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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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Sure it does. :lol: You'll buy anything that smells like camel crap, Dildo:
"Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an."
"security sources and locals said."
"medical sources said"
"a medical official said."
"witnesses said"
"medics said"
Your little bullshit innuendo's, don't prove jack shit!

BTW ... your claim that "There has been only one instance where weapons were found" in UN facilities has been exposed for the lie all but you can admit it was. UNRWA has been complicit in Hamas's war against the Jooos and that shit is about to hit the fan. Grab a beer, put your feet up and enjoy the fallout. :D

UN dragged into conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza | World news | The Guardian
You keep pushing that report and it doesn't prove what you claim it does.

Damn you're dim. You asked if I knew your sources. I quoted them directly from your post.
As for your unwillingness to admit you lied about Hamas rockets in multiple UNRWA "schools"? Well, I can lead the camel to water but I can't make you drink, Princess.
Sure it does. :lol: You'll buy anything that smells like camel crap, Dildo:
"Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an."
"security sources and locals said."
"medical sources said"
"a medical official said."
"witnesses said"
"medics said"
Your little bullshit innuendo's, don't prove jack shit!

BTW ... your claim that "There has been only one instance where weapons were found" in UN facilities has been exposed for the lie all but you can admit it was. UNRWA has been complicit in Hamas's war against the Jooos and that shit is about to hit the fan. Grab a beer, put your feet up and enjoy the fallout. :D

UN dragged into conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza | World news | The Guardian
You keep pushing that report and it doesn't prove what you claim it does.

Actually Billo, she proves quite a lot. You believe ANH report that comes out of Gaza, but as soon as someone presents you with a link that is not a Palestinian ass kissing site, this is you : "where's the proof??!!!! Theres no proof! Nope, not true, you need to prove it, your article proves nothing"

You are extremely biased and for that reason, your posts have no credibility.

Also, your claim that Israel fired first will always be irrelevant. You know why? Because ANYTIME Hamas launches rockets at Israel, Israel will strike back.
If Israel launched a missile somewhere in Gaza, you can beg there is a reason for it.
how innocent, silly you are that even you can not understand that all suffering coming to people of Palestine because of Israelis if they did not formed Israel through forced occupation, world was peace full and Muslim, Christian and Jews were living in Holly land peace fully until 1938 for 900 years. This Long Lasting peace was established by The Salatin( Salah uddin ayubi) The Muslim General later become king.

All your bases are belong to us!
There's nothing imaginary about Israel's occupation of Palestine

"The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

"They consist of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; much of the Golan Heights; the Gaza Strip, though Israel disputes this and argues that since the implementation of its disengagement from Gaza in 2005 it no longer occupies the territory; and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula.

"The West Bank and Gaza Strip are also referred to as the Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory.

"The Palestinian Authority, the EU,[1] the International Court of Justice,[2] the UN General Assembly[3] and the UN Security Council[4] consider East Jerusalem to be part of the West Bank and occupied by Israel; Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital and sovereign territory."

Unless you're greedy and Jewish:lol:

Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You didn't answer my question. Why do you support Muslim terrorism ?
Do you support Jewish terrorism?

What Jewish terrorism, give examples of the Jews trying to do the following


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.


the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.


a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

Israel is a terrorist nation.

LINK to a non partisan source that states this officially, this means no ISLAMONAZI sources.
...Jews kill babies for...
For what-was-that, again?

Don't want civilian casualties?

Stop hiding behind the skirts of your women and children like cowards.
Document any instance where Hamas was proven to use human shields.

Here you go from an Indian TV source

Indian TV Exposes Hamas Use of Human Shields - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Indian TV crew risk their own safety by exposing how Hamas deliberately fires rockets from densely-populated areas

An Indian TV crew has captured rare footage illustrating how Hamas fires rockets from densely-populated civilian areas - but only after its operatives are safely out of the firing zone.

India's NDTV managed to secretly film a group of terrorists planting a rocket launchpad just meters away from their hotel, "bang in the middle of what is a residential area full of hotels and apartment buildings."

Is this good enough for you, or do you want more ?

Hamas Human Shields

To put it in terms parallel to this side of the globe, imagine the Ku Klux Klan winning elections in New Mexico and then proceeding to fire rockets in order to provoke a war with Mexico.

