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Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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Still spewing those sane lies I see, Joe...

For all we know, he himself belongs to one of those skinhead groups so naturally he didn't like my statement. Wonder if he ever was stationed up at Ft. Lewis Washington. I once read that there were a lot of skinheads up there.

So let me get this straight. Because I don't like white people murdering brown children over who a magic sky fairy gave a strip of land to, it must be because I'm racist?


I don't think you spent a lot of time thinking that one through.
I don't think you should worry your little head over it, Penelope. If your good friends weren't busy trying to destroy Israel, the Israelis wouldn't need any help at all. Why not tell us the huge amount of Israel's defense budget as a result of their having to defend themselves against your friends. As one former poster, a retired Naval Intelligence Officer, once said -- if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America, no American would begrudge that country anything. Then, again, maybe Penelope is actually a European playing at being an American.

It really is funny how the skinheads are so busy playing the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game these days..

Yes, Israel has helped drag us into one war after another and is the main cause of Islamic terrorism.

They've been a huge help.

Islam is a warrior religion.

It has been asleep for several hundred years, under the heel of European colonialism and imperialism, and in a humiliating slump of the worst kind.

It has only shed its European colonial and imperial masters within Living Memory.

It is in the early stages of a reawakening and resurgence.

Israel is merely one of several rallying-points around which Caliph-wannabes can rabble-rouse and foment hatred and a reawakening of martial airs.

Islam, in its worst Conquistador and Genocidal forms, respects strength and despises weakness.

We see its true intentions in the northern regions of Iraq, as they drive-out and slaughter the Infidel whenever they find such folk.

If you think we (The West, secularized Christendom) run risks in supporting Israel, you ain't seen nuthin' yet, should we be stupid enough and cowardly enough to cave in to their demands and withdraw our protection from Israel.

Should we do that, not only will we put a friend and ally at risk, but, far worse, we will have demonstrated to a reawakening warrior religion, that we will blink first in any future stare-down between Islam and The West, and encourage far, far worse from Islam in the lead-up to any such future stare-down. And, of course, even a blind man can see several of those stare-downs between The West and Militant Islam, coming in the future, from metaphorical miles away.

Withdraw our support from Israel?

No thank you.

For several reasons.

Not the least of which is demonstrating cowardice in the face of the enemy.

And, I assure you, the radicalized, militant elements within the re-awakening Ummah are, indeed, our mortal and inveterate Enemy.

Radical, Militant Islam is a cancer upon the face of the planet; a backwards, misogynistic warrior's religion, it is reawakening, only to find itself far behind the times, it is confused, it is pissed, and it's thirsty for infidel blood, to redirect the minds and emotions of its simpler folk. There should be no compromise with True Evil such as is manifested by that cancer.

I, for one, vote to continue - and even increase - American (indeed, Western) support for Israel - for any of several tactical and strategic and political and message-sending reasons.

And, if militant Muslims don't like that... phukk 'em... they don't dictate to us.
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Islam is a warrior religion.

It has been asleep for several hundred years and in a slump of the worst kind.

It has only shed its European colonial and imperial masters within Living Memory.

It is in the early stages of a reawakening and resurgence.

Israel is merely one of several rallying-points around which Caliph-wannabes can rabble-rouse and foment hatred and a reawakening of martial airs.

Islam, in its worst Conquistador and Genocidal forms, respects strength and despises weakness.

We see its true intentions in the northern regions of Iraq, as they drive-out and slaughter the Infidel whenever they find such folk.

If you think we (The West, secularized Christendom) run risks in supporting Israel, you ain't seen nuthin' yet, should we be stupid enough and cowardly enough to cave in to their demands and withdraw our protection from Israel.

Should we do that, not only will we put a friend and ally at risk, but, far worse, we will have demonstrated to a reawakening warrior religion, that we will blink first in any future stare-down between Islam and The West, and encourage far, far worse from Islam in the lead-up to any such future stare-down.

