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NYCT Subway

Nov 14

Hi there. In the future, if you see someone aboard your train in need of help, you can call 911 or you may directly alert the crew by using the PEI (Passenger Emergency Intercome), as the crew can request help fastest when you directly notify them. ^AM

Today's insane Jew-hatred in Arabic media

Jordanian MP Tammam Al-Riyati started a rumor on her Facebook page (since deleted) saying, “Most of the international hotels we have in Aqaba are fully booked at the beginning of next week, so that Jews from Eilat can be transported there. The hotels refused, but the parent companies forced them" to accept the Jews.

Wassim El-Sisi, a researcher in Egyptology and ancient Egyptian civilization, claims that the Torah proves that the children of Israel and the Jews have no right to Palestine. Speaking on the Egyptian “DMC Evening” program, he said, “God says to Abraham in the Torah: I give you the land of your sojourn, thus confirming that our master Abraham - peace be upon him - is a stranger to the Holy Land...This invalidates the Jews’ argument of their right to the land of Palestine.”

No, I don't understand it either.

Palestinian news site Amad describes the "American-Zionist alliance to control the Middle East and the world." The article includes an admiring look at a Holocaust denier and mentions how Jews managed to censor a European book about the medieval blood libel.

A columnist in Al-Binaa laments, "We have reached a stage where most cinema films, even cartoons, and most Western television series praise everything related to the Jews and promote their plans. Even Western-produced school reading books contain texts in all grades praising the Jews. Jewish influence reached such an extent that some non-Jewish football celebrities visited occupied Palestine to seek blessings at the Buraq Wall. "

Dr. Mustafa Al-Feki , former information advisor to the Egyptian president, commented on "the deliberate silence of international human rights organizations as a result of the events taking place in Gaza." His conclusion for this alleged silence is that "this is due to the bloc of Jews in the world and their influence on politics, the economy, and the media."

A writer in El-Nabaa says "History says that the Jews were expelled from most countries because of their bad actions, because they betrayed and rebelled against their rulers."

The amount of explicit antisemitism in Arab media has exploded since October 7. Before that, I would see maybe one article like this every day. Now I see 10.

So where is the antisemitism? It is in what HRW is omitting from the story.

Clearly, the strike was tragic. But mistakes during war are not unlawful. And HRW brings exactly zero evidence that Israel knew or even suspected that the car was civilian.

HRW doesn't try to investigate any possible reasons why Israel would target a car. It say that it finds no evidence of a military target. But what they pointedly don't mention is this incident that happened immediately beforehand:
An Israeli civilian was killed in an anti-tank guided missile attack launched from Lebanon at an area near the northern community of Kibbutz Yiftah on Sunday, said the Israel Defense Forces’ Arabic-language spokesman, Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee.

The Hezbollah terror group claimed responsibility for the missile fire, saying it attacked a group of soldiers.

The IDF said its forces responded by striking the source of the missile fire.

HRW knows about this incident: it links to this same story several paragraphs later, saying "one Israeli civilian was killed by Hezbollah rocket strikes in Kibbutz Yiftah in northern Israel on the same day. " But it doesn't link the two incidents, even though the article says Israel responded to the source of the fire.

Apparently, immediately after the Israeli was killed, the IDF identified a car rushing away from where it identified the missile location, and assumed it was the terrorists fleeing. This is a tragic error but it is not unlawful. Israel reacted with the best information it had at the moment; decisions must be made in seconds. A lone car rushing away from the vicinity of the missile launcher is, by definition, evidence. Israel doesn't have the luxury that HRW has to spend a week looking at CCTV images to see where the car came from an hour beforehand.

As always, the NGO assumes bad faith from the IDF. It assumes Israel either targets or recklessly shoots at civilians with no evidence - because it cannot be bothered to find the evidence. It doesn't appear that HRW even asked the IDF to respond to the charge, only relying on reports from places like Al Jazeera for its information.

Making the assumption that Israel is malicious, and that Israeli authorities are liars, is indeed evidence of antisemitism.

This becomes even starker when we notice that HRW also happens to mention this:"Rocket strikes and other attacks into Israel by Hezbollah and Palestinian groups have reportedly killed at least two civilians and six soldiers." It links to an article - from Al Jazeera, not an Israeli source - about an attack that Hezbollah bragged about.

Hezbollah published their own video of that incident the AJ article was about from November 12. It is obvious from Hezbollah's own cameras that the targets were not uniformed. They knew they were attacking civilians.

But there are no investigations from HRW on Hezbollah. They don't condemn them and they don't accuse them of war crimes. When it comes to Hezbollah, their language changes from direct accusations to generic, both-sidesism of "Parties to a conflict are obligated to abide by international humanitarian law irrespective of the conduct of the other party." The word "unlawful" is used to refer to Israel four times and not once against Hezbollah.

