Stop Antisemitism

Stop anti-Whitism and anti-Europeanism and anti-Christianism!
Stop being an ass. You live in a country which was built on racism against blacks, Asian Pacific people and anyone else who was not European Caucasian.

Go check your racism with a psychiatrist who will put up with your deplorable, disgraceful ideologies of "poor, poor me the Male Christian Europeans".

What you cannot stand is non Caucasian Europeans standing up for their rights to not be bashed and excluded from everything you wish to exclude them from.

This is America. Land of the Free, meaning free to be even better, much better, than a sad human being like yourself.

Keep barking up the wrong tree, thinking that it is Jews who are making you unhappy, simply because that is all you may have learned in your life.

We do acknowledge you as a well trained Jew hating antisemite.

Stop being an ass. You live in a country which was built on racism against blacks, Asian Pacific people and anyone else who was not European Caucasian.

Go check your racism with a psychiatrist who will put up with your deplorable, disgraceful ideologies of "poor, poor me the Male Christian Europeans".

What you cannot stand is non Caucasian Europeans standing up for their rights to not be bashed and excluded from everything you wish to exclude them from.

This is America. Land of the Free, meaning free to be even better, much better, than a sad human being like yourself.

Keep barking up the wrong tree, thinking that it is Jews who are making you unhappy, simply because that is all you may have learned in your life.

We do acknowledge you as a well trained Jew hating antisemite.

I live in a country that was built by innovative and creative whites (most of whom were Christians). That's all I really need to know. Now go back to your fantasy world and leave the adults alone.
I live in a country that was built by innovative and creative whites (most of whom were Christians). That's all I really need to know. Now go back to your fantasy world and leave the adults alone.
That is what you think. I am so sorry for you that all you wish to believe is that ONLY European Caucasians helped build this country or any other country, for that matter.

You are not an adult, never have been, Maturity is not your forte.

And no one asked you to come and post your vile ignorance on this thread.

You got the truth for all you bargained for, and you do not like it.

I really do not care how much truth does not agree with you.

Egyptian lawmaker condemns Jews in Parliament; speaker strikes the word "Jews" from the record

Egyptian MP Al-Saeed Amara said during a parliamentary session on Monday, “We are all supportive of the armed forces, and we stand united behind the political leadership and the armed forces, with one heart, to defend Egyptian sovereignty and Egyptian security, and we condemn the actions taken by the Jews aimed at exterminating the defenseless Palestinian people.”

In one sentence he said how much Egyptians care about Palestinians and how much they refuse to give them refuge.

Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, took issue with tAmara's wording. He noted that Egypt's Constitution stipulates the protection of citizens and that they are equal before the law, whether they are “Muslims, Christians or Jews.”

The Speaker of Parliament pointed out that there are Egyptian Jews in Egypt, saying: “Hence the word ‘Jews’ is deleted from the record."

As of a year ago, there were only three Jews left alive in Egypt compared to 80,000 who lived there in 1948. They are all women and the youngest is 72 years old. So, yes, I suppose the remaining Jews in Egypt are treated equally under the law. The other 80,000, I'm not so certain about.

That is what you think. I am so sorry for you that all you wish to believe is that ONLY European Caucasians helped build this country or any other country, for that matter.

You are not an adult, never have been, Maturity is not your forte.

And no one asked you to come and post your vile ignorance on this thread.

You got the truth for all you bargained for, and you do not like it.

I really do not care how much truth does not agree with you.
Are you enjoying you computer; your electricity; your car; and the food you eat that's delivered by Kenworth trucks? Then thank a whitie!!
Are you enjoying you computer; your electricity; your car; and the food you eat that's delivered by Kenworth trucks? Then thank a whitie!!
Take your sickness to a professional psychiatrist, Mr. Racist, antisemitic, white supremacist.

Thank you for WWI and WWII, and all the other wars Europeans started, and all the wars Americans started, especially the Civil War.

You are a reject of human normalcy.

Take your sickness to a professional psychiatrist, Mr. Racist, antisemitic, white supremacist.

Thank you for WWI and WWII, and all the other wars Europeans started, and all the wars Americans started, especially the Civil War.

You are a reject of human normalcy.