The government is using its Palestinian population as human shields, plain and simple. After a ceasefire of 6 months, they most certainly knew that firing rockets into Israel would stir retaliation. Opponents to Israel argue that the naval blockade against Gaza provoked the violence from the other side. But what is Israel supposed to do while its enemies stockpile weapons--sit back and wait to be attacked? Who can blame Israel for acting defensively when the number one goal of Gaza's terrorists is to deny Israel's right to exist and is willing to do anything to wipe her away? I'd be a bit paranoid if I were a member of the Israeli government.

But then a friend sent me a link to this video, and I felt I had no choice but to comment.

The clip shows Hamas urging its citizens, including children, to go to a house to act as "human shields," after Israeli security forces, in an effort to limit civilian casualties, called the owner to inform him that the house was to be bombed.

Anyone who is interested in the Israel-Hamas conflict needs to watch this video. It's sickening.

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Hamas attacks Israel because Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves. That's why Jews occupy the West Bank and Gaza. That's why Jews kill Arab children for target practice; they want to make the Arabs' life a living hell so there will be another mass exodus from Palestine; it's not looking too likely. Racist Jews in Israel are swirling the same bowl as White South Africa a generation ago. Good riddance.

AS I said before. No matter what is happening about land or settlements , or whatever, Hamas will still attack Israel, because they are nutjob Muslim jihadists, who won't tolerate a non-Muslim state in their midst. If anyone has any doubts of this, they need not have them. All they have to do is read the Hamas charter (which they have never disavowed), which spells it out quite clear.
Maybe kosher headcases like you should read Likud's Charter?
Like most supporters of Israel you have no desire to know the truth since it would force you to examine your own racism and self-delusions about Zionist and Western moral superiority.


"Since virtually every comment on Hamas in American media includes the assertion that the group’s Charter rejects Israel’s right to exist, it’s worth noting the following from the Likud Platform of 1999:

"a. “The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”
b. “Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel.
The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem”
c. “The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”
d. “The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State | Informed Comment

Jews in Israel know their conventional and nuclear weapons make it impossible for racist Arabs to drive them into the sea.

That isn't stopping the greedy Jews in Israel from trying the same tactic on Arabs

What about the hamas charter that says the same thing only it is against the Jews.

Now explain how it was after this charter was formulated the Israeli government unilaterally gave up gaza and hamded control to the Palestinian arab muslims. No blockade, no Jews inside the borders and no occupation. Shows that you are spouting old ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBELS that are no longer relevant or based on any truth. Also the Israeli government has agreed to meet with the Palestinians to discuss peace and mutually acceptable borders, again showing that your link is false and based on LIES. On top of this the Israeli government has agreed to sharing Jerusalem as a joint capital with the Palestinians once again showing your lack of integrity and honesty.

Document any instance where Hamas was proven to use human shields.
dumass you can look it up yourself.

And here is one of them bragging that they're very effective.

What is the point of you constantly insisting on proof of obvious crap and then turn around and pretend like nobody replied to you and completely ignore it?

What's your definition of "human shield", Moshe?

THis from the Geneva conventions that the Palestinians have recently signed up to

Definition of human shields

The prohibition of using human shields in the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I and the Statute of the International Criminal Court are couched in terms of using the presence (or movements) of civilians or other protected persons to render certain points or areas (or military forces) immune from military operations.[18] Most examples given in military manuals, or which have been the object of condemnations, have been cases where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attacks. The military manuals of New Zealand and the United Kingdom give as examples the placing of persons in or next to ammunition trains.[19] There were many condemnations of the threat by Iraq to round up and place prisoners of war and civilians in strategic sites and around military defence points.[20] Other condemnations on the basis of this prohibition related to rounding up civilians and putting them in front of military units in the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Liberia.[21]

In the Review of the Indictments in the Karadžić and Mladić case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia qualified physically securing or otherwise holding peacekeeping forces against their will at potential NATO air targets, including ammunition bunkers, a radar site and a communications centre, as using “human shields”.[22]

It can be concluded that the use of human shields requires an intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives.

Then we have this

A person who volunteers or is forced to take up a position at a likely military target as a means of forestalling an enemy attack.

2. A person who is used as a shield by someone in a confrontation with the police in order to prevent capture.
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WRONG ONCE AGAIN DILDO you claimed that there were no rockets fired at Israel prior to July 4th, seems that you have LIED ONCE AGAIN as there were over 200 to which Israel replied with weapons of their own. Once again you are shown to be a RABID JEW HATING ANTI SEMITIC ISLAMONAZI POS and a LIAR.
Are you sure about "replied"?

I took your list and my list and put them together for the months of January and February
in chronological order to see who fired first and who "replied" to who.

