Stop Antisemitism

Actually I'm pretty old and I followed Israel's choices in real time as they were happening. You've made a mess of things. That's why we have this current disaster. I feel so sad about it and the current resurgence of antisemitism.
No mess. We did not create supremacy over jews. Hatred towards jews.

We were willing to live in peace with the Arabs and all others, as proven in Israel with the Bedouin, Druze and all others. All the Muslims like Al Husseini could think of was " The land belongs to Islam and Jews are not going to get it".

The current disaster is the very same disaster as always when it comes to Jews having rights. And Muslims or Christians denying them.

Palestinians themselves in Gaza are fleeing to the South away from Hamas instead of joining them in defeating Israel. But that tells you nothing, because you do not want to know.

50 years of BDS and infiltrating Universities and teaching the opposite of History is what has led to the current rise in Antisemitism, which Trump helped fuel it in the US, and all the Million Muslims who migrated around the world made sure to spread their brand of hatred for Jews and spread the "Free Palestine" which means Destroy Israel, to all ignorant people who would listen. Something not difficult amongst Christians, since so many Christians are anti Jews themselves. They just need a new reason, and they found one.

Stop Antisemitism by telling the truth.
There's no excuse for these vicious threats.. none. But, they don't justify what Israel has done.
WHAT has Israel DONE ??????

And especially what has Israel DONE, which excuses the Jews around the world being harassed and attacked?

I am not seeing Russian or Ukrainian's attacking each other around the world.

No attacks on Chinese by Tibetans or from people from Taiwan.

No attacks on Turks by Greeks, over Northern Cyprus.

Your endless apologies for Islam are indefensible.
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Part 1

I don’t care that you sympathize with Hamas.

I know you wouldn’t tolerate any of the things they did to us if they would’ve done it to you.

I don’t care that you’re outraged by Israel’s response to the massacre more than the massacre itself.

What of a humanitarian gesture to release our 230+ hostages – elderly, children, babies – snatched from their cribs?

I don’t care that you’ve rallied for Palestine as part of your march for LGBTQ rights, trans rights, workers rights, socialism, climate change, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, fighting Islamaphobia and ‘all forms of racism.’

Your gullibility would be laughable if it wasn’t so hypocritical. None of those things exist under Hamas.

I don’t care that you ‘love Jewish people – just hate Israel’, that you have some friends that are Jewish, that maybe you’re ethnically Jewish yourself – and therefore you’re entitled to levy every libel in the playbook against us.

Words matter. They lead to actions. When a lie is repeated often enough it’s accepted as truth. You are laying the groundwork for more attacks against us.

I don’t care that you wave the flag of ‘human rights’, that you’ve become overnight experts in international law, that you shout fancy slogans you don’t understand such as proportionality, occupation and apartheid.

Your humanity is selective. In your mind, human rights don’t apply to us because we are undeserving. You didn’t speak up when our women and children were horribly assaulted.

I don’t care if you think we are colonialists, imperialists and settlers and that we should just go back to where we came from.

We are back to where we came from.

I don’t care if you believe in a one-state solution, a two-state solution, a federation, an internationalized Jerusalem or any other theory drawn up in your ivory tower.

We won’t readily hold out our necks and endanger our lives in order to satisfy your thought experiments and placate your conscience from afar.

I don’t care if you consider yourself anti-Zionist but not antisemitic.

We’ve seen enough Jews around the world attacked over the last 3 weeks under the guise of ‘anti-Zionism’.

I don’t care that you think we are too powerful, too technologically advanced, too sophisticated.

If we didn’t build ourselves up to this point we’d get eaten alive by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran and Palestinian terrorism.

Part 2

I don’t care that you blame us for 1948 refugees, for the fact that they have no state, for the keys that they wave in their fantasy of ‘right of return.’

Three weeks ago we got a glimpse of what that ‘return’ looks like and what it means for our children.

I don’t care if you think we aren’t real Jews, that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, that Jews are a religion and not a nationality and so we deserve no state.

Your denials have zero impact on the strength of our ideals and the self-affirmation of our identity.

I don’t care that you accuse us of flaunting the myriad UN resolutions, inquiries and statements.

They reflect more on the institutional decay of the UN than on us.

I don’t care about your media coverage, the lies, the equivocation, the acceptance of Hamas talking points and statistics.

Your echo chamber is just another weapon in their strategic arsenal.

I don’t care that you accused us of bombing the Al Ahli hospital.

It was only a matter of time before you found a symbol for Israel’s wickedness. The subsequent retractions were a fig leaf once the truth emerged that Islamic Jihad was responsible and that the hospital is still standing.

I don’t care that you see us as a criminal state, a terror state, usurpers, baby killers, Christ-killers, Khaybar Jews or any other depravity that exists in your mind.

Your libels lay the groundwork for our dehumanization. Rings a bell. We will fight it.

I don’t care that you’ve inverted the truth by accusing us of genocide.

If positions were reversed and Hamas held the power we do now, you’d see what a genocide looks like.

I don’t care that you’re angry, boiling and outraged.

I don’t care that you’re glued to your TV screens and Telegram channels.

I don’t care that you’re mad.

