"Stop and frisk" fascism vs. 2nd Amendment

thats all republicans talk about is race, its a white supremacist hate group
It's the Democrats who are talking about it all the time.
yeah how to stop your racist party from achieving its many racist goals maybe
No, how to dupe black people into voting for some one who referred to young balck men as animals that had to be brought to heel.
that never happened as oppose to trump who was actually convicted of discriminating against black people in his apartments,but stop and frisk has nothing to do with clinton, and other than trump saying he supports it, it has nothing to do with him either, and since this is your 3rd attempt to derail im assuming ive answered all your questions about stop and frisk

Wrong.....Trump was attacked by race hustlers and settled the suit.......hilary called black men super predators and her husband locked them up........then he awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom to his good friend, political mentor, and racist...j. william fulbright......
attacked by race hustlers?does that happen alot in republican land?
There is nothing in the article that says it was department policy to stop and frisk people because of race; it simply says some officers and their commanders may have acted improperly, and that calls for more training and perhaps some discipline but not ending a program that saved hundreds of lives.
even though they found more guns on whites?
you could stop a lot of crime if you let police search peoples houses whenever they feel like
You are making a case for reforms within the program, not for ending the program.
an ineffective racist program that was deemed unconstitutional? why do you want to keep it? is it because it doesnt effect white people and your white and everyone else can go screw themselves?how republican of you
If being Republican means you want to save the lives of innocent people, then that is something to be proud of, and if being a Democrat means a willingness to through away the lives of innocent people because a program is unpopular with your base supporters, then being a Democrat is something to be ashamed of.
genocidal republicans want to murder imprison or enslave every non white person in america they dont give a shit about anybones lives, but their own, if you think otherwise your insane

You have the wrong party....Republicans don't think about race....democrats..it is all they think about....every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist...as are it's leaders....

that never happened as oppose to trump who was actually convicted of discriminating against black people in his apartments,but stop and frisk has nothing to do with clinton, and other than trump saying he supports it, it has nothing to do with him either, and since this is your 3rd attempt to derail im assuming ive answered all your questions about stop and frisk

Ah, so you're a liar as well as a retard. :thup:
which part is a lie? (5th time asking)
It's the Democrats who are talking about it all the time.
yeah how to stop your racist party from achieving its many racist goals maybe
No, how to dupe black people into voting for some one who referred to young balck men as animals that had to be brought to heel.
that never happened as oppose to trump who was actually convicted of discriminating against black people in his apartments,but stop and frisk has nothing to do with clinton, and other than trump saying he supports it, it has nothing to do with him either, and since this is your 3rd attempt to derail im assuming ive answered all your questions about stop and frisk

Wrong.....Trump was attacked by race hustlers and settled the suit.......hilary called black men super predators and her husband locked them up........then he awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom to his good friend, political mentor, and racist...j. william fulbright......
attacked by race hustlers?does that happen alot in republican land?

It happens to businesses all the time.....jesse jackson made a fortune out of shaking down businesses and threatening them with marches and protests if they didn't pay him off....in fact...the housing bubble was caused in part by race hustlers attacking banks and forcing them to make bad loans to people who couldn't pay them back....
[First, let's admit that gun violence in and of itself is impossible without the presence of guns.

So Comrade, before their were guns, there was no violence and the world was at peace with full equality?

But you have done a very pretty Fred Astaire around the qyestions concerning the 4th and 5th amendments. What makes those amendments so dispensable while the 2nd must be defended hammer and tong?

Stop and frisk violates the 4th.

No question.
even though they found more guns on whites?
you could stop a lot of crime if you let police search peoples houses whenever they feel like
You are making a case for reforms within the program, not for ending the program.
an ineffective racist program that was deemed unconstitutional? why do you want to keep it? is it because it doesnt effect white people and your white and everyone else can go screw themselves?how republican of you
If being Republican means you want to save the lives of innocent people, then that is something to be proud of, and if being a Democrat means a willingness to through away the lives of innocent people because a program is unpopular with your base supporters, then being a Democrat is something to be ashamed of.
genocidal republicans want to murder imprison or enslave every non white person in america they dont give a shit about anybones lives, but their own, if you think otherwise your insane

