Stop Antisemitism

Mardi Gras has made it clear that ‘Jews’ lives don’t matter’
Australia Israel and Jewish Affairs Council Executive Manager Joel Burnie says it is “abundantly clear” that Mardi Gras is a safe space for everyone except Jewish people.

Pride in Protest have announced the theme for their float this year is “Trans Pride, not Genocide,” as they encouraged people to join their group and bring Palestinian flags.

A Jewish gay group said it was reconsidering its involvement in the Mardi Gras because its members could no longer feel safe and were being isolated by the Mardi Gras organisers.

“To groups like this, it’s abundantly clear that Jews’ lives don’t matter,” Mr Burnie told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“It’s very sad to see that a segment of our community is ostracised and feel that they are no longer safe to attend such an event of inclusion.”
A self-described Palestinian migrant from northern Africa stole a pro-Israel flag from a Long Island porch — then pummeled the homeowner who tried to stop him in a wild caught-on-video attack, officials said.

Bechir Lehbeib, 26, allegedly stole the flag — which declared “In This Home We Stand with Israel — from Aleksandr Binyaminov’s porch, cops said.

Binyaminov, who said one of his wife’s relatives was killed in the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israel, was left bruised after the attack and blamed President Biden’s border policies for the clash.

The homeowner told The Post he was alerted by his Ring security system that someone was at his house and he looked at video of the front of his house to see the theft in progress.

“So I got dressed, came out. I confronted him,” Binyaminov said. “I told him, ‘Give me the flags,’ and he just started fighting with me and punching me in my face.”

Binyaminov said he “didn’t think twice” about running after Lehbieb to retrieve the flag.

“I was a little hot and it meant something to us,” he told The Post.

“He basically got me in a choke position, threw me on the floor and head butted me. He was saying, ‘I’m from Palestine. You’re killing Jews.’ That’s all he said,” Binyaminov said.

The accused later allegedly ranted to to cops that he hated Israeli Jews and made other hateful statements, authorities told The Post.

He told police who arrested him, “If I see the flag of the people that killed my people, we will have a problem.”

Lehbeib, who descibed himself as Palestinian, entered the U.S.from Mexico in November, authorities said. Officials said they aren’t sure of his country of origin, but said they believe he migrated from somewhere in the northern part of Africa.

He is now facing hate crime charges of second degree assault and robbery and criminal mischief. He was arraigned on Monday in Nassau District Court and Lehbeid was detained on $50,000.

Binyaminov had a red bruise under his right eye from getting pummeled by Lehbeib while he lamented the migrant crisis in the US.

“This is happening because of open borders, and before letting people in we need to see their backgrounds. We need to protect our country, our citizens, our taxpayers,” Binyaminov said.

The devout Jewish man called Hewlett is a “very quiet” neighborhood where “nothing ever happens”, adding, “I don’t know what he was doing in our neighborhood, targeting our Jewish members.”

“I know he’s facing a couple of felonies, but this was his choice,” Binyaminov said.
He is believed to have taken a bus from the Queens address to Hewlett, cops said.

“It’s very suspicious,” Blakeman said. “He came a long way from Staten Island to get here. If he’s looking for work why did he have nefarious ideas.

(vide video and full article online)

[No lists of Nazis, Putin supporters, etc. Only of Jews, always of Jews. Incite, attack, kill.......Jews ]

[ The truth slips out every time ]

Jordanian news site: "We are in a war against the Jews." (Not "Zionists.")

Dr. Ahmad Shahrouri, a sharia professor at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, writes in the Albosafa news site that Jordan is in a war with the Jews.

Since Jordan and Palestine were oppressed under what they called the British “mandate,” our region has never been well, and the evil shown in the Balfour Declaration was perpetuated. The British Foreign Minister gave Palestine a gift to the Jews to establish their religious state on it, so that one of the lungs of the Jordan River could breathe carcinogenic oxygen, and the other would get cancer due to the neighboring environment.

To know, O Jordanian, that you are threatened by the prophecies of the Torah and the Talmud, and that the Jews have an open appetite to swallow up your land at their appropriate time, is half the recipe for your true independence, and the other half is to live through the calamity and appreciate it as it deserves, and to spend the hours of your life anticipating an affliction that you should not surrender to if you are sane.

A nation whose enemy displays a map of his state, which includes the east and west of the Jordan River, and who for decades has been declaring while heading to visit our land that he is heading from the liberated Land of Israel to its occupied land, what more proof of the disastrous truth needs than to condemn its enemy from his own mouth? Is it not pedantic to then accuse us of being conspiracy theory lovers?

...Gentlemen, we are in a real battle, in which the Jews are not our primary enemies. We are in a battle with our selfishness, with the lusts of publicity within us, with the absence of awareness from our intellectuals.
Our battle with the Jews will not be victorious until we defeat their agents who stand as a stumbling block in the way of the entire nation’s liberation from slavery to them and their whims. Jordan will remain threatened until rational people know that its arena and the arena of Palestine are one, one in danger, one in fate, one in victory, or defeat, God forbid.

It's funny that he accuses Israel of printing maps including Jordan as part of Israel. Because in 1964, Jordan published this map of Jordan on a stamp:


Sinwar received life saving cancer treatment in #Israel.

Arafat's wife and daughter are comfortable with an estimated inheritance of $1.3-$6b.

The Palestinian leadership profited from destroying their own people.

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