Stop Antisemitism

Moroccan "philosopher of morality" is ecstatic about Muslims massacring Jews

Wikipedia says:
Taha Abderrahman, (born on 28 May 1944) is a Moroccan philosopher, and one of the leading philosophers and thinkers in the Arab and Islamic worlds. His work centers on logic, philosophy of language and philosophy of morality and contractarian ethics. He believes in multiple modernities and seeks to establish an ethical and humanitarian modernity based on the values and principles of Islam and the Arab tradition.
A leading Arab and Islamic philosopher of morality must be pretty moral, right?

Moroccan news site reports:
Dr. Taha Abdelrahman sees the "Al-Aqsa Flood" as a new beginning for civilization, a new rise for the nation, and a new birth for humanity. It involves discovering new values where individuals delve into their depths, connecting the apparent with the hidden, the immediate with the future.

The Moroccan thinker Taha Abdelrahman adds in an interview published on the Center for Civilization Studies and Research website: "Today, Palestinian resistance is writing the history of the nation and leading humanity towards enlightenment through the brilliance of its self-reviews, both individual and collective. It is truly a mature resumption of continuous giving, a creative inheritance of renewable energy in the paths of Islamic and human history.

As the "philosopher of ethics" adds, though few in number, it is significant in its trustworthiness and noble in its will because it re-establishes values based on divine qualities, re-establishes Islam on a sacred tint, and re-establishes the spirit on divine proximity. The nation's survival today and in the future is contingent on the resistance's survival, and God forbid, its defeat signals the demise of the nation.

Taha Abdelrahman says: I witnessed this battle through the jihadists' excellent preparation and planning, the innovation of means for attack and defense despite limited resources and tremendous challenges.

The Moroccan thinker believes that resistance is the act that contributes to building Islamic civilization and constructing human civilizations. He adds: The way our nation can contribute today to civilizational construction and human renewal is through "jihad" and no other path.

According to the philosopher, the vigilant Palestinian resistor has risen to carry this trust with skill, bearing this responsibility virtuously. He has undertaken it as the best burden and performed it as the best performance. Indeed, he is unique in this time.

Resistance, in the philosopher's perspective, is not a partial act but a holistic one. He says: I looked at resistance from an existential standpoint, meaning that existence has no meaning without resistance, andlife is meaningless without jihad. Existence and life gain meaning from the act of resistance itself.

Resistance and jihad are the elixir of life bestowed by God upon the resistors. Without it, there is nothing but death and perdition.

He believes that the greatest manifestation of the Arab and Islamic mind in the modern era is embodied in the Al-Aqsa flood. It showcased the potential of the Islamic mind, revealing its breadth and strength while exposing the limitations and fragility of the Zionist mind. The practical responsibility towards these realities was shouldered, and significant achievements were realized with the support of God.

The philosopher sees the secret behind the success achieved on October 7th as the mind supported by God. He adds: This mind is filled with pure faith, surpassing all material and worldly limits. It ascends like a king, with no sin remaining with it – "Light upon light."

These fighters have been and still are beacons shining in all of humanity with values that contemporary humans have lost. In these values, they discover their nature, witnessed by God on their lordship, manifesting in its purest form and most magnificent images.

These fighters are kingdomly; their dominion knows no temporal or spatial bounds, suspended at the throne under divine shadow. They gather for God and disperse for Him, with angels fighting alongside them.

What they achieved in three hours is proof that they are examples of the supported mind, as I have always spoken about in my books and lectures. Blessed are they.
Clearly Abdelrahman knows about the massacres, the rapes, the burning of babies. And this expert on philosophy and morality is ecstatic about them.

He is not a minor figure. There are plenty of papers written about his philosophy. Yet he is clearly a fundamentally immoral person. Perhaps this is the first time he has stated his enthusiasm about murdering Jews publicly, but I am doubtful that this will tarnish his reputation in philosophical circles.

Which is a very scary commentary on the state of academia today.

I am always reluctant to compare anything contemporary to Nazi Germany, but this is really Nazi-level thinking - justifying the most heinous crimes as not only acceptable but exemplary, using a philosophical framework.

[ Jew Hatred, alive and well in Britain, as always.
1290, Mandate for Palestine, etc, etc ]

Part 1

It was assistant commissioner Matt Twist who put out the video statement on X. The right-wing protest seems ‘intent on confrontation [and] violence’, he said. These ruffians seem hell-bent on getting to the Palestine march, but we have been ‘effective in preventing that happening’, he continued. Twist then gushed over the pro-Palestine march: it is ‘moving along the prescribed route’, it is attended by ‘tens of thousands of people’, and ‘at the moment there are no issues with it’. Witnesses to this bizarre political edict from the top of the Met will have been left with the impression that one demo was made up of bigots, the other of saints.