No thank you.

For several reasons.

Not the least of which is demonstrating cowardice in the face of the enemy.

And, I assure you, the radicalized, militant elements within the re-awakening Ummah are, indeed, our mortal and inveterate Enemy.

Radical, Militant Islam is a cancer upon the face of the planet; a backwards, misogynistic warrior's religion, it is reawakening, only to find itself far behind the times, it is confused, it is pissed, and it's thirsty for infidel blood, to redirect the minds and emotions of its simpler folk. There should be no compromise with True Evil such as is manifested by that cancer.

I, for one, vote to continue - and even increase - American (indeed, Western) support for Israel - for any of several tactical and strategic and political and message-sending reasons.

And, if militant Muslims don't like that... phukk 'em... they don't dictate to us.

The problem with your screed here is that you see Islam as a Monolithic Hive Mind, not hundreds of sects, nationalities and cultures.

are there some factions that are truly dangerous? Yup. AL Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, those are groups we ought to be worried about.

But frankly, the fight between the Zionists and Palestinians isn't our business, and there isn't a "Good guy" to back here.
The problem with your screed here is that you see Islam as a Monolithic Hive Mind, not hundreds of sects, nationalities and cultures...
Not Islam.

Radicalized, Militant Islam.

Even within that subdomain, there are, indeed, great differences and a fairly substantial disconnect.

But they are quickly learning and improving and beginning a better coordination and collaboration, aren't they?

And, of course, the prospect for a Caliphate State raises the spectre of a Radical Islam Central Headquarters, centered on what we presently call Iraq.

We should not allow a present (and quickly evaporating) diversity to blind our eyes to future mortal danger from a domain-wide collective.

...are there some factions that are truly dangerous? Yup. AL Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, those are groups we ought to be worried about...
ISIS holds the quite realistic potential to move beyond the realm of 'terror group' and to graduate to that of Nation-State with an increasingly formidable military capability.

...But frankly, the fight between the Zionists and Palestinians isn't our business, and there isn't a "Good guy" to back here.
In a very real sense, we consciously decided to make it our business, long, long ago.

We (the United States) began to 'take sides' with the Jews after we came to understand the scope and horror that they had been subjected to in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Over the course of 20-30 years after WWII, we came to 'adopt' them, in a manner of speaking, and have decided to befriend them, and to stand by them, and to sustain them.

That is our choice - a conscious one - and we should not make the mistake of allowing a resurgent and increasingly radicalized and militant and increasingly collaborative element of Islam to dictate to us whom we may befriend and ally with, and whom we may not.

That leads down the same path formerly traveled by Neville Chamberlain and other well-meaning but wrong-headed and overly-pliant folk.

Americans, in their collective wisdom, choose to support Israel, both generally, and in the case of this most recent Gaza war, by very wide and considerable margins.

I stand alongside the majority of my countrymen, on this one.
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Still spewing those sane lies I see, Joe...

For all we know, he himself belongs to one of those skinhead groups so naturally he didn't like my statement. Wonder if he ever was stationed up at Ft. Lewis Washington. I once read that there were a lot of skinheads up there.

So let me get this straight. Because I don't like white people murdering brown children over who a magic sky fairy gave a strip of land to, it must be because I'm racist?


I don't think you spent a lot of time thinking that one through.

Your racist because you see it as white people murdering brown children when in reality it's brown people using human shields while murdering all white people young and old alike. Your racists because you only see one side of the coin and your ignoring the real picture.
The problem with your screed here is that you see Islam as a Monolithic Hive Mind, not hundreds of sects, nationalities and cultures...
Not Islam.

Radicalized, Militant Islam.

Even within that subdomain, there are, indeed, great differences and a fairly substantial disconnect.

But they are quickly learning and improving and beginning a better coordination and collaboration, aren't they?

