Stop Antisemitism

Oct 7 saw Hamas commit atrocities beyond description, but instead of support – Jews in the west are facing a tsunami of antisemitic hate.

Because I am public facing – I become a target of hate for our enemies. For those on the sidelines it is near impossible to fathom the level and intensity of hate that is thrown every day. I mean we all see the offensive messages thrown around, but little of it is targeted or personal. For some – death threats, sadistic promises – we see it all. I am taking a quick breather from ongoing investigations just to post this. What I have posted below are examples of the hateful messages I receive all day, every day . These are not public responses to my posts – but recent private messages that people have taken the time to send.

I am not posting them to elicit sympathy. It is done only to inform and to help create a public understanding of the tsunami of antisemitism we are facing.

This is not anti-Zionism, nor is it anything to do with helping Palestinians. It is just a raw hatred of Jews. This is what my inbox looks like right now – all of these messages are recent:

antisemitic hate

And it was Sunday – a quiet day. None of these examples are more than a few days old:


What I am posting is just a choice few. I am not even bothering to show the more predictable ones – statements equating Zionists with ‘Nazis’ or calls to ‘free Palestine’.

Some I receive are exceptional in their sadistic quality:



The above is from Twitter (and no, I don’t think the enviroment on the platform has got worse since Elon Musk took over – it has always been toxic). I have to leave my message streams open so those with news about antisemitic activity can contact me. My website is another avenue to send messages. Comments are open – and this allows for anonymous vindictive messages to be sent. This one was received yesterday:


I have been doing this a long time, and to be honest, these type of messages no longer affect me at all. I have simply grown accustomed to having sadistic abuse thrown my way.

And then there are the posts that make it all worth it. Like this one:


Posts such as these tell me I am doing exactly what I need to be doing. This is a battle that must be fought.

Time to get back to work.

Aziz said: “The Apollo were very understanding and apologised. They did everything possible to try to make it work.” At around 2pm on the afternoon of the event it became clear that the event could no longer take place, resulting in a frantic phone-round by Technion colleagues to try to secure another venue.

More than 800 tickets had been sold for the Apollo so it was vital for the Technion to locate another place large enough to accommodate such an audience. Eventually another venue agreed and almost 1,000 people turned up to hear Murray and Clein in conversation.
“I Don’t Recognise Our Country Anymore - It’s Filled With Islamist Parading Around” | Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray speaks to TalkTV’s Julia Hartley-Brewer after an event of his was disrupted following complaints from pro-Palestine supporters.

"Hamas supporters literally spit on our country, week after week, but you're not allowed to show solidarity with Jews?,” Douglas asks.

(full article online)


Open Jew-hatred is becoming common. And that makes it even more popular.

Victoria Police are pursuing a protection order for a Jewish couple who received a photograph of their five-year-old son from an anti-Zionist activist with the threatening message "I know where you live".

The couple seeking the protection order runs a gift shop in Melbourne's northern suburbs, which has been forced to close by an antisemitic campaign that started after the Hamas massacre on October 7. They do not want to be identified and are leaving the area out of fear for their own and their child's safety.
The shop has been graffitied with "No Jews" messages in the form of Stars of David with crosses through them. Regular custom has disappeared in a general boycott.


A 30-year-old Jewish student was brutally assaulted and hospitalized with facial fractures by a 23-year-old pro-Palestinian student in Berlin this past weekend.

A duo of Iranian agents were arrested in Stockholm on suspicion of targeting Jews in the Swedish capital, local media Sverige Radio reported on Tuesday morning.

Long Island:
A self-described Palestinian migrant from northern Africa stole a pro-Israel flag from a Long Island porch — then pummeled the homeowner who tried to stop him in a wild caught-on-video attack, officials said.
New York City:

An antisemitic flier depicting a skunk in the white and blue of the Israeli flag and a Star of David has surfaced on Columbia University’s campus, sparking outrage among the Jewish community.

The skunk depiction has been likened to Nazi propaganda posters used during World War II — which dehumanized the Jewish community and compared them to vermin.

New Jersey:

A New Jersey man admitted to a series of violent hate crimes, for driving his car into a group of people and stabbing one because they were Jewish.

At least 50 vehicles in Lincoln Park, a neighborhood with a significant Jewish population, were targeted by antisemitic flyers.

Racist incidents usually prompt horror and a backlash. Antisemitic incidents cause.more antisemitic incidents.

After all, the current tsunami of antisemitism started with the biggest mass slaughter of Jews in nearly eight decades. The Hamas pogrom didn't marginalize or shame the antisemites - it emboldened them.

Notice that these incidents span all flavors of antisemitism - from the Left, the Right, Muslims and the Black community. Hamas attacks on Jews don't only encourage other Muslim Jew-haters to publicly spread their bile, but it also inspires the "progressives" and the other antisemites. Their talking points have all merged to become virtually indistinguishable: even the most woke self-described anti-racist and avowed enemy of antisemitism has no problem with chants of "Khaybar, Khaybar, ya Yahud" by Arabs who attend their rallies, and far-right proud antisemites will parrot the anti-Zionist talking points of the Left.