I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans.

We won’t die silently the way you want us to.

For the first time in 2,000 years we are organized, we are motivated and we will defend ourselves.

We fight for light over darkness,

Morality over evil.

Not that it matters to you – but we will stick to the rules and hold the high moral ground not because you expect it from us, but because they are a value for us.

We will do so ethically and thoughtfully, for we are the People of the Book.

Part 3

Our power and strength are a necessity because the alternative for us is:

Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Pittsburgh, Toulouse, Farhud, Hebron, Birkenau, Belzec, Babi Yar, Kristalnacht, Kielce and Kishinev.

Do you think for a moment that we would return to that reality just to make you feel a little better?

You are deeply mistaken…


For so, so long, I really, deeply cared.

I cared about fitting in;

I cared about what you think;

I cared about being a model citizen;

I cared about setting a personal example of how a tiny people in a tough neighborhood could still be a Light unto the Nations.

How the world’s oldest minority – now a majority here – could treat its own internal minorities par excellence amidst the complicated and messy reality of ethnic conflict;

How we could painfully dismember parts of our homeland and offer them on the platter of peace to Palestinians that want neither peace nor some parts (they want all of it);

How we could dazzle you with USB sticks, drip irrigation, operating system kernels, Nobel Prize winners, swallowable medical cameras, deep tech, quantum mechanics, generative AI and cures for disease.

But now I’m finally accepting that you don’t care.

You never did.

You don’t see and you don’t hear.

And because I cared about what you think so much, that so deeply hurts.

But you don’t have my best interests at heart.

You take issue with my base identity, with what I represent.

Don’t expect me to wait for your approval this time.

It doesn’t matter what I do, you’re not going to change.

It doesn’t matter how I act, because your issue is with who I am.

Now I’m going to block out your noise and do what it takes to win this war.

I no longer care

The wave of anti-Semitism is not confined to America. In Sydney, Australia, a Jewish man was recently assaulted by a mob of what Sky News calls “Palestine supporters” and severely beaten; he is now recovering in a hospital. In the same city, a mass protest occurred on October 9 where demonstrators chanted “gas the Jews.” Nor has Great Britain been spared. Stephen Daisley, writing from that country, comments on why so many young people seem to be drawn to anti-Semitism:

It’s not that the world is particularly woke to anti-black or any other form of racism, but that it is particularly unwoke to anti-Jewish racism. There is an empathy gap when it comes to Jews, a mental or emotional distance from their suffering that is either not present with other groups or not as respectable to let slip. This may be a generational phenomenon. In the world the baby boomers grew up in, the Holocaust was the recent past. The war loomed over the culture and, in the liberal West at least, the death camps became the ultimate symbol of evil.

The TikTok generation are coming of age in a world where Israel is no longer seen as the miracle in the desert, the return of a nation to its homeland in the shadow of its near extinction, but the racist oppressor of the indigenous Palestinians. They have no frame for understanding anti-Semitism because they have been taught that the world is divided into white victimizers and black and brown victims. Jews don’t fit into that formula, Israeli Jews certainly don’t, and nor do the Palestinians, but as the formula is all they know, it must be made to fit.

Jews are the last minority it’s acceptable to hate, and not just acceptable but progressive.


Israeli actress Gal Gadot organized screening of terror group's atrocities at venue dedicated to Holocaust victims​

What happened: A mob of pro-Hamas hooligans attacked peacefully protesting Jews on Wednesday outside the Museum of Tolerance-Beit HaShoah in Los Angeles.

• The venue, dedicated to victims of the Holocaust, was hosting a screening of "Bearing Witness," a short film comprising "extremely graphic and violent" footage of the murderous rampage Hamas terrorists perpetrated against Israeli civilians on October 7.

• Israeli actress Gal Gadot reportedly helped organize the screening but did not attend.

Why it matters: The attack took place amid a dramatic surge in anti-Semitic violence across the country and throughout the world following the Hamas attack on Israel, which took the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians.

• An elderly Jewish man died this week after being "struck in the head by a megaphone wielded by a pro-Palestinian protestor" in Ventura County outside Los Angeles. Police are investigating his death as a homicide.

• Two weeks earlier, Los Angeles police arrested a man who allegedly broke into a Jewish family's home and threatened to kill them. The suspect, Daniel Garcia, was filmed yelling "Free Palestine" as police took him into custody.

Crucial context: The pro-terrorist goons were enraged by a film that provides irrefutable evidence of Hamas atrocities that many of the group's supporters have dismissed as Israeli propaganda.

• Journalist Jotam Confino, who viewed the footage last month, recalled the "indescribable" scenes of children running for their lives as Hamas terrorists chase after them with a hand grenade, terrorists executing civilians in their cars while yelling "Allahu Akbar," and another terrorist screaming "Allahu Akbar" as he "frantically tries to behead a dead man with a shovel."

Tulane University Censors Pro-Israel Voices, but Allows Hamas-Supporting “Free Speech”

Last night, SSI students met on campus to post flyers of hostages in Gaza.

“We taped the flyers extremely well and wrapped tape around the entire pole.

