in general, as you demonstrate here.
Are you claiming bigotry as a liberty? Are you claiming there is nobility in hatred and fear and narrowmindedness? Are you citing discrimination, blind stupid discrimination as a protected right?

The world done turned upside down! When something used to divide the nation is regarded as a right, a liberty, a noble undertaking.

This explains how a boorish fool like Trump can get support. Our national ethos has been abandoned by the "Me First" generation. Fools and hedonists without regard for law, manners and civil comportment.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop & frisk does not violate a lawful citizen from possessing a firearm lol
All the thugs wanna LEGALLY carry a weapon? Fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else.
Or are you suggesting blacks are too stupid to do that? Perhaps it is YOU who is the racist no? Either that or you're just really fucking stupid
"Stop and frisk" was only in NYC for a short time, and ruled unconstitutional. Trump suggested it be allowed in cities like Chicago where there is large numbers of blacks. Also. guns are illegal in Chicago, but in West Virginia you don't even need a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating
recognize a distinction; differentiate.
"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart;
separate, separate the sheep from the goats, separate the wheat from the chaff
"he cannot discriminate between fact and fiction"

Words have meanings, that the left cannot grasp reality in no way alters the fact that words have meanings.

The fool who cannot discriminate between a snarling dog and one wagging there tail will often find the idiocy or their ways.

"Racial Discrimination" is a phrase that means to differentiate based on race. Often this is tied to bigotry - similar to the bigotry have toward Christians.

But even in this you leftists discriminate, Muslims are good, Christians are bad.

You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

Such as the blind stupid hatred you of the left have for white people and Christians?

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

This was not a catered affair, it was a targeted attack on a religious couple to challenge and defeat 1st amendment protections. There are plenty of bakeries in Portland, "Sweet Cakes" was targeted because of Christian imagery displayed at a trade show.

Regardless of reason though, it is clear that you or abjectly hostile to the 1st amendment and an opponent of civil rights. The anti-liberty left is dedicated to crushing civil rights in general, as you demonstrate here.
Are you claiming bigotry as a liberty? Are you claiming there is nobility in hatred and fear and narrowmindedness? Are you citing discrimination, blind stupid discrimination as a protected right?

The world done turned upside down! When something used to divide the nation is regarded as a right, a liberty, a noble undertaking.

This explains how a boorish fool like Trump can get support. Our national ethos has been abandoned by the "Me First" generation. Fools and hedonists without regard for law, manners and civil comportment.
--------------------------------------- noble or not hatred , fear and narrow mindedness are all acceptable and there are many definitions of all those emotions so which do you pick . Seems to me that only violent actions against people or private property are illegal Nosmo . Blind discrimination should be upheld by law when the discrimination is Private and not Governmental Nosmo .
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop & frisk does not violate a lawful citizen from possessing a firearm lol
All the thugs wanna LEGALLY carry a weapon? Fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else.
Or are you suggesting blacks are too stupid to do that? Perhaps it is YOU who is the racist no? Either that or you're just really fucking stupid

So you are against open carry? Open carry means exactly that. You can openly carry a pistol with no paperwork, identification, or any paperwork whatsoever.
New York was not an open carry city. Nor is Chicago. And even if they were you still need an id on you. Who the hell leaves their house without an id?
There is no law against not having an ID. It's unconstitutional to make a law requiring an ID. That's why the republican efforts to require an ID to vote are being stuck down in the courts.
Expecting everyone to be like you is fascist.
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop and frisk is an element of proactive policing, trying to prevent violent crimes rather than just clean up the bodies afterwards. Since black people and Hispanics are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, they are also the greatest beneficiaries of stop and frisk, so the question is, is it worse for a young black man to be unfairly stopped by police or to be murdered because some one else was not stopped by police? Hillary, and you apparently, think he'd be better off dead.
You are trying to justify being "unfairly stopped by police"....fascist.
there should be ID or proof of being a citizen for voting and lots of other government welfare , relief , benefit functions and the ability to work in the USA .
The question concerning stop and frisk should not be a 2nd amendment issue. It's clearly a fourth amendment issue.

Let's look at the fourth amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Now, I know that the gun lovers can quote the 2nd (but they usually fail to remember the opening clause). If the 2nd is worth the chaos of gun violence and should be jealously defended so such chaos can continue unabated, why is the 4th so easily dismissed?
Just walking down the street is NOT probable cause.
funny how laws change , at one time a social security number or card could not be used as ID . Nowadays though you can't open a bank account without telling or showing your Social Security Card or telling your number .
So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop and frisk is an element of proactive policing, trying to prevent violent crimes rather than just clean up the bodies afterwards. Since black people and Hispanics are disproportionately the victims of violent crime, they are also the greatest beneficiaries of stop and frisk, so the question is, is it worse for a young black man to be unfairly stopped by police or to be murdered because some one else was not stopped by police? Hillary, and you apparently, think he'd be better off dead.
You are trying to justify being "unfairly stopped by police"....fascist.
You are arguing that a young black man would be better off being killed by some one else who was not stopped and frisked than being unfairly stopped himself. I doubt that is a choice you would make for yourself, so why are you so casual about throwing away the lives of young black men?
There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating
recognize a distinction; differentiate.
"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart;
separate, separate the sheep from the goats, separate the wheat from the chaff
"he cannot discriminate between fact and fiction"

Words have meanings, that the left cannot grasp reality in no way alters the fact that words have meanings.