You have the wrong party....Republicans don't think about race....democrats..it is all they think about....every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist...as are it's leaders....
so why are they all racists?
yeah how to stop your racist party from achieving its many racist goals maybe
No, how to dupe black people into voting for some one who referred to young balck men as animals that had to be brought to heel.
that never happened as oppose to trump who was actually convicted of discriminating against black people in his apartments,but stop and frisk has nothing to do with clinton, and other than trump saying he supports it, it has nothing to do with him either, and since this is your 3rd attempt to derail im assuming ive answered all your questions about stop and frisk

Wrong.....Trump was attacked by race hustlers and settled the suit.......hilary called black men super predators and her husband locked them up........then he awarded the Presidential medal of Freedom to his good friend, political mentor, and racist...j. william fulbright......
attacked by race hustlers?does that happen alot in republican land?

It happens to businesses all the time.....jesse jackson made a fortune out of shaking down businesses and threatening them with marches and protests if they didn't pay him off....in fact...the housing bubble was caused in part by race hustlers attacking banks and forcing them to make bad loans to people who couldn't pay them back....
so is everyone who isnt a neo nazi, a "race hustler" is that what your saying?

wouldn't it be easier to call them jews?
which part is a lie? (5th time asking)

Your first post to me cannot be the "5th time asking."

Look, you're a democrat, which means you are both stupid and dishonest.

The civil case behind your idiocy has the possible verdicts of "liable" or "not liable." No one can be "convicted" in a law suite. Further, the suite was against the property management team hired by the corporation that was run by Trump, not against Trump.

Simply stated, as only the VERY simple will be grasped by you. you read something on one of the hate sites that you didn't fully understand, you embellished and posted it here.

You are in short, a liar and a retard.
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So what's it going to be republicans, or are you all hypocrites? Or is the 2nd amendment just for whites?.... which confirms your bigotry.
Stop & frisk does not violate a lawful citizen from possessing a firearm lol
All the thugs wanna LEGALLY carry a weapon? Fill out the proper paperwork like everyone else.
Or are you suggesting blacks are too stupid to do that? Perhaps it is YOU who is the racist no? Either that or you're just really fucking stupid

So you are against open carry? Open carry means exactly that. You can openly carry a pistol with no paperwork, identification, or any paperwork whatsoever.
---------------------------------------------------------------- just carry what you want when you want , both open carry or concealed . There are quite a few states when carry of anything anywhere and at anytime is totally legal . I oppose and sort of stopping and frisking .
------------------------------- its called Consitutional Carry and is practiced in some states and the list of states is growing .
-------------------------------- and I think that the state of Missouri just went to Constitutional Carry Grandpa !!
You are correct that Republicans don't bring up race, and are you referring to the wall Senator Clinton voted for twice?
thats all republicans talk about is race, its a white supremacist hate group
It's the Democrats who are talking about it all the time.
yeah how to stop your racist party from achieving its many racist goals maybe
No, how to dupe black people into voting for some one who referred to young balck men as animals that had to be brought to heel.
that never happened as oppose to trump who was actually convicted of discriminating against black people in his apartments,but stop and frisk has nothing to do with clinton, and other than trump saying he supports it, it has nothing to do with him either, and since this is your 3rd attempt to derail im assuming ive answered all your questions about stop and frisk
Listen to Hillary calling young black men superpredators who must be brought to heel. Animals are brought to heel, not human being.

Trump was never convicted of anything. Forty some years ago when he had just taken over a building the company was sued for civil rights violations, and Trump responded by changing the policy. Contrast that with Hillary who lauded the Clinton crime bill that led to the mass incarceration of thousands of young black men and the Clinton three strike rule that gave many of them life sentences, and to her racist campaign against Obama when she told Democrats they should vote for her because white voters would never vote for Obama, a black man, and when her husband said Obama, a black man was not fit to carry his, a white man's, bags.

Where do the Clintons come up with these racist stereotypes of black people as animals that must be brought to heel or as servants to white people? When they smile at you and tell you they feel your pain, these are the thoughts lurking behind their eyes.
[I jealously guard the first amendment. I read the 2nd as "a well regulated militia being necessary for a free state", not anybody with an index finger can be a 'militia'.