The truth? The march that Twist praised was a hotbed of racial hatred and a simmering violent loathing for Jews. ‘No issues’? There were people wearing the green bandanas beloved of Hamas. In central London, a mere month after the worst attack on the Jews since the Holocaust, people were dressing up as the anti-Semites who carried that attack out. It would be like Londoners donning the uniform of the Sturmabteilung in the wake of Kristallnacht. There were marchers chanting about the Khaybar massacre – the 7th-century mass murder of Jews by Muhammad’s army. This is an expressly anti-Semitic chant, designed to strike terror into Jewish people. I’d call that an ‘issue’.

There were swastikas on the supposedly good march. One placard showed the swastika mangled with the Star of David alongside the blood-spattered words: ‘No British politician should be a friend of Israel.’ There was rank Holocaust minimisation. Placards said Gaza is ‘twinned with Auschwitz’ or featured the Star of David next to the swastika and said ‘They are the same’. And of course there were bellows of ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’. It seemed to be said with more gusto this time. People heard the pleas of London’s Jews not to make this cry for the destruction of Israel and they decided to make it even more vociferously than before. There’s cruelty in this.

Yes, there was a far-right march in London on Saturday which we should be hugely concerned about. It was called the March for Palestine. One has to marvel at the gall of middle-class virtue-signallers who look aghast at the right-wing blokes around the Cenotaph while marching shoulder to shoulder with literal racists. Who reach for their smelling salts at the sight of rowdy working-class men in tracksuits while turning a blind eye to radical Muslims singing the praises of mass violence against Jewish people. Who wring their hands over the ‘return of fascism’ while marching with people who taunt Jews by comparing them to the Nazis who vapourised their forebears. Going by all the available reporting, there was only one demo on which outright racism was widely expressed and violence against minorities was celebrated – and it wasn’t the one at the Cenotaph.

(full article online )

Part 2

What was most sickening about Twist’s premature insistence of ‘no issues’ on the Palestine march is that he unwittingly gave moral cover to this hate gathering. Journalists like Owen Jones cited Twist’s comments as proof that the Palestine march was good. And thus was the truth of this march – its flashes of violent-minded anti-Semitism – hidden away. Did Twist stop to think what impact his statement might have on London’s Jews, who could already see, via social media, that anti-Jewish hate was being expressed on the march? Perhaps he decided that accruing likes from his fellow woke ideologues was more important than letting Jews know we have their back.

It’s just as well Twist said ‘at the moment there are no issues’, for the Met have since had to admit that there appear to have been numerous instances of hate on the good demo. The Met’s rush to praise it was staggeringly ill-advised, a cynical move that will have horrified Jewish citizens.

How do we explain this extraordinary spectacle where middle-class leftists can mingle with extremists cosplaying as Hamas’s anti-Semitic murderers while looking down their noses at a bunch of right-wing agitators? How can they rage against home secretary Suella Braverman for stirring up a ‘far-right mob’ with her criticisms of the Palestine marches and the politicised police while they give cover, weekend after weekend, to people literally celebrating anti-Jewish massacres?

Partly, it’s because they are so blinded by visions of their own virtue that they cannot countenance ever doing wrong. Even the cardinal sin of associating with racists becomes a virtue when they do it. But it also tells us a larger story about polite society’s own racism, and its classism too. Their snobbery means they think only ‘gammon’, like the riff-raff at the Cenotaph, are capable of racial hatred, not nice people like them. And yet the truth is that their conversion to the cult of identity means they are helping to rehabilitate racism. It is identitarianism’s organisation of every social and ethnic group into boxes marked ‘privileged’ (bad) or ‘oppressed’ (good) that explains polite society’s blindspot on anti-Semitism. They think Jews are privileged, and thus not convincing victims of hate. They must be lying when they claim to experience bigotry.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the chattering class’s ‘anti-racism’ has never been clearer. ‘Anti-racism’, to them, is little more than a means of lording their moral superiority over the oiks, the supposedly racist throng. A new anti-racism is urgently needed. A real one. And one that starts by standing up to the wave of anti-Semitism that has swept through our society under the watch of institutions and influencers who lied about being anti-racist.


Part 1​

This is a remarkable phenomenon, alarming and unsettling. Social media and television channels repeatedly showcase short video clips of students tearing down pictures of Israeli hostages. The act has become a trend, not limited to Palestinian students or students of Middle Eastern origin. Students from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities are participating in this trend with open enjoyment. A young girl smiles knowingly, seeking international support for her liberation, while they mockingly tear down images.

It's not about siding with Hamas; 90% of them have no idea who or what Hamas is. It's the woke obsession where the "weak" is always right, even if they are a ruthless murderer, and the "strong" is always an evil villain. It doesn't matter that Hamas calls for the annihilation of Jews, Christians, and world domination. To them, Hamas represents "the Palestinians," who have become the ultimate oppressed, and Israel, after years of brainwashing, is now labeled as a "colonialist apartheid state."

