Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us


Platinum Member
Mar 29, 2022
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

Some good talking points here. Boycott. How does one boycott Musk's X if they think he is Deep State? Remember, they first took away the phone booths.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

Granted.....BUT, how the blue fuck can anyone vote for someone so uninspiring as Biden?
I've seen livelier road kill.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

Even if the GOP controlled the House, Senate and Presidency nothing would change.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

You have a point. Know who warned Trump about the Deep State? Tony Blair. true dat

And every Country has their own. Ours isn't even the worst. Not by a lot.

But we're not Europeans, we don't like to be told what to do by goobermint.

The best that can happen is Trump gets in, pares down the excesses of the Deep State a bit and we continue on.

The worst thing is if the scum of the Earth dimocrap party continues on its quest for total power and mucks everything up. That will get ugly. Really ugly.

At least, in Europe, their Deep States know what they're doing while dimocraps are the dumbest fucks on the face of the Earth. And criminal, as well.
Crazy people believe crazy things like "deep state" aka the nameless bogeyman. How about those Jewish Space Lasers starting the California wildfires?
Buffoonatics will believe anything.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

In the past Republicans were typically the have's not the have nots. Trump wooed over a bunch of sucker deplorable blue collar uneducated supports with that Deep State crap.

Now I want the status quo. Now that Biden is our president, I trust the government isn't only serving the rich. We know that Republicans only serve the rich, the Supreme Court right wingers only support the rich. These are the people who are part of the "deep state".

I was against NAFTA back in the 90's but now it's the way things are. So I am now going along with globalization. If you can't beat them, join them.

In the 2000's Republicans told us if you are complaining, you're a loser. Go get another job, go back to school or start your own business. Well that's the advice I give people today who complain about inflation or middle class wages. Or, go start a union at your company. This year a lot of blue collar workers got raises. They all belonged to unions.
Even if the GOP controlled the House, Senate and Presidency nothing would change.
It might, in fact, get worse.

The GOP is NOT the ANTI-dimocrap party, they're just a different version of corruption.

The GOP is corrupt, but not nearly as corrupt as dimocraps. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get government off our backs. We need to take it.

Either DeSantis or Trump will do.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

I think the tenth amendment center needs to meet up with the 9th amendment center and learn something.
Even if the GOP controlled the House, Senate and Presidency nothing would change.
I think that is what people would rather have, instead of more "progressivism"

I agree, it is the best we can do right now.
Voting is all we have to preserve freedom. Only a fool or a stealth enemy of the United States would throw it away.
When collective H. sapiens still can't find the source of an American-assisted Chinese communist virus, rest assured there is perpetuated an esoterica of the Deep State.
Voting is not going to change anything as the Deep State owns all Western countries

I read something like 1/3 of this and decided it was basically BS

It makes a big difference who is in power when we have only D or R to choose from. The Rs are not perfect and some are RINOs but they are infinitely better than the demonic Ds.
When collective H. sapiens still can't find the source of an American-assisted Chinese communist virus, rest assured there is perpetuated an esoterica of the Deep State.
I don't think they ever "found out" :rolleyes: how the cocaine got into the WH either---not that we don't already know, but anyhow
Voting is all we have to preserve freedom. Only a fool or a stealth enemy of the United States would throw it away.
the dims threw it away and will continue to do so until the Sup Ct does what is necessary, as Clarence Thomas (and I believe Alito) wanted to do RE the 2020 election
It might, in fact, get worse.

The GOP is NOT the ANTI-dimocrap party, they're just a different version of corruption.


I do not at all believe that.

There is some unity btwn Ds and fake Rs but not all Rs are RINOs. It is very disingenuous to paint with such a wide brush
I don't think they ever "found out" :rolleyes: how the cocaine got into the WH either---not that we don't already know, but anyhow
Yes. As long as the source of SARS2 remains unknown, perpetrators can exploit this esoterica. If the source were known, the esoterica would be forced to end.

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