This is even though they admit that Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah has said, directly, on November 3, that his group will commit war crimes: that they will target Israeli civilians in retaliation of any Lebanese civilian casualties."

So we have one side that explicitly says they intend to target and murder civilians. One side that has video of them trying to do exactly that. But that isn't the side that HRW investigates and condemns. That isn't the side that they accuse of unlawfulness, that is not the side that they urge the international community to investigate potential war crimes.

The Jews are assumed to be liars when they say they don't intend to kill civilians. And Hezbollah is assumed to be spouting mere slogans when they say they do intend to murder civilians.

Yes, that is antisemitism.

(full article online)

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[ The normalization of Antisemitism]

Dozens of student groups at Northwestern University just outside Chicago on Thursday dismissed concerns of rising antisemitism amid the Israel-Hamas war as “mass hysteria and collective psychosis,” seemingly calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and joining faculty in castigating the school for forming a new panel to combat Jew-hatred on campus.

On Monday, Northwestern President Michael Schill announced the creation of a new committee “on preventing antisemitism and hate.”

Comprising faculty, staff, students, alumni, and trustees, the committee was formed in response to an explosion of pro-Hamas sentiment and acts of antisemitism on campus following Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

The school’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter has falsely accused Israel of apartheid, genocide, and “settler-colonialism” at its events and in its social media posts. The group also marched around campus earlier this month chanting, “Hey, Schill, what do you say, how many kids did you kill today?” In one incident — in which SJP has denied any involvement — an unknown group vandalized print copies of The Daily Northwestern, the campus newspaper, covering them in leaflets headlined, “Northwestern complicit in genocide of Palestinians.”

In Monday’s announcement, Schill disavowed such activity while noting specifically that chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” are perceived by “significant parts of our community” as “promoting murder and genocide.” The popular slogan among pro-Palestinian activists has been widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Nonetheless, in response to Schill’s announcement, 65 student organizations on Thursday signed an op-ed in The Daily Northwestern that was headlined, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

(full article online)


Fake "progressive Jews" stoke antisemitism

There is an insidious secondary effect from all of the protests by "Jewish Voice for Peace" and "IfNotNow."

The so-called "progressive Jews" have been shutting down federal buildings, major bridges, and major commuter hubs, with banners and T-Shirts and signs saying "JEWS SAY CEASEFIRE NOW!"

Here are a few dozen of these idiots blocking a major bridge in Boston. They've also shut down Grand Central Station, the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, streets in Los Angeles and other thoroughfares.

And some media is referring to them as "Jewish activists" even though they represent no one in the Jewish community besides themselves.

But think about it: average working people, who don't have the privilege these pseudo-Jews have to spend all day protesting, just want to get to their work or home to his or her family.

Who's stopping them from living their lives? All these jerks with big signs claiming they are JEWS.

Not only are these self-entitled, privileged asses directly promoting antisemitism with their "anti-Zionist" rhetoric, they are potentially causing ordinary Americans to hate Jews because they see these "Jews" disrupting their lives for a cause most don't care about.

These progressive "Jews" are not only antisemites. They are actively choosing to piss normal people off as Jews.

This is what is known in real Judaism as a "chilul Hashem," a desecration of God's name, by making all Jews look bad. There are very few sins that are worse than this.

People of color, particularly antisemitic Black groups like BLM, were organizing to identify with the Palestinians. Many organizations representing people seen as oppressed were moved to identify with the Palestinians. Students of every variety were swayed. I could see the commonalities of language creation and transfer — my field — being applied to the Jews. Many of them were old antisemitic tropes into which new life was being breathed:

Israel and Jews are colonialists just like other white oppressors around the world. Israel is an apartheid society, the same as South Africa was.

Jews have white privilege, even though more than 50% of Jews are dark-skinned people from the Arab world, Iran and Africa.

Jews hold power in media and banking, making them the enemy.

Jews center themselves as capitalists and donors.

Jews don’t hold space for anyone but themselves.

Jews need to be held accountable for the pain they are causing.

If you challenged any of this you were a racist, the worst thing you could possibly be accused of.

(Except if you are racist against Jews. Then you prove you are a true ally of the oppressed.)

Our enemies have had a real success. They have formed a winning international communication army with trained troops everywhere.

When Israeli writer, producer and former antisemitism envoy Noa Tishby recently said that students, particularly Jewish ones who are protesting against Israel, have been “played,” I don’t know if even she understands the background and extent of it. They haven’t just been played, they’ve been turned. Many of them are alumni of Jewish day schools and camps. Those students believe they have joined the other side because they were the victims of a propagandized Zionist education and have now seen the light. No, they are the victims of a propagandized, slow, well-crafted plan, laid out to me by Ameer Makhoul.

And what has been the Jewish world’s response to all of this?

Funders are now putting up pro-Jewish and pro-Israel billboards in American cities. As if a clever one-line message can combat all these brilliant, strategized organizing efforts on behalf of our enemies.

(full article online)


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