And, of course, the prospect for a Caliphate State raises the spectre of a Radical Islam Central Headquarters, centered on what we presently call Iraq.

We should not allow a present (and quickly evaporating) diversity to blind our eyes to future mortal danger from a domain-wide collective.

ISIS can't even hold onto a chunk of Iraq. The problem with a "Caliphate" is that the Muslims can't agree on who should be Caliph.

In a very real sense, we consciously decided to make it our business, long, long ago.

We (the United States) began to 'take sides' with the Jews after we came to understand the scope and horror that they had been subjected to in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Over the course of 20-30 years after WWII, we came to 'adopt' them, in a manner of speaking, and have decided to befriend them, and to stand by them, and to sustain them.

That is our choice - a conscious one - and we should not make the mistake of allowing a resurgent and increasingly radicalized and militant and increasingly collaborative element of Islam to dictate to us whom we may befriend and ally with, and whom we may not.

That leads down the same path formerly traveled by Neville Chamberlain and other well-meaning but wrong-headed and overly-pliant folk.

Americans, in their collective wisdom, choose to support Israel, both generally, and in the case of this most recent Gaza war, by very wide and considerable margins.

I stand alongside the majority of my countrymen, on this one.

sorry, I don't buy that we should give the Zionists a pass because of What Hitler did.

And frankly, CHamberlain made the right call. Czechoslovakia was an artificial creation most of the people inside it wanted no part of. Slovaks, Hungarians and Sudeten Germans welcomed no longer being ruled by the Bohemians.

The Zionists are carrying on a form of Apartheid, which is why they are despised in the rest of the world where the Zionists and their sympathizers don't control the media.

Islam is a warrior religion.

It has been asleep for several hundred years and in a slump of the worst kind.

It has only shed its European colonial and imperial masters within Living Memory.

It is in the early stages of a reawakening and resurgence.

Israel is merely one of several rallying-points around which Caliph-wannabes can rabble-rouse and foment hatred and a reawakening of martial airs.

Islam, in its worst Conquistador and Genocidal forms, respects strength and despises weakness.

We see its true intentions in the northern regions of Iraq, as they drive-out and slaughter the Infidel whenever they find such folk.

If you think we (The West, secularized Christendom) run risks in supporting Israel, you ain't seen nuthin' yet, should we be stupid enough and cowardly enough to cave in to their demands and withdraw our protection from Israel.

Should we do that, not only will we put a friend and ally at risk, but, far worse, we will have demonstrated to a reawakening warrior religion, that we will blink first in any future stare-down between Islam and The West, and encourage far, far worse from Islam in the lead-up to any such future stare-down.

No thank you.

For several reasons.

Not the least of which is demonstrating cowardice in the face of the enemy.

And, I assure you, the radicalized, militant elements within the re-awakening Ummah are, indeed, our mortal and inveterate Enemy.

Radical, Militant Islam is a cancer upon the face of the planet; a backwards, misogynistic warrior's religion, it is reawakening, only to find itself far behind the times, it is confused, it is pissed, and it's thirsty for infidel blood, to redirect the minds and emotions of its simpler folk. There should be no compromise with True Evil such as is manifested by that cancer.

I, for one, vote to continue - and even increase - American (indeed, Western) support for Israel - for any of several tactical and strategic and political and message-sending reasons.

And, if militant Muslims don't like that... phukk 'em... they don't dictate to us.

The problem with your screed here is that you see Islam as a Monolithic Hive Mind, not hundreds of sects, nationalities and cultures.

are there some factions that are truly dangerous? Yup. AL Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, those are groups we ought to be worried about.

But frankly, the fight between the Zionists and Palestinians isn't our business, and there isn't a "Good guy" to back here.
Even the peaceful sects want to conquer the world with their Theological Caliphate. They just aren't suicidal in their attempts to get there.
For all we know, he himself belongs to one of those skinhead groups so naturally he didn't like my statement. Wonder if he ever was stationed up at Ft. Lewis Washington. I once read that there were a lot of skinheads up there.

