Stop Antisemitism

During a demonstration against the rising cost of housing in the Portuguese city of Porto last Saturday, demonstrators brandished signs with antisemitic messages blaming Jews and Zionists for the economic crisis, according to Porto’s Jewish community.

The signs included antisemitic slogans and calls for the “cleansing the world of Jews.”

Other protesters drew inspiration from the Israel-Hamas war and anti-Israel narratives, instructing people “not to rent a house from Zionist murderers,” “We want a home to live in and Palestine is liberated,” and “Not Haifa and not Boavista, no to a Zionist capital!”

(full article online)

Dr. Muhammad Saber Arab is a professor of history at Al-Azhar University.. He was also the former Egyptian Minister of Culture and former chairman of the board of directors for Egypt's National Library and Archives.

And he believes that Jews murder gentiles to use their blood in Passover matzah.

Writing in the Arabic edition of the Oman Daily Observer, the historian quotes other Arab historians claiming that the 1840 "Damascus Affair" where Jews were falsely accused of the murder of Father Thomas and his Muslim servant after their disappearances. Jews were arrested and under extreme torture several of them "confessed" to murdering them and using their blood for Passover matzoh.

Dr. Arab says that he personally reviewed the archived letters between Damascus and Egypt and finds the accusations credible. He says that the prisoners were only released under intense pressure by Europe under Jewish influence but that they were undoubtedly guilty.

Muhammad Saber Arab concludes:
Despite the passage of more than one hundred and eighty years since these events, the influence of the Jews in American and European societies is still strong. Even today, these forces are involved in supporting Zionism, which practices genocide hour after hour in Palestine, under international cover, and with the support of the same European and American powers. However, this issue and many other issues cannot be subject to statute of limitations.

Yes, he wants to re-open the case against the ethnically cleansed Jews of Damascus. Their descendants? Jews altogether? Perhaps he wants to go to the International Court of Justice? They might take the case seriously!

Dr. Arab is not a marginal figure at all, but a mainstream Egyptian historian. Only a few days ago he spoke at the Cairo International Book Fair promoting his latest book. He has written dozens of books and articles. He is highly respected.
This is how endemic and widespread antisemitism is in the Arab world - not only among the masses but among the intellectuals and the elites.

"I am ready to carry out a suicide attack" is what a student at a UNRWA school in East Jerusalem says to the camera, in a video filmed in 2022 by the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research. Another student says that "we have to fight the Jews to prove that we are stronger than them." Watch the inciteful words of the students.

The students are recorded saying that "stabbing and trampling Jews brings respect to the Palestinians," "I am ready to carry out a suicide attack," and "we are taught that the Jews kill our children. I will stab and run over them." One of the students says that "we are taught that Al-Aqsa and all of Palestine is ours," and another shares that "we are taught that the Jews are terrorists."
David Bedein, director of the research institute that has been dealing with UNRWA and the Palestinians since 1987, notes: "In the textbooks of UNRWA students in the Shuafat refugee camp, there are pictures praising murderers who committed terrorist acts and killed many Israelis used as role models."

"It's crazy that the 11th and 12th grades are given textbooks with antisemitic content and incitement against the state," he said. The members of the committees called for the removal of antisemitic content from Palestinian education plans and sharply criticized the United Nations and UNESCO "for not doing anything against the Palestinian education industry that teaches jihad, the demonization of Jews and Israelis, and delegitimization of the State of Israel."
(full article online)

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