Stop the Steal!


That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

You’re still here? Ugh
A better question is -- why can't you quit me?

You keep showing up in my mentions. You’re like a turd that won’t flush.
Not my problem you suffer from FDS.
Look at your avatar. You’re a sick waste of life

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

curiosity, do you think you will ever have a functioning brain, stroker?

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

You’re still here? Ugh
A better question is -- why can't you quit me?

everybody needs to laugh at least once a day...thats why

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

curiosity, do you think you will ever have a functioning brain, stroker?
No room in his head for a brain as it’s full due to a giant Trump Tower in his head. Avatar is case in point.
Last edited:

In Mail-In Impeachment Vote, Senate Convicts Trump 8275 To 3

In Mail-In Impeachment Vote, Senate Convicts Trump 8275 To 3

February 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic move, the U.S. Senate decided to switch to voting by mail for Trump’s second impeachment trial. After all the votes were counted by an intern in a back room with no cameras, the Senate ruled to convict President Trump of incitement to violence by a vote of 8275 to 3.

“Our holy democracy has spoken,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “Do not ask any questions or you are a blasphemer against the sacred sacredness of our vote. Everyone can go home now!”

A couple of troublemaking Senators attempted to overthrow the Constitution by bringing up the point that there are only 100 Senators, making it impossible to arrive at a tally of 8275 to 3, but they were quickly removed from the Senate Chambers and condemned for “attempting to suppress the votes of people of color.”

The Senate then moved on to other business, passing universal healthcare by a margin of 320,000 to 4.
Say Lesh, I know this will smart, but Trump has said he and his people fight like Hell all the time. Where exactly has Trump and such demonstrated violence, since you're so certain fight like hell must mean violence?

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

Really? They knew nothing about the building they were going to attack? Not much chance of success. This was not an insurrection, the voter fraud was and is.
A pity you can't prove it.
It has been proven to me and could be proven to everyone if the media would put the information we know is fact out there. There would be an overwhelming number of people convinced. Hence the censorship and idiots like you saying prove it.
Dumbfuck, just because you believe it, doesn't mean it was proven. If it could have been proven, Trump would still be president.
The chance to prove it was quashed by your masters. Your illegitimate masters and China.


There was no massive election fraud. It was all a fantasy promoted by Trump without any evidence whatsoever.

Trump stated that if he lost, he would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - he had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless Trump scum believed whatever your orange god told you - against all reason.

xiden and dominion no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.


There was complete massive election fraud.

the scum demonRATS stated that if they lost, they would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - they had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless xiden scum, believed whatever your communist loving leader told you to

xiden, and dominion, rigged the election - no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.

You've just posted proof that you are incapable of original thought - which explains why you believe Trump's lies.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

Really? They knew nothing about the building they were going to attack? Not much chance of success. This was not an insurrection, the voter fraud was and is.
A pity you can't prove it.
It has been proven to me and could be proven to everyone if the media would put the information we know is fact out there. There would be an overwhelming number of people convinced. Hence the censorship and idiots like you saying prove it.
Dumbfuck, just because you believe it, doesn't mean it was proven. If it could have been proven, Trump would still be president.
The chance to prove it was quashed by your masters. Your illegitimate masters and China.


There was no massive election fraud. It was all a fantasy promoted by Trump without any evidence whatsoever.

Trump stated that if he lost, he would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - he had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless Trump scum believed whatever your orange god told you - against all reason.

xiden and dominion no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.


There was complete massive election fraud.

the scum demonRATS stated that if they lost, they would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - they had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless xiden scum, believed whatever your communist loving leader told you to

xiden, and dominion, rigged the election - no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.

You've just posted proof that you are incapable of original thought - which explains why you believe Trump's lies.

WTF does "proof" mean in PROG?

I know your kind consistently changes the definitions of things stamped "progressive", but I don't know, manipulating the meaning of "proof" is quite a reach, even for you.
Say Lesh, I know this will smart, but Trump has said he and his people fight like Hell all the time. Where exactly has Trump and such demonstrated violence, since you're so certain fight like hell must mean violence?
On the other hand, Demo groups like Antifa and BLM have demonstrated a marked eagerness to perpetrate violence.
Last edited:
Trump riled that mob of violent people (yes they have shown previously how violent they can be) and he told then to fight. Not once...but 20 times. He told them that when there is fraud that different rules apply. By saying this he told them that laws don't matter in this instance.

And then he sent them to "Stop the Steal".

Their ONLY means of doing that was to attack the Capitol and physically stop the Electoral count that was happening RIGHT THEN
Trump knew it...and his Mob knew it

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

Really? They knew nothing about the building they were going to attack? Not much chance of success. This was not an insurrection, the voter fraud was and is.
A pity you can't prove it.
It has been proven to me and could be proven to everyone if the media would put the information we know is fact out there. There would be an overwhelming number of people convinced. Hence the censorship and idiots like you saying prove it.
Dumbfuck, just because you believe it, doesn't mean it was proven. If it could have been proven, Trump would still be president.
The chance to prove it was quashed by your masters. Your illegitimate masters and China.


There was no massive election fraud. It was all a fantasy promoted by Trump without any evidence whatsoever.

Trump stated that if he lost, he would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - he had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless Trump scum believed whatever your orange god told you - against all reason.

xiden and dominion no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.


There was complete massive election fraud.

the scum demonRATS stated that if they lost, they would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - they had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless xiden scum, believed whatever your communist loving leader told you to

xiden, and dominion, rigged the election - no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

Really? They knew nothing about the building they were going to attack? Not much chance of success. This was not an insurrection, the voter fraud was and is.
A pity you can't prove it.
It has been proven to me and could be proven to everyone if the media would put the information we know is fact out there. There would be an overwhelming number of people convinced. Hence the censorship and idiots like you saying prove it.
Dumbfuck, just because you believe it, doesn't mean it was proven. If it could have been proven, Trump would still be president.
The chance to prove it was quashed by your masters. Your illegitimate masters and China.


There was no massive election fraud. It was all a fantasy promoted by Trump without any evidence whatsoever.

Trump stated that if he lost, he would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - he had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless Trump scum believed whatever your orange god told you - against all reason.

xiden and dominion no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.


There was complete massive election fraud.

the scum demonRATS stated that if they lost, they would declare the election to be a fraud long before the election - they had no evidence at that time and never had any evidence after the election. It was all pure BULLSHIT!

You mindless xiden scum, believed whatever your communist loving leader told you to

xiden lost the election by a landslide - no matter how much you stomp you little footsies that fact will not change and the American people will not tolerate your lies or give in to intimidation.
Just sayin shit don't make it true.

Now address the question.

How could that Mob "Stop the Steal" without violence?

The answer is...they couldn't and never intended to be peaceful and Trump never expected a peaceful protest
i guess you would have to ask antifa and black flies matter thugs. they are the ones that created and started the dc are fucking stupid to believe otherwise

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

You’re still here? Ugh
A better question is -- why can't you quit me?

You keep showing up in my mentions. You’re like a turd that won’t flush.
Not my problem you suffer from FDS.
Look at your avatar. You’re a sick waste of life
What about it? Seems rather appropriate as Twice Impeached Trump is in the middle of a historