Stop Antisemitism

The students holding the megaphone, according to that source, are Aya Hashem — a leader of the Middle Eastern Law Students Association — and Dean Haleem — who runs Columbia Law Students for Palestine. Behind them is Eric Wilcox, head of the Suspension Rehabilitation Project.

Those three student organizations were among the groups that signed a pro-Hamas statement that led law firm Davis Polk to rescind offers. It is likely that the banner itself violates the law school's policies — this sign had been posted in the lobby since October 29.

Columbia's policies dictate that "university groups or individual members of the community who proceed with Special Events or Vigils that have not been approved as described in this Policy will be subject to discipline and sanctions consistent with applicable University policy."

The policies continue: "Student groups proceeding without approval may lose the right to sponsor events and/or become ineligible for University recognition or funding."
Advertisers are fleeing social media platform X over concerns about their ads showing up next to pro-Nazi content and hate speech on the site in general, with billionaire owner Elon Musk inflaming tensions with his own tweets endorsing an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

IBM said this week that it stopped advertising on X after a report said its ads were appearing alongside material praising Nazis — a fresh setback as the platform formerly known as Twitter tries to win back big brands and their ad dollars, X’s main source of revenue.

The liberal advocacy group Media Matters said in a report Thursday that ads from Apple, Oracle, NBCUniversal’s Bravo network and Comcast also were placed next to antisemitic material on X.

(full article online)

On Wednesday night, members and supporters of Students for Justice in #Palestine (SJP) at UC Santa Barbara staged a walk-out and disrupted a student senate meeting, and even physically assaulted a student. These protesters did everything they could to disrupt the meeting and intimidate students.

But the Jewish and pro-#Israel students stood strong and gathered together to sing Hatikvah, singing louder than the chants for their destruction being shouted outside. The meeting ended with UCSB becoming the first public university student government to officially condemn Hamas.

We commend UCSB Student Government on their decision to #StandAgainstTerror and anyone who supports it.


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