This is for anyone who thinks Hamas is the problem!

I'm sorry bitches, what follows, shows Israel is the problem! Israel shot first! Israel is to blame!

7 Israeli air strikes and shootings


"A Palestinian man was shot and injured on Thursday by Israeli forces in the northern Gaza Strip, medics said."


"Israeli forces shot and injured two Palestinians east of Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday."


"A Palestinian teenager died early Friday of wounds sustained by Israeli forces the day before in the northern Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an."


"A man was killed on Wednesday in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike targeted the al-Shujaiyeh neighborhood in Gaza City, medical sources said."


"Three Palestinians were injured after an Israeli airstrike targeted the southern Gaza Strip on Thursday, medical officials said."


"Israeli forces injured a 22-year-old Palestinian man on Saturday after opening fire in the northern Gaza Strip."


"Israeli airstrikes on Monday targeted al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza

Hamas response

January 13

Two rockets were launched to the Northern Negev desert, near Sderot. There were no injuries or damage reported.
Strip after rockets fired by Palestinians landed in southern Israel."

1 Israeli air strike


"Israeli warplanes targeted a motorcycle in the central Gaza Strip early Sunday, injuring two young Palestinian men, a medical official said."

Hamas response

February 10

Palestinians fired a rocket into the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, triggering sirens. After nightfall, a second rocket was launched into the same area. No injuries or damage were reported. Israel responded with an air strike on an underground rocket launcher in the central Gaza Strip.

4 Israeli air strikes and shootings


"Israeli airstrikes rocked northern Gaza City and al-Nuseirat refugee camp early Tuesday, causing damages, security sources and locals said."


"Israeli forces detained three fishermen off the coast of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip early Tuesday, witnesses said."


"A Palestinian man was shot dead and another injured on Thursday by Israeli forces east of Gaza city."


"Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian protesters in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, injuring 17 people, medics said."

Hamas response

February 14

In the evening, Palestinian Militants launched two rockets into Israel. One landed in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, the other in the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries or damage were reported.
It's not defense, when you're the one who shoots first.

See posts 283 and 294 for the links.

You made a false claim that I destroyed and showed that once again you were LYING just so you could attack the Jews. This is not the first time you have done this and then tried to change the rules to suit your ISLAMONAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED. You claimed that the Jews were using poison gas to kill the Palestinians like the Germans did in WW2, when asked to provide evidence you could only come up with non lethal capsicum spray used as riot control. That time you attempted to wriggle out of your LIE as well.

Now about those 200 plus rocket attacks at Israel prior to the retaliation, are they still a fantasy or will you admit that you LIED to justify your RACIST JAEW HATRED. This is the only subject under discussion, what Israel did is not within the remit.

They could move to a safe area away from the fighting leaving the hamas terrorists to face the Israeli bullets by themselves. Egypt had already provided a refugee camp with armed guards to stop any hamas murdering scum from also leaving gaza. The fighting would have been over and done with in 24 hours if hamas were the only targets left in gaza.

This is why the people of gaza have turned against hamas and have attacked a hamas leader violently.
Your "facts" are gleaned from bogus sources, Princess.
Do you know what sources were gleaned?

In fact, just this morning (at 1:47AM) you falsely claimed, "The people weren't living in an ammo dump. That's the big lie Israeli kiss-asses keep telling. There has been only one instance where weapons were found. Just one. All other claims are simply bullshit propaganda."
After the truth (UN dragged into conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza | World news | The Guardian) was posted at 8:44AM you did what you do best ... you ignored it and slithered over here to spread more lies.
Pathetic, but that is how the anti-Israel cabal operates: "No Truth, No Integrity, No Peace."
This is what your link said...

Israel, however, has accused Hamas and other militant groups of firing rockets from positions close to UN premises, and the UN has made three separate discoveries of weapons caches in its schools.
What schools? What UN official(s) made this claim? When were these reported?

What I said earlier, still stands.

Will this do to show your LIES

UN admits its schools in Gaza were used to store Hamas rockets - World Tribune | World Tribune

UN admits its schools in Gaza were used to store Hamas rockets

GAZA CITY — The United Nations has acknowledged that its facilities in the Gaza Strip were storing Palestinian missiles and rockets.

The UN Relief and Works Agency has reported at least two incidents in which its schools were used for the storage of rockets amid the war with Israel. In both cases, the UN refused to confiscate the rockets and instead asked Hamas to retrieve the weapons.

Still from IDF YouTube video
Still from IDF YouTube video

“UNRWA strongly and unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law,” UNRWA said.