So let me get this straight. Because I don't like white people murdering brown children over who a magic sky fairy gave a strip of land to, it must be because I'm racist?


I don't think you spent a lot of time thinking that one through.

Your racist because you see it as white people murdering brown children when in reality it's brown people using human shields while murdering all white people young and old alike. Your racists because you only see one side of the coin and your ignoring the real picture.

They can kill each other to their heart's content. I just don't see how this is America's problem.
Even the peaceful sects want to conquer the world with their Theological Caliphate. They just aren't suicidal in their attempts to get there.

Really? I've met a lot of Muslims. Most of them just want to get on with their lives just like the rest of us.

Not a one of them has ever tried to convert me to his religion. Unlike various kinds of CHristian Bible thumpers, who can't help but try to save my soul.

They usually get dissuaded when I point out I know their bible better than they do.
So let me get this straight. Because I don't like white people murdering brown children over who a magic sky fairy gave a strip of land to, it must be because I'm racist?


I don't think you spent a lot of time thinking that one through.

Your racist because you see it as white people murdering brown children when in reality it's brown people using human shields while murdering all white people young and old alike. Your racists because you only see one side of the coin and your ignoring the real picture.

They can kill each other to their heart's content. I just don't see how this is America's problem.

First they conquer the jews.
Then they consolidate the ME while spreading their evil across the planet.
Eventually they will try to conquer every country on the planet.
Better to stop them now before they get too powerful to stop.
Your racist because you see it as white people murdering brown children when in reality it's brown people using human shields while murdering all white people young and old alike. Your racists because you only see one side of the coin and your ignoring the real picture.

They can kill each other to their heart's content. I just don't see how this is America's problem.

First they conquer the jews.
Then they consolidate the ME while spreading their evil across the planet.
Eventually they will try to conquer every country on the planet.
Better to stop them now before they get too powerful to stop.

They've been trying to conquer the world for 1500 years and they control less territory than when they were at the Walls of Vienna...

they kind of suck at htis "World Conquest" thing.

There's a Billion Muslims. If they were really the hive mind you think they are, we'd be in serious trouble.
Even the peaceful sects want to conquer the world with their Theological Caliphate. They just aren't suicidal in their attempts to get there.

Really? I've met a lot of Muslims. Most of them just want to get on with their lives just like the rest of us.

Not a one of them has ever tried to convert me to his religion. Unlike various kinds of CHristian Bible thumpers, who can't help but try to save my soul.

They usually get dissuaded when I point out I know their bible better than they do.

You don't judge a religion by it's sheep followers but from it's wolf leaders. They all want to conquer the planet and turn everyone into a Muslim, or that Jizm thing where we all have to bow down to their religion in one form or another.
They can kill each other to their heart's content. I just don't see how this is America's problem.

First they conquer the jews.
Then they consolidate the ME while spreading their evil across the planet.
Eventually they will try to conquer every country on the planet.
Better to stop them now before they get too powerful to stop.

They've been trying to conquer the world for 1500 years and they control less territory than when they were at the Walls of Vienna...

they kind of suck at htis "World Conquest" thing.

There's a Billion Muslims. If they were really the hive mind you think they are, we'd be in serious trouble.

We are in serious trouble.
Look at the Muslims in Africa, France, England, and now the US. They slowly immigrate, they out populate, and once they populate enough they riot. As they gain more powerful they riot more successfully. Name me a country that has Muslims that don't have Muslims rioting.
First they conquer the jews.
Then they consolidate the ME while spreading their evil across the planet.
Eventually they will try to conquer every country on the planet.
Better to stop them now before they get too powerful to stop.
And just how are they going to do that with no navy, no modern military and no nuclear weapons?

We can't take over the world and we got over a 1000 bases around the globe.