So you're dishonest..

The right of the PEOPLE.

Who are the people? Are the people in the 9th different than the people in the 4th?

The right of the people - yeah, that means everyone, Comrade.

Oh, and you were arguing AGAINST the 1st just yesterday. Remember, the 1st provides religious freedom, which you work to crush.
[First, let's admit that gun violence in and of itself is impossible without the presence of guns.

So Comrade, before their were guns, there was no violence and the world was at peace with full equality?

But you have done a very pretty Fred Astaire around the qyestions concerning the 4th and 5th amendments. What makes those amendments so dispensable while the 2nd must be defended hammer and tong?

Stop and frisk violates the 4th.

No question.
No. Before guns there was no gun violence. Here's where that reading stuff finally pays off.
[I jealously guard the first amendment. I read the 2nd as "a well regulated militia being necessary for a free state", not anybody with an index finger can be a 'militia'.

So you're dishonest..

The right of the PEOPLE.

Who are the people? Are the people in the 9th different than the people in the 4th?

The right of the people - yeah, that means everyone, Comrade.

Oh, and you were arguing AGAINST the 1st just yesterday. Remember, the 1st provides religious freedom, which you work to crush.
The freedom to practice religion does not include a right to discriminate. No one is prevented from attending church. They just can't misuse faith to protect their hatred.
[First, let's admit that gun violence in and of itself is impossible without the presence of guns.

So Comrade, before their were guns, there was no violence and the world was at peace with full equality?

But you have done a very pretty Fred Astaire around the qyestions concerning the 4th and 5th amendments. What makes those amendments so dispensable while the 2nd must be defended hammer and tong?

Stop and frisk violates the 4th.

No question.
No. Before guns there was no gun violence. Here's where that reading stuff finally pays off.
---------------------------- yeah , before guns there was just knife , rock , fist and feet , club violence . Guns are great , they are the great equalizer for a small , weak , handicapped , old person and for regular people on the street or in their homes or cars . Guns are good and are to be used when peaceful people are attacked by monster sized or little murderers , rapists , robbers and burglars and in these times guns can be used to defend against Islamic terrorists Nosmo !!
---------------------------- yeah , before guns there was just knife , rock , fist and feet , club violence . Guns are great , they are the great equalizer for a small , weak , handicapped , old person and for regular people on the street or in their homes or cars . Guns are good and are to be used when peaceful people are attacked by monster sized or little murderers , rapists , robbers and burglars and in these times guns can be used to defend against Islamic terrorists Nosmo !!
The right to keep and bear arms is in the way of the state having a monopoly on force.
Thus, the liberals' opposition to it.

No. Before guns there was no gun violence. Here's where that reading stuff finally pays off.

I see;

So you are one of those who thinks that a man stabbed and beaten in a park lays dying with the last thoughts of "I'm so glad that I wasn't shot."

My observation is the left is ultimately dedicated to the return of feudalism. Everything the left does is to return to a world when a tiny elite rules absolutely. Under the feudal lords, the peasants occupied the status of basically slaves, at the mercy of the nobles in all things. The Crown (state) owned all lands, the peasant merely worked the land on behalf of the central rulers. (think the democrat opposition to private property) The trade off was that nobles were professional soldiers, trained in the use of weapons, which were forbidden to the commoners. One could be executed for training with a sword or spear, the disarmed masses were at the mercy of their rulers.

What guns did was to allow commoners to defend against the elite. This in turn destroyed the ability of the elite to keep the peasants in bondage. What you and your party seek is to disarm the masses, in hopes of again putting the majority in chains, to serve the Aristocrats.

Without the right to keep and bear arms, there are no other rights. I suspect you know this fully - you're masters certainly do. You seek a disarmed populace who will be powerless under nobles who rule them on behalf of a supreme state.
The freedom to practice religion does not include a right to discriminate.

I believe that since the left opposes discrimination in all cases, that leftists should be prohibited from discriminating between peanut butter and dog shit, between salt and rat poison.

No one is prevented from attending church. They just can't misuse faith to protect their hatred.

So, provided we have dog runs where people can speak, it is perfectly acceptable to outlaw speech in public that is opposed by the party?

You in no way support the 1st, you support only your party.

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