Stop Antisemitism

Recently, CAMERA published two important reports detailing anti-Israel and often antisemitic bias emanating from Brown University’s Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) and the university’s Choices Program, which provides curricula for secondary schools.

As one of those reports explained, nearly one in three faculty members of the CMES are supporters of the BDS Movement against Israel. According to the AMCHA Initiative organization that produced this data, “the presence and number of faculty who expressed support for an academic boycott of Israel prior to the onset of the [2021] Israel-Hamas war were strongly and reliably associated with every measure of faculty and student-perpetrated antisemitic activity…” Brown University has one of the highest numbers of faculty BDS supporters, comparable to Harvard University which has three times as many total faculty.

But the bias, extremism, and antisemitism among faculty in the CMES goes far beyond just support for the BDS Movement. Provided below is a non-exhaustive list of anti-Israel and antisemitic public rhetoric from many of the Center’s faculty members. The rhetoric shown helps demonstrate the level of bias and hostility toward the Jewish state.

Faiz Ahmed, Associate Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History

  • April 2019: Signed a statement in support of a Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement referendum against Israel.
  • May 2021: Signed a statement that accused Israel of “settler-colonialism,” “war crimes,” and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel. In addition, spread the false libel about Israel denying vaccines to Palestinians.
  • December 2023: Signed a statement accusing Israel of a “potentially genocidal campaign,” referring to the war started by a massive terror attack committed by Palestinian terrorist organizations that saw the murder, rape, torture, mutilation, and kidnapping of over 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians.
Nadje Al-Ali, Director, Center for Middle East Studies

  • 2015: Stated she is actively involved in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel; accused Israel of “decades” of “atrocities”; accused Israel of genocide; and compared Zionism – the Jewish movement for self-determination in the Jewish homeland – to “colonialism” and “imperialism” as “configurations of power” responsible for harms to Palestinian women.
  • October 2016: Signed an open letter accusing Jewish activists of “misusing and abusing” the charge of antisemitism against Malia Bouattia, then president of the National Union of Students in the United Kingdom, who had made numerous antisemitic and extremist statements including: claiming the government’s anti-terror program was fueled by “Zionist and neo-con lobbies”; expressing concern about the “large Jewish Society” at the University of Birmingham, which she declared was “a Zionist outpost in higher education”; condemned “Zionist-led media outlets”; and compared Zionism to “white supremacy.”

(full article online)


You can't escape anti-Israel slander, even in mobile games

"Royal Match" is a very popular mobile game where players can join teams and compete. The most obsessive players would naturally want to join teams with the other best players.

There are plenty of teams that claim to represent countries or regions. Most of their descriptions say things like "Have fun" or something patriotic.

One of the top teams in the game is called "Royal Palestine."

Its self description says nothing positive about "Palestine." It's only about how Israel "is an evil terrorist state that kills women and children."

Like the Palestinian national cause itself, there is nothing "pro-Palestinian" here. It is purely anti-Israel.

Ukrainian teams don't insult Russia in their descriptions. Kurdish teams don't attack Turkey. But "Palestinian" teams define themselves with hate, not pride.

Hating Israel is not a reasoned opinion. It is an obsession. It is a psychosis. It is the socially acceptable way to be antisemitic.

And Jews who just want to live their lives are forced to be exposed to this hate, even when they just want to play a game.

The intellectual godfather of the AsAJews is a former professor named Norman Finkelstein. In the 2009 documentary American Radical, Finkelstein says he was proud of the sign he waved at a protest of the Israeli consulate in New York at the start of the 1982 Lebanon War. It read: “This son of survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Auschwitz, Maijdenek will not be silent. Israeli Nazis Stop the Holocaust in Lebanon.”

One hears this atrocious equation of the Jewish state to the Third Reich all the time today. Forty years ago, though, Finkelstein was a pioneer. Comparing Israel to the Nazis was something one might hear at a Weather Underground meeting or on Egyptian state radio, but not inside the corridors of power. Today, this defamation is a core part of Finkelstein’s performance.

A clip of Finkelstein addressing college students who asked why he compared Zionist students to the architects of the Holocaust has gone viral since October 7. With the pitch of his voice rising into a fury of indignation, he tells a student who is in tears: “Both of my parents were in the Warsaw uprising, and it is precisely because of the lessons they taught me and my two siblings that I will not be silent as Israel commits its crimes against the Palestinians.”