What kind of a dumbass statement is that to make?
First they conquer the jews.
Then they consolidate the ME while spreading their evil across the planet.
Eventually they will try to conquer every country on the planet.
Better to stop them now before they get too powerful to stop.

They've been trying to conquer the world for 1500 years and they control less territory than when they were at the Walls of Vienna...

they kind of suck at htis "World Conquest" thing.

There's a Billion Muslims. If they were really the hive mind you think they are, we'd be in serious trouble.

We are in serious trouble.
Look at the Muslims in Africa, France, England, and now the US. They slowly immigrate, they out populate, and once they populate enough they riot. As they gain more powerful they riot more successfully. Name me a country that has Muslims that don't have Muslims rioting.

They are less than 5% of the population in France and England. And they were brought over for cheap labor.

As for rioting. You're right. How dare they riot when people murder them and disrespect their religion.

They need to have riots over noble things like Sports Games like we americans do!
Even the peaceful sects want to conquer the world with their Theological Caliphate. They just aren't suicidal in their attempts to get there.

Really? I've met a lot of Muslims. Most of them just want to get on with their lives just like the rest of us.

Not a one of them has ever tried to convert me to his religion. Unlike various kinds of CHristian Bible thumpers, who can't help but try to save my soul.

They usually get dissuaded when I point out I know their bible better than they do.

You don't judge a religion by it's sheep followers but from it's wolf leaders. They all want to conquer the planet and turn everyone into a Muslim, or that Jizm thing where we all have to bow down to their religion in one form or another.

Really? Okay. Whose the "Boss Mulsim" who is calling all these shots? Not Bin Laden, not that many people were following him and now he's feeding the fishes.
They are less than 5% of the population in France and England. And they were brought over for cheap labor.

As for rioting. You're right. How dare they riot when people murder them and disrespect their religion.

They need to have riots over noble things like Sports Games like we americans do!
I'm a Ram fan!
...sorry, I don't buy that we should give the Zionists a pass because of What Hitler did...
That is your right. A substantial number of your countrymen (myself included) see that differently.

...And frankly, CHamberlain made the right call...
Incorrect. Failure to stop Hitler at Munich (and, earlier, in connection with the Austrian Anschluss, the reoccupation of the Rhineland, etc.) caused Hitler to miscalculate in connection with Poland.

...Czechoslovakia was an artificial creation most of the people inside it wanted no part of. Slovaks, Hungarians and Sudeten Germans welcomed no longer being ruled by the Bohemians...
There is no excuse for demonstrating cowardice or weakness in the face of The Enemy.

That is why Neville Chamberlain is now and forevermore the Poster Boy for Weakness and Appeasement. Terrible end and terrible legacy for a fellow of long and honorable service and the best of intentions.

The cowardly British and French leadership of the day undermined a strong and sturdy ally with a large and fairly effective military and a line of formidable border fortifications, thereby surrendering great tactical advantage on Germany's southeast flank.

And, even more importantly, they demonstrated weakness in the face of Evil.

They convinced the Bad Guys that they would blink first, the next time, and the time after that, and the time after that...

That's not something you do, when you're faced with a mortal enemy.

...The Zionists are carrying on a form of Apartheid...
They keep a nest of rattlesnakes at arm's length. Makes perfect sense.

...which is why they are despised in the rest of the world...
Well, that band of Lilliputians in the General Assembly dominated by the Islamic world, or obliged to kiss Arab ass, in order to keep the oil flowing, anyway.

...where the Zionists and their sympathizers don't control the media.
Or, alternatively, where there is free and open discussion within the media, and within the general public, and where Israel supporters can feel free to voice their support, without fear of censure and reprisals.
...they kind of suck at htis "World Conquest" thing...

Oh, they've done just fine, over time, although they've been asleep for the past few centuries.

Until now - our present post-colonial era.

They're back - and they smell blood in the air.

It would be a very bad mistake, to blink first.
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