Stop Antisemitism

[ So many wasted lives, like this woman's, destroyed by being taught that Jews are less than humans, and not deserving of empathy. 1700 years of passing it on to each new generation ]


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Andy Ngo about the rise of radicalism and the spread of chaos around the world; the connections between the Free Palestine movement and Antifa and BLM; the long-term damage caused by the government's handling of the pandemic; his concern over the radicalization of American youth and their ignorance of historical conflicts; the stronger Islamist element in European protests compared to American ones; the lack of discussion about immigration policies in Britain and the failures of multiculturalism; the dangers of homegrown radicalization in America; and much more.

The sick, inflammatory and, in some cases, clearly criminal chants, placards and paraphernalia openly on display at the march mark a new low. Antisemitism and other forms of racism together with the valorising of terrorism on such a scale is deeply troubling. 2/3

This can’t go on. Week by week, the streets of London are being polluted by hate, violence, and antisemitism. Members of the public are being mobbed and intimidated. Jewish people in particular feel threatened. Further action is necessary. 3/3
[ Death to Israelis, No. Death to Jews, as always]

Hunt for London's most wanted after pro-Palestine protest chaos: Police issue images of activists and counter protesters including woman screaming 'death to all Jews', men in 'Hamas headbands' and group who hurled racist abuse in Waterloo station


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