Stop Antisemitism

Harvard - another student has been identified participating in the antisemitic mob caught harassing a Jewish pupil in this now viral clip.

Meet Harvard Divinity School student Elom Tettey-Tamaklo. Tettey-Tamaklo graduated from Haverford College with a concentration in political science and African studies.

He is the recipient of the prestigious Clementine Cope Fellowship, a 124 year old fund that helps support graduate studies for Haverford Alumni.

Since the Jewish Sabbath ended, we have been receiving information from across the Jewish community.

We are aware of Jewish families being targeted on their way out of synagogue and have received reports of police having to escort congregants away in groups for their own safety.

The placards today bore slogans and imagery that would not have looked out of place in Nazi Germany.Islamist extremists, the far-left and the far-right were out on the streets, all on one day.

What a day to be a Jew in London.More to follow. If you have information that you would like us to see, please e-mail [email protected].

Two teachers have been removed from a Los Angeles area charter school located at a synagogue after teaching a lesson to first graders about “genocide in Palestine,” according to school officials.

The teachers were ousted from the classroom — but not fired — from the Citizens of the World Charter School, which has classrooms at Adat Ari El Synagogue in the San Fernando Valley, KTLA reported.

Senior Rabbi Brian Schuldenfrei told reporters at a press conference on Friday that tensions at the school first emerged after “certain teachers” reached out to the school’s principal about Israeli flags hoisted around campus following Hamas’ Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel.

“I know that this is a time to hold your community close, and perhaps the flags are intended for that – but do you know how long they will be up?” the principal, Hye-Won Gehring, emailed Schuldenrei after the teachers asked when they would be removed.

Schuldenfrei said he found the email offensive and likened it to asking Americans to take down American flags after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Gehring later apologized, he said.

He later learned that the same teachers who complained about the flags had taught a “human rights” lesson to first graders at the school — and posted about it online.

“After the lesson, one of the teachers proudly shared on Instagram, and I quote, ‘LOL but I did a lesson on the genocide in Palestine today w my first graders…,’” Schuldenfrie said. “The teacher went on to boast: ‘My fav was a kid who was like ‘What if they just gave the land back to Palestine and find somewhere else to live.”

The teacher added a heart emoji to the end of the post, he added.

“The world needs to know that anyone who calls for the eradication of Israel is expressing a pernicious form of antisemitism, a denial of the right of Jews to live in our ancestral homeland,” Schuldenfrie continued. “The heart emoji … is perverse punctuation, dressing up hate in the guise of love.”

CWC executive director Melissa Kaplan apologized and vowed that the school would fully investigate the incident.

“CWC unequivocally condemns the social media posts by our staff members, including the use of the word “genocide” to describe Israel’s [response to the attack],” Kaplan said in a statement. “CWC unequivocally condemns the disturbing suggestion that Jews should leave the region, and we unequivocally condemn any lesson that creates bias or fear among our students.”

(full article online)

[ Antisemites have been fully emboldened ]

Free Palastine sticker inside book about Israel.
A popular book about the Israel's history was delivered to a customer by Amazon this week with "Free Palastine" stickers throughout the pages.Courtesy of Shira Goldman

A Wisconsin woman who ordered a book about the history of Israel from Amazon was shocked to open it this week and find that it was defaced with stickers that said “Free Palastine.”

When Madison mom Shira Goldman cracked open “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth,” she noticed the stickers, which included a fake barcode and the incorrect spelling of Palestine.

“It was very disturbing and I felt violated,” Goldman told The Post.

Goldman, who is Jewish, feared that she was targeted for her faith.

She shared the unsettling discovery with those close to her and then took to Facebook to ask for advice.

In addition to speaking out against antisemitism, many members of these online communities share book recommendations to help make sense of the war in the Middle East following Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

One of those books is often Tishby’s. The Israeli actress and activist’s guide was published in 2021 but landed on the New York Times best-seller list last month.

Within hours of Goldman posting about her experience, a fellow member who works for Amazon was able to get to the bottom of who defaced her book, and the person was subsequently fired.

She then had a new book sent to Goldman’s house that exact same day.

Apparently, it was the last copy of the book at a warehouse hours from Goldman’s home and an employee delivered it personally to her.

“A community came together to help each other out,” Goldman said.

Author Tishby even got wind of the incident and asked on X if this had happened to anyone else. “This is unacceptable. I’m in contact with [Amazon Books] and they’re making sure this doesn’t happen again.”

Though Amazon CEO Andy Jassy called the attacks on Israel “shocking and painful to watch” on X, some employees have pushed for more public support of Palestine, the Washington Post reported last month.

The company has received backlash for not removing pro-Palestinian merch bearing the controversial phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” according to reports.

(full article online)

[ Emboldened antisemites. Congratulations to the 50 years of anti Jewish, anti Israel teachings around the world. This is the result ]


n 1943, Husseini and Himmler agreed that all Jews living in the middle east must be killed once Germany wins the war.