In November 2023, when I debated Finkelstein, he was more subdued. But he still repeatedly referred to the Gaza before October 7 as a concentration camp and said he could not bring himself to condemn Hamas’s massacre for the same reason that many abolitionists would not condemn the Nat Turner slave rebellion before the Civil War.

On the substance, Finkelstein is, of course, dead wrong. There are shopping malls and luxury hotels in Gaza. Billions in humanitarian aid have poured into the Strip since before Israel forcibly withdrew its soldiers and settlers from the land in 2005. And much of that aid has been stolen by Hamas for its war machine. To compare the conditions of Gaza to Auschwitz or Dachau or for that matter a plantation is an act of moral and historical illiteracy.

But leaving these facts aside, we should say that Finkelstein is a gift to the enemies of the Jewish people. After all, a Gentile who traffics in such toxic analogies would be instantly labeled an anti-Semite. But a child of Holocaust survivors? That is something entirely different. What’s more, if Israel is the Nazi state that Finkelstein claims, can you really blame the Palestinians for their blood lust on October 7?

In this sense, Finkelstein is following in the footsteps of Pfefferkorn, who brandished his credential as a former Jew to slander the Talmud, just as Finkelstein brandishes his credential as the son of survivors to slander Israel.

These libels matter. They justify, rationalize, and incite atrocities large and small. Jews do not learn black magic from the study of Talmud, but millions of Europeans believed this lie for centuries. Israel does not target Palestinian children; rather, Hamas endangers them by shooting rockets from schools and mosques. But millions of people around the world believe that Israel does.

The anti-Semites of the Middle Ages needed AsAJews to provide credentials for the lies that justified their pogroms and expulsions. Today, Hamas and its allies in Iran need the AsAJews to persuade the Hague, European governments, and the White House to delegitimize Israel’s right to self-defense.

The silver lining is that, just as in Pfefferkorn’s time, there are righteous Gentiles like Reuchlin. The honor roll includes New York Representative Ritchie Torres, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, and many others. But the biggest surprise since October 7 has been Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania. He ran as a left-wing populist in 2022 and managed to win his race despite suffering a stroke that diminished his brain’s speech functions. As he has recovered, Fetterman has emerged defiant of the pro-Palestinian activists in his party. In January, he walked past a group of them with a wide grin as he waved a small Israeli flag. When South Africa began its prosecution of Israel in the show trial at the Hague, he told the Orthodox Union, “South Africa oughta sit this one out.”

It is important to know that there is a long tradition of converts who work hard to credential the libels of the enemies of the Jews. But we must also acknowledge the tradition of righteous Gentiles who have debunked them—even if those who advance these slanders testify to these lies “as a Jew.”

Two officials of Brown-RISD Hillel, a Jewish life center serving both Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design, were sent “violent threats” early Sunday morning, according to a report by The Brown Daily Herald.

After being alerted of threats, which were sent via email, the university’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) conducted a search of Brown-RISD Hillel and determined there is “no evidence of any one-site threat.” DPS vice president Rodney Chatman told The Brown Daily Herald that “local, state, and federal authorities” are investigating the incident.

“This comes at an especially difficult time of distress on our campuses,” Brown University president Christina H. Paxson said in a statement addressing the incident. “Our students, faculty, and staff continue to grapple with the deaths of Israelis, Palestinians, and others in the wake of the October 7 attacks, as well as a despicable act of violence against a member of the Brown community here in the United States last November, and increases in reports of antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of hate.”

In Sunday’s statement President Paxson said that “robust” security measures will be implemented to protect Brown-RISD Hillel, as well as the officials who were threatened, from harm.

The incident is not the first antisemitic act of hatred since Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7.

(full article online)

[ A comedian's damaged mind thinking that "he knows" ]

A London theater is facing legal action after an Israeli man was hounded out of a comedy show on Saturday night by a comedian performing a one-man show that turned into what some audience members compared to an “antisemitic rally.”

A spokesperson for the UK’s Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) said the group was in touch with the Israeli man and other members of the audience who fled from the theater.

“What the Jewish audience members have recounted is atrocious, and we are working with them and our lawyers to ensure that those who instigated and enabled it are held to account,” the CAA spokesperson told London’s Evening Standard news outlet. “These allegations are of deeply disturbing discriminatory abuse against Jews. Comedians are rightly given broad latitude, but hounding Jews out of theaters is reminiscent of humanity’s darkest days, and must have no place in central London in 2024.”