Who are you calling Mr.?
Australia’s government announced on Tuesday a ban on doxxing — the act of leaking someone’s personal information online — responding to its use against Jewish professionals who support Israel.

The measure follows Pro-Palestinian activists distributing last year a document listing the names of nearly a 1,000 Jews who were members of a “group chat” in the popular online messaging application WhatsApp, prompting waves of hate mail.

“The increasing use of online platforms to harm people through practices like doxxing, the malicious release of their personal information without their permission, is a deeply disturbing development,” Australia attorney-general Mark Dreyfus said in statements quoted by Associated Press. “The recent targeting of members of the Australian Jewish community through those practices like doxxing was shocking, but, sadly, this is far from being an isolated incident.”

The prohibitive measure will mandate the levying of fines on doxxers and require social media companies to remove from their websites the information they illicitly procured and shared, Associated Press reported.

Daniel Aghion, president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry commended the government’s action and committed to “working with the government to ensure the full extent of the harm caused is understood and that the new laws effectively protect Australians from this shameful and dangerous practice,” AP added.

As The Algemeiner has previously reported, hundreds of attacks on Jews — digital, political, and physical — have taken place in Australia since Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7. Antisemitic activity there has risen over 400 percent, including explosions of hate such as Nov.’s attack on a Jewish man in a park in Sydney, as well as vandalism and threats of gun violence.

Last week, far-left politician Jenny Leong, spread conspiracies about the “tentacles” of a so-called “Jewish lobby and…Zionist lobby” influencing policy, an insidious expression of antisemitic demagoguery that was once limited to the fringes of the political spectrum but has now become mainstream in the pro-Palestinian movement.

“They [the Jewish and Zionist lobby] rock up to every community meeting and event to offer that connection because their tentacles reach into the areas that try and influence power and I think that we need to call that out and expose that,” Leong continued.

Australian leaders have called on the country to reject antisemitism, while in January, the Federal Parliament passed legislation banning Nazi paraphernalia and the pantomiming of Nazi salutes in public.

“This is the first legislation of its kind and will ensure no one in Australia will be allowed to glorify or profit from acts and symbols that celebrate the Nazis and their evil ideology,” Mark Dreyfus said in a statement explaining the law.

Harvard University students continue to chant slogans widely deemed genocidal against Jews, according to new footage of a “die-in” protest that has gone viral on social media.

On Monday, dozens of students, led by “Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine,” amassed on the steps of the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library and chanted “From water to water, Palestine will be Arab” in Arabic, following the phrase with a rhythmic, call-and-response chanting of “Free, Free, Palestine!”

“They’re clearly calling for a very frightening vision of what they think should happen in Israel and Palestine,” Harvard University student Charlie Covit told The Algemeiner on Tuesday. “Just imagine students chanting that America should be white from the Atlantic to the Pacific. One might argue that doesn’t constitute calling for a genocide of minorities, but it’s still immensely frightening and racist.”

The students, according to The Harvard Crimson, later lay on the steps of the library, pretending to die.

Since Oct. 7, extremist anti-Zionists at Harvard have oscillated between commending violence committed by Hamas — which murdered civilians and raped women during a massacre across southern Israel — and condemning violence when it appears that Israel may successfully eradicate the terrorist group from the Palestinian territories, calling for a “ceasefire now” and falsely accusing Israel of “genocide,” for example. Monday’s protest condemned Israel’s military operation in the city of Rafah, which resulted in the recovery of two hostages kidnapped by Hamas.

“According to the Hamas view of things, there are no civilians in Israel and no combatants in Gaza. Every death in Israel can be justified in some way,” Covit said, commenting on the protesters’ mixed messaging. “It’s scary, especially as we learn more about what happened on Oct. 7. If they really cared about Palestinians, let them criticize Israel, but let them also say ‘maybe don’t build tunnels under [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency].”

For Harvard, America’s oldest institution of higher education and arguably its most prestigious, the presence of radical anti-Zionists on campus has been a persistent issue. At the start of this academic year, a student and anti-Israel activist interrupted a convocation ceremony held by the school, shouting at Harvard College Dean Rakesh Khurana, “Here’s the real truth — Harvard supports, upholds, and invests in Israeli apartheid, and the oppression of Palestinians!”

(full article online)


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