We then smeared Vaseline all over to deter people from ripping them down,” a student leader explained. In a chalk-permitted area, students wrote the following messages:

"There was a ceasefire on October 6

""Stand here if you support terrorism" in the meeting area for the anti-Israel march.

"Walk this way if you are a Zionist" where protesters are presumed to march.

"Love hummus, not Hamas"

"Free Gaza from Hamas"

"HaMASS MURDERS"- pictured below the only chalk not wiped away because it is in the street- on the crosswalk.

This morning, a student arrived at the chalking location and saw Tulane Cleaning Services hosing down the pavement. When asked why, they received orders from "higher ups" to remove SSI at Tulane’s chalking.

"Palestinians killed in Gaza," followed by names, written by pro-Hamas students are still up.The cleaning staff ONLY erased the part added by SSI students: "by Hamas."

Students met with administration who referred to the pro-Israel chalk as, “political.”

Students argued that it is not acceptable to erase only the chalk created by Israel-supporting students and allow the chalk of the opposing narrative.

The administrative representative noted that the school would continue to hose off the students’ chalk, and recommended that they consider how much time they put into chalking. As this newsletter is being typed, students are witnessing administration removing the posters of hostages…
Tulane University administration is eager to silence the pro-Israel voices on campus.

Let Tulane University know that this blatent bias is UNACCEPTABLE: contact the office of the President

The comparisons are easy to draw: broken glass, burned buildings, shuttered businesses, dead Jews.

Eighty-five years after Kristallnacht, the anti-Jewish riots that marked a brutal turning point in the Nazi campaign of persecution in Germany, Holocaust survivors say what happened in southern Israel on October 7 — and how they have seen the world respond since — reminds them of what they experienced in their childhood.

“When it all happened on October 7th, I couldn’t believe it,” Maud, who lives in the United States, said in a testimony shared this week by March of the Living, an organization that takes groups to visit concentration camp sites in Europe. “I’ve had sleepless nights since and it just brought back so many memories. It is so visual of what I saw as a child. … I have a hard time coping with what I read and what I hear and what I see on TV. I can’t come to terms with it. It’s so hard.”

(full article online)

[ Politics, and attacks on others due to political beliefs, has no place in ANY school or University. ]

Harvard University President Claudine Gay on Thursday condemned the widely used anti-Israel phrase “from the river to the sea” while elaborating on plans to combat antisemitism on campus amid outcry that the school is not doing enough to ensure the safety of Jewish students.

“Our community must understand that phrases such as ‘from the river to the sea’ bear specific historical meanings that to a great many people imply the eradication of Jews from Israel and engender both pain and existential fears within our Jewish community,” Gay said in a statement. “I condemn this phrase and any similarly hurtful phrases.”

The slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” has been widely used as a call for the destruction of Israel, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Anti-Israel activists have argued that opposition to the phrase is meant to suppress free speech — an argument noted by Gay.

“I have heard concerns from some about how this important work relating to antisemitism will bear on Harvard’s vital commitment to free expression,” she said. “Combating antisemitism and fostering free expression are mutually consistent goals. We are at our strongest when we commit to open inquiry and freedom of expression as foundational values of our academic community.”

The world’s leading definition of antisemitism — penned by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance — considers efforts to deny Israel’s right to exist as antisemitic.

Gay’s statement came amid mounting concerns that Harvard has been allowing antisemitism to proliferate on campus under the guise of protecting free speech and expression. After Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel, the university waited days to condemn the Palestinian terrorist group’s mass slaughter and rape of civilians. The administration also declined to censure 31 student groups, led by the school’s Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC), who blamed Israel for the attack and accused the Jewish state of operating an “open air prison” in Gaza, despite the Israeli military having fully withdrawn from the territory in 2005.

Harvard’s response has angered major donors to the university. On Oct. 15, the Wexner Foundation, a prominent philanthropic organization, announced that it was terminating a longstanding partnership with the school. Other reports, first disclosed by eJewishPhilanthropy, said that Harvard alumni and other major donors, shocked by the university’s response to the Hamas atrocities, were also considering ceasing their financial support for the university.

Jewish alumni spoke out as well. Earlier this month, more than 1,200 Jewish alumni of Harvard signed a letter to the university’s president and dean demanding action to combat rising antisemitism on campus. The graduates formed the first Jewish alumni association in the history of Harvard.

In Thursday’s statement, Gay, who was appointed as Harvard’s first Black president last December, said “antisemitism has no place at Harvard” and provided additional details about a recently formed Antisemitism Advisory Group.

The group, she explained, plans to implement several reforms, including a historical examination of the roots of antisemitism at Harvard, educational programming highlighting the antisemitic origins of anti-Israel rhetoric, raising awareness of anonymous reporting of antisemitic incidents, forging relationships with external groups, and for the first time ever incorporating Holocaust Remembrance Day and Jewish American Heritage Month into the school’s calendar.

“Harvard was founded to advance human dignity through education,” Gay said. “We inherited a faith in reason to overcome ignorance, in truth to surmount hate. Antisemitism is destructive to our mission. We will not solve every disagreement, bridge every divide, heal every wound. But if we shrink from this struggle, we betray our ideals.”


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