The comedian, Paul Currie, had been performing a one-man show entitled “Shtoom” at London’s Soho Theater. Towards the end of his performance, he retrieved a Ukrainian and Palestinian flag and invited members to stand and applaud.

After the round of applause was over, Currie pointed to a man in the second row of the theater and quizzed him over why he had not stood up.

The unnamed man, an Israeli, replied, “I enjoyed your show until you brought out the Palestinian flag.” An infuriated Currie began screaming, “Leave my show now! Get out of my f—-ing show!” in response.

As the man and his partner rose to leave, accompanied by a handful of other shocked audience members, the assembled crowd began chanting “Get out” and “Free Palestine.”

In a written complaint to the theater over his treatment, the man wrote: ” Shaken and feeling threatened by the growing antagonism, we exited and tried to complain/ get some support from the front-of-house team at the theatre, who were not very sympathetic but did give us an email address to make a complaint. By this time, the show had ended and the audience started exiting, a number of whom were glaring at us aggressively and in a very threatening way. We all left the scene.”

He added: “Our friends later received a message from someone they knew who had also been at the show, saying that after we left, the situation became even more inflamed. What had been intended to be an evening of comedy turned out to be what felt like an antisemitic rally.”

The theater eventually apologized, issuing a statement expressing regret an “an incident that took place at our venue at the end of a performance of Paul Currie: Shtoom on Saturday 10 February, which has caused upset and hurt to members of audience attending and others.” It added: “We take this very seriously and are looking into the detail of what happened as thoroughly, as sensitively, and as quickly as we can. It is important to us that Soho theatre is a welcoming and inclusive place for all.”

Currie has remained largely silent since the incident, save for a post on Instagram which quoted Mexican poet Cesar A. Cruz saying: “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” He then added: “If you were at my show last night… you’ll know.”

Pro-Hamas demonstrators threatened and heckled former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at Columbia University this past Friday.

Clinton, a staunch defender of Israel, was speaking at an event, titled “Preventing and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” and held by the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), when a male heckler rose from his seat and screamed her name.

“Hilary Diane Rodham Clinton!,” he bayed. “You are a war criminal! The people of Libya! The people of Iraq! The people of Syria! The people of Yemen and the people now of Palestine!”

Clinton, responding with a grin, said, “That’s my name, correct,” and proceeded to open a folder containing her written remarks.

Keren Yarhi-Milo, SIPA Dean, and Adlai E. Stevenson, professor of international relations, intervened to restore order. Earlier in the event, she discussed Hamas’ atrocious raping of Israeli women during the terrorist group’s massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7.

“Sir, sir, I am going to ask you to leave right now,” Yarhi-Milo said. “I’m asking you to leave, the delegates will now escort you out of the building.”

“You will burn!! Free, free, Palestine!,” he continued. “Free, free Palestine!”

Clinton again attempted to continue — “Let me thank all of you for coming, because this is such an important subject… And yelling doesn’t solve the problem.”

As one heckler was escorted out of the event, another interrupted Clinton. While only fragments of her statements could be picked up on the microphone: “You want to talk about Libya!…before being murdered…that you supported as Secretary of State!” She also appeared to accuse Clinton of being a war criminal.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield endured more interruptions after taking the stage, with one heckler screaming, “Linda, how dare you!” When Thomas-Greenfield continued attempting to speak, a chorus of pro-Hamas supporters began chanting, “Free, free, Palestine” in call and response.

Pro-Hamas supporters at Columbia University have been waging a campaign of intimidation and harassment in recent months against pro-Israel students and faculty. Despite the university’s numerous attempts to enforce compliance with the code of conduct, including suspending Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), they have continued to misbehave and lash out at anyone who denounces their support for Hamas.

Recently, an anonymous group of graduate students accused a vocal pro-Israel professor, Shai Davidai, of anti-Palestinian racism and demanded that a professional association of which he is a member publicly censure him.

Accusing Davidai of “targeting individuals — especially Palestinians and students of color,” the students’ letter describes his efforts to hold pro-Hamas student groups accountable for harassing Jewish students and defending terror as “decolonization” as “blatant dereliction of duty with respect to his responsibilities and ethical standards as a professor and faculty member of SPSP.”

The students additionally accused him of promoting “doxxing” and “misrepresenting” the views of pro-Hamas groups, all of whom have defended Hamas’ atrocities on Oct. 7 while calling for a ceasefire, a strategy they have employed to portray themselves as a pro-peace movement.


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