The origins of Hamas actually literally do come from Nazi philosophy, so it's quite common to find Nazi literature in their libraries.
Jew hatred around the world ‘bear all the hallmarks of Hitler and the Nazis’: Rowan Dean
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the bloodthirsty massacres and the resulting outbreak of Jew hatred around the world “bear all the hallmarks of Hitler and the Nazis”.

Mr Dean said we’ve seen a “terrifying increase” in physical attacks on Jewish people in Australia and overseas.

“History suggests that the comparisons between the modern antisemitism fuelled by pro-Palestinian sentiments and Hitler’s antisemitism, are no coincidence.

“We either learn from history – those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

“So please let us learn.”

On a recent Rebel News daily livestream, Ezra Levant discussed increasing harassment and violence directed towards the Jewish community in Canada, specifically in Toronto.

Alberta is working to develop Holocaust education, but could any amount rectify the amount of anti-Jewish hatred that is on display in major cities across the world?
More than 200,000 people took the streets of French cities on Sunday to protest the dramatic rise in antisemitism since the Hamas pogrom in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

The vast majority — 182,000, according to the news outlet Le Monde — marched in the capital Paris, led by senior French politicians including Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, whose Jewish father was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Nazi occupation of World War II. More than 20,000 gathered in provincial cities as well, among them Lyon, Nice and Grenoble.

Sunday’s march came at the close of a nervous weekend for Jews across Europe, with 300,000 supporters of Hamas marching through central London on Saturday in what was billed as a “peace march.” In France, more than 1,200 antisemitic outrages have been recorded since the atrocities in Israel, a national record.

Billed as a “great civic march” against antisemitism, Sunday’s event was overshadowed by a bitter dispute over the participation of the far right Rassemblement National (RN — “National Rally”), accused by critics of exploiting Jewish fears of antisemitism to push its anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim agenda, as well as the decision of the far left La France Insoumise (LFI — “France Rising”) to boycott the event on the grounds, according to the party’s leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, that the overriding issue was the need for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Several protestors jeered as the RN’s leader, Jordan Bardella, and its former leader, Marine Le Pen, arrived at the march in Paris on Sunday.

The march took place under heavy security along a one-and-a-half-mile route on Paris’s Left Bank to the Place Edmond Rostand, a square named after a French playwright who was an outspoken supporter of Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish army officer falsely accused of spying for Germany at a milestone trial in 1894 that unleashed a wave of violent antisemitism across France.

Several demonstrators expressed fear that the situation facing France’s Jewish community of 450,000 was becoming worse.

“I’m here because I’m Jewish, French, because what’s happening isn’t acceptable,” Emilie — a 45 year-old marcher — told Le Monde. “There is no need to mix the conflict in the Middle East and the Jews of France.”

Another marcher, 80-year-old Vartan Kaladjian, said he was protesting because of the increase in attacks on Jews. An Armenian married to a Jewish woman, Kaladjian expressed disappointment that French President Emmanuel Macron had been absent from the march. Macron’s presence would have shown “everyone that he is with us,” Kaladjian said.


Social activist Emily Schrader breaks down whats at play around vandals tearing down posters of missing Israelis.

Seems like @MIT is violating Title IV & their own harassment/hostile work environment policies since they are making it unsafe for Jewish staff & students to learn & to teach & that
need to investigate.
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[ It has always been about the Jews, not the Israelis, not about Israel. It is about Jews being sovereign over a piece of land once conquered by Islam. 500 years under the Ottomans, not one attack against the Ottoman Empire. It IS Antisemitism ]

On October 7, as news came in about the massacre of Jews, a Mauritanian news site published several poems expressing joy at the murders.

Yes, poems.

Here's one of them (translated by ChatGPT, corrected by Ibn Boutros:)

Speak to me of the beautiful morning, Of a Jihad flavored with the impossible.
Of veiled men who are noble, With no equals in our time.
Feed Ashqalan (Ashkelon) with the bread of bullets, And pour over it a cup of gunpowder.
See the Jews, the uncouth, fleeing, chained, or killed
What a moment of glory, it revived every dead, and delighted every generation
It is the triumph, so fill the universe with praise, And admiration for the majestic and beautiful.
Do not cease speaking, for my longing, For the talk of jihad is boundless.
Indeed, it is a joy that has descended my land, And my people, all of them, and my tribe.
And my religion and my nation, I see it as a day of celebration for every family and child.

Other poems (only ChatGPT translated so it may have errors) had verses like:

Delight your heart with this victory at times,
For the Jews are but a mirage when we confront them.

They fell as slain, captured, and as spoils on their Sabbath,
When the army of truth advanced with anger.
A poem called "An Exceptional Morning" says:

They scatter like a flock of locusts; the storm sweeps them away, As if they were bubbles in its currents.
Allah is great, and upon their backs, lava flows, Feeding on skulls and scattered limbs.


The ink inscribed by the Qassam Brigades,
A noble declaration of glory and honor.

Stars arose with dignity and nobility,
Defying the roar of the barking aggressor.

A night from the heights, its morning radiant,
With the sorrow of the Jews and the glory of Islam.
This isn't "anti-Zionism." These are paeans to a holy war of Islam attacking Jews.


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