In recent weeks, even Israeli leftists have found themselves dismayed by the celebration of hatred. Many of them are sharing articles bidding farewell to the global left, which ignores atrocities and sometimes justifies them. They deserve applause.
In Jewish tradition, not only the wicked stand accused; even righteous individuals are not exempt. They understand that something has gone awry in the thought process within progressive leftist circles, some of whom persist in supporting Hamas with well-known and deceptive excuses like "their right to retaliate," "Gaza is the largest prison in the world," "it's the fault of oppression and occupation," and other slogans from the same playbook. Just days ago, these new dissenters signed a statement distancing themselves from the global left.
They not only deserve applause but also introspection. Why now? For decades, they have portrayed Israel as a monster, spreading lies about the country. For decades, they labeled the "Nakba" as one of the gravest crimes in history, despite millions experiencing displacement, a consequence of the establishment of nation-states.

Part 2

For decades, they have ignored the Jewish Nakba, which was no less severe than the Palestinian one. For decades, they have turned a blind eye to Arab rejection of any partition proposals and the invasion of Israel aimed at its destruction. For decades, they have disregarded Palestinian refusal to agree to any two-state solution. For decades, they have ignored statements by Hamas leaders about the destruction of Jews. For decades, they have provided justifications for Palestinian terrorism. And now they are surprised? The normal response to this brainwashing is the tearing down of posters featuring captives. After all, the Palestinians are the victims.

"Many Jewish intellectuals are marked with the stain of antisemitic sin. Peter Beinart, Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, Avi Shlaim, Shlomo Sand" complained Professor Eva Illouz exactly 11 years ago. She was a whistleblower from within. She didn't stop for a moment. She conducted an amazing campaign, part of which appeared on the pages of the French Le Monde, exposing Israel's alleged injustices. In one of her articles, "47 Years a Slave," Illouz explained that the approach needed to be changed. She no longer settled for the accusation of "apartheid." It's slavery. No less. The article she wrote then was full of embarrassing distortions, and even the left-wing outlet Haaretz had to publish a correction.

Professor Oren Yiftachel from Ben-Gurion University, along with Illouz, is one of the signatories of that statement. Quite fascinating. Because Yiftachel is one of the leaders of the theory that portrays Zionism as colonialism. Over two decades ago, when an article of his in an academic journal was rejected solely because he was Israeli, he agreed to make changes equating Israel with South Africa. Later, he spearheaded the campaign to define Israel as an apartheid state.

In 2009, during Operation Cast Lead, he went even further and published an article suggesting that we should understand Hamas's rocket attacks as "an attempt to remind the world, and Israel, but also the Palestinian leadership, that the refugee question is alive and kicking."
It's such a bizarre and foolish claim that it deserves a place in the Guinness Book of Records. After all, tens of millions in Europe became refugees. Almost every Jew in the land is a descendant of refugees from persecution in Eastern Europe or Arab countries. Perhaps they too have the right to launch rockets at the countries they fled or were expelled from. World War II might look like child's play if we adopt Yiftachel's moral principle justifying violence. If that's not a justification for terrorism, then it's unclear what is.

[ The choice is always to forget about the Jews who have been attacked and expelled ]

Time magazine asks, "Is What’s Happening in Gaza a Genocide? Experts Weigh-In."

The very question is antisemitic.

Genocide requires intent to wipe out an entire people. The question pre-supposed the possibility that Israel has that intent.

Israel is at war. There are wars happening today in the Ukraine, the Maghreb, Myanmar, Sudan, and still thousands of people being killed this year alone in never-ending wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen and many other places. All of them have death tolls far higher than all Israel-Arab wars combined.

But no one asks whether those conflicts are "genocide."

Only one country is accused of genocide - a libel that predates this current war - and it just so happens to be the national home of the people who have been the main victims of genocide.

Charging Israel of genocide is not merely antisemitic. The only people who make that claim are the people who themselves have the intent to dehumanize and demonize Israeli Jews.

The ultimate aim of accusing Israel of genocide is to justify the eventual real genocide of Jews. Those who mainstream the accusation know what they are doing.

The current wave of antisemitism is a direct result of this dehumanization and slander against Israel. That isn't an unfortunate consequence - it is the entire point.

The main proof of malicious intent is that the people who make this accusation never use the same term against Hamas itself. Hamas doesn't even try to hide its genocidal intent, from its founding covenant to today. October 7 proved that this was not just rhetoric but an actual policy of genocide - just as the suicide bombings of the 1990s and 2000s had proven and been forgotten.

Yet where are the "genocide experts"? It isn't as if they don't know that Hamas is genocidal - Hamas fits the definition perfectly - but there are no reporters lining up outside their doors to even ask the question.

The author of the Time article, Solcyre “Sol” Burga, is a recent college graduate who was the leader of a diversity club in high school meant to expand awareness of prejudice.

Well, she just did her part to increase attacks on Jews.


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