On July 22, the UN said it found rockets concealed in one of its vacant schools in the Gaza Strip. The UN did not say how many rockets were found or what was done with them.

“Today, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip,” the agency said. “As soon as the rockets were discovered, UNRWA staff were withdrawn from the premises, and so we are unable to confirm the precise number of rockets.”

Western diplomats, however, said the UN returned as many as 20 rockets to Hamas. Canada has called for an investigation of the UN action.

“I was appalled to hear reports, one as recent as today, of stockpiles of rockets in a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza,” Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said. “Even more alarming were reports that in the first case, officials with the United Nations returned these weapons to Hamas, a listed terrorist organization, once Israeli officials discovered their location.”

The UN statement supported assertions by the Israeli military that Hamas and its Palestinian militia allies were using schools and mosques for rocket storage and attacks. In a report in mid-July, the UN said the Israeli military has been providing warning before attacks on civilian facilities
believed to contain weapons.

“Hamas has dug terrorist tunnels under hospitals, mosques, schools, homes, to penetrate our territory, to kidnap and kill Israelis,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on July 22.

The latest rockets were found between two other UN schools that sheltered 1,500 Palestinians who fled their homes during the current war.

The UN said the concealment of rockets marked a “flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law.”

“The agency immediately informed the relevant parties and is pursuing all possible measures for the removal of the objects in order to preserve the safety and security of the school,” the UN said. “UNRWA will launch a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident.”
how innocent, silly you are that even you can not understand that all suffering coming to people of Palestine because of Israelis if they did not formed Israel through forced occupation, world was peace full and Muslim, Christian and Jews were living in Holly land peace fully until 1938 for 900 years. This Long Lasting peace was established by The Salatin( Salah uddin ayubi) The Muslim General later become king.

What forced occupation would that be then, do you mean the forced occupation of Jewish land by arab muslims who had not owned any land in Palestine for over 1,000 years. Try looking at the facts of Islamic oppression in the M.E where non muslims were treated worse than slaves and faced murder, violence and beatings daily. So much for peace, when the proof is in the Islamic history books of how the muslims killed fathers to make their daughters/wives sex slaves.
Sure it does. :lol: You'll buy anything that smells like camel crap, Dildo:
"Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an."
"security sources and locals said."
"medical sources said"
"a medical official said."
"witnesses said"
"medics said"
Your little bullshit innuendo's, don't prove jack shit!

BTW ... your claim that "There has been only one instance where weapons were found" in UN facilities has been exposed for the lie all but you can admit it was. UNRWA has been complicit in Hamas's war against the Jooos and that shit is about to hit the fan. Grab a beer, put your feet up and enjoy the fallout. :D

UN dragged into conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza | World news | The Guardian
You keep pushing that report and it doesn't prove what you claim it does.

They prove that your sources are partisan and untrustworthy having a vested interest in demonising Israel.

It does as do the many other reports and links provided from reliable non partisan sources. You just cant stand being shown to be a LYING POS ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER can you ?
Sure it does. :lol: You'll buy anything that smells like camel crap, Dildo:
"Gaza Strip, medics told Ma'an."
"security sources and locals said."
"medical sources said"
"a medical official said."
"witnesses said"
"medics said"
Your little bullshit innuendo's, don't prove jack shit!

BTW ... your claim that "There has been only one instance where weapons were found" in UN facilities has been exposed for the lie all but you can admit it was. UNRWA has been complicit in Hamas's war against the Jooos and that shit is about to hit the fan. Grab a beer, put your feet up and enjoy the fallout. :D

UN dragged into conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza | World news | The Guardian
You keep pushing that report and it doesn't prove what you claim it does.

Damn you're dim. You asked if I knew your sources. I quoted them directly from your post.
As for your unwillingness to admit you lied about Hamas rockets in multiple UNRWA "schools"? Well, I can lead the camel to water but I can't make you drink, Princess.

Plenty of other reliable sources say the same thing, like these

UN admits its schools in Gaza were used to store Hamas rockets - World Tribune | World Tribune

UNRWA Condemns Placement of Rockets, for a Second Time, in One of Its Schools | UNRWA

UNRWA Admits Finding More Rockets Hidden in Gaza School; Second Time in a Week | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

And this one goes even further

UN Official admits Hamas firing rockets ?from the vicinity of UN facilities?

John Ging the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations confirmed on Radio-Canada July 30, 2014 that Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza get their rockets into Israel near shelters Palestinian civilians and since residential areas
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