The fool who cannot discriminate between a snarling dog and one wagging there tail will often find the idiocy or their ways.

"Racial Discrimination" is a phrase that means to differentiate based on race. Often this is tied to bigotry - similar to the bigotry have toward Christians.

But even in this you leftists discriminate, Muslims are good, Christians are bad.

You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

Such as the blind stupid hatred you of the left have for white people and Christians?

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

This was not a catered affair, it was a targeted attack on a religious couple to challenge and defeat 1st amendment protections. There are plenty of bakeries in Portland, "Sweet Cakes" was targeted because of Christian imagery displayed at a trade show.

Regardless of reason though, it is clear that you or abjectly hostile to the 1st amendment and an opponent of civil rights. The anti-liberty left is dedicated to crushing civil rights in general, as you demonstrate here.
Are you claiming bigotry as a liberty? Are you claiming there is nobility in hatred and fear and narrowmindedness? Are you citing discrimination, blind stupid discrimination as a protected right?

The world done turned upside down! When something used to divide the nation is regarded as a right, a liberty, a noble undertaking.

This explains how a boorish fool like Trump can get support. Our national ethos has been abandoned by the "Me First" generation. Fools and hedonists without regard for law, manners and civil comportment.
--------------------------------------- noble or not hatred , fear and narrow mindedness are all acceptable and there are many definitions of all those emotions so which do you pick . Seems to me that only violent actions against people or private property are illegal Nosmo . Blind discrimination should be upheld by law when the discrimination is Private and not Governmental Nosmo .
So merchants of all stripes should be permitted to deny services to African Americans or Jews or women or homosexuals? Are there public accommodation laws or not?
There is a distinct difference in our definitions of discrimination.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating
recognize a distinction; differentiate.
"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
synonyms: differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart;
separate, separate the sheep from the goats, separate the wheat from the chaff
"he cannot discriminate between fact and fiction"

Words have meanings, that the left cannot grasp reality in no way alters the fact that words have meanings.

The fool who cannot discriminate between a snarling dog and one wagging there tail will often find the idiocy or their ways.

"Racial Discrimination" is a phrase that means to differentiate based on race. Often this is tied to bigotry - similar to the bigotry have toward Christians.

But even in this you leftists discriminate, Muslims are good, Christians are bad.

You use a narrow example of 'distinguishing' between red and green as opposed to 'discriminating' against a person or group you personally find distasteful. Do you think I would be enlightened by specious logic? Are you?

And the dogma with which bigots use as an aegis to defend their blind stupid hatred does not square with the preaching of Jesus Christ. They are preventing a loving, forgiving, beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose. This is sadly all too typical of fundamentalists of all faiths. I cite Islamic fundamentalism as a paradigm to these unChristian bigots.

Such as the blind stupid hatred you of the left have for white people and Christians?

And that stupid, unfounded hatred DOES do real harm beyond 'hurt feelings'. A catered affair is expensive. Using moronic dogma against an otherwise paying customer can cause the cost of the affair to spiral upward, cause the paying customer to seek services far from their hometown, and create a situation that divides one person from the community, one paying customer from another and uses 'faith' as a weapon rather than the embrace it was meant to be.

But, I suspect you hold no place in your heart, your mind or whatever passes for you civic ethics for anyone who fails to toe the line of your narrow and exclusive world view.

This was not a catered affair, it was a targeted attack on a religious couple to challenge and defeat 1st amendment protections. There are plenty of bakeries in Portland, "Sweet Cakes" was targeted because of Christian imagery displayed at a trade show.

Regardless of reason though, it is clear that you or abjectly hostile to the 1st amendment and an opponent of civil rights. The anti-liberty left is dedicated to crushing civil rights in general, as you demonstrate here.
Are you claiming bigotry as a liberty? Are you claiming there is nobility in hatred and fear and narrowmindedness? Are you citing discrimination, blind stupid discrimination as a protected right?

The world done turned upside down! When something used to divide the nation is regarded as a right, a liberty, a noble undertaking.

This explains how a boorish fool like Trump can get support. Our national ethos has been abandoned by the "Me First" generation. Fools and hedonists without regard for law, manners and civil comportment.
--------------------------------------- noble or not hatred , fear and narrow mindedness are all acceptable and there are many definitions of all those emotions so which do you pick . Seems to me that only violent actions against people or private property are illegal Nosmo . Blind discrimination should be upheld by law when the discrimination is Private and not Governmental Nosmo .
So merchants of all stripes should be permitted to deny services to African Americans or Jews or women or homosexuals? Are there public accommodation laws or not?
----------------------------------------- yes there are bad anti discrimination laws but like I already said , discrimination in private business and private affairs should be acceptable Nosmo .
I want to thank all the cons for proving this thread. You all are fascist hypocrites, and bigots.

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