And mainstream anti-Israel reporting - reporting that thoroughly misrepresents and perverts Israeli actions to defeat a depraved Islamist terrorist group - adds more fuel to the fire.

Antisemitism snowballs. And it is still near the top of the mountain.

Palestinian Authority Antisemitism is both vicious and fundamental to PA ideology. The PA’s demonization of Jews, Israel, Jewish sources and traditions, has a very sinister purpose: It is the basis for Palestinian hatred and justifies murder. Put simply, once the PA leadership convinces Palestinians that the Jewish/Israeli evil is innate to Jewish nature and endangers Palestinians and all humanity, Palestinians feel justified and even righteous about hating and killing Jews and even praying for Allah to bring another Holocaust.

Official Palestinian TV recently broadcast one of the PA's hate libels about Jews and Judaism, spewed forth by the father of terrorist. After complaining about his terrorist son’s home being destroyed, he explained that “love of revenge is innate for them [Jews]. They learned it in the Talmud and the Bible.” He then repeated additional libels that echo PA/Fatah Antisemitism about the evil belief of Jews, falsely claiming it is part of the Hebrew Bible.

“Their biblical belief is that God created non-human beings in the form of humans. Only they are human, only Jews are human; the rest of humanity is not human. This is how they [Jews] think and this is how they behave.”
[Official PA TV, Jan. 24, 2024]​
(Note, the Bible teaches that all people are created with the/in the/ “Image of God.”)

Fatah taught that same libel about Jewish belief in its documentary about the evil nature of Jews:

"In Europe, the [Jewish] tribe established camps and residential areas, crowded ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust for non-Jews… who according to their [Jews’] worldview are snakes… [The Jews] were hated because of their racism and their filthy behavior… They swear:… ‘Only we are people, and all the others are our animals.'”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, July 15, 2019]​
The PA Fatah libel echoed by the father of the terrorist has practical implications: Since Jewish evil behavior is innate to Jewish belief, then the only solution is destruction. Accordingly, the terrorist’s father then prayed that Allah should bring another Holocaust on the Jews and other punishments, bringing people like Hitler, Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, and Pharaoh. With this prayer, he was again echoing PA religious teachings, that the Jews deserve their punishment from Allah, as they are "planning and systematically working to incite wars and strife in the entire world." Because of this Allah sent the Nebuchadnezzar to destroy the First Temple, then he sent the Roman Titus to destroy the Second Temple, and then Hitler and the kings of Europe, and still the Jews did not learn their lesson.

The father of the terrorist, prayed for Allah to bring a new Hitler to torture the Jews:

“We ask Allah to send someone who will torture them like Hitler did, and before him Nebuchadnezzar [Babylonian king who destroyed the Temple] and before him Pharaoh [who enslaved them].”
PA TV taught that Hitler and Nebuchadnezzar were Allah’s punishment of the Jews:

"(Quran): ‘Proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied.’ The occupation (i.e., Israeli) government hasn't learned from history, from (Allah’s punishments for) the corruption of the Children of Israel the first and second time. It hasn't learned. They [The Jews] didn't learn from what Nebuchadnezzar did to them (destroyed the First Temple). They didn't learn from what Titus the great Roman leader, did to them (destroyed the Second Temple). They didn't learn from what Hitler did to them, and the kings of Europe, and Spain - they didn't learn." [Masoud Rayyaan, lecturer on Islamic Shari'a at Al-Quds Open University,Official PA TV, Oct. 19, 2018]
Palestinian Media Watch has been warning for years that the PA’s teachings and Antisemitism must be expunged from PA teachings and national ideology before any peace process can be undertaken. See here Itamar Marcus’ recent presentation to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, showing the connection between PA Antisemitism and the October 7 Palestinian atrocities.

The following is the text of the video:

Brother of Terrorist Bassel Shahada:

(full article online)

[Learned Jew hatred.....everywhere ]

Chris Kenny slams ‘evil’ pro-Palestine lefties taking over Mardi Gras
Sky News host Chris Kenny has slammed pro-Palestine lefties taking over Mardi Gras as one organisation rails against Israel’s incursion in Gaza.

Pride in Protest have announced the theme for their float this year is “Trans Pride, not Genocide” as they encouraged people to join their group and bring Palestinian flags.

A Jewish gay group said it was reconsidering its involvement in the Mardi Gras because its members could no longer feel safe and were being isolated by the Mardi Gras organisers.

“This is what the leftist activists have done to the gay and lesbian Mardi Gras, it began as an act of resistance against the marginalisation of gays, and now it will become a march that frightens away Jewish gays, and seeks to marginalise Jewish people,” he said.

“Any student of history would be deeply concerned about this sort of public demonisation.

“It is an ugly time to be Jewish in Australia and people need to speak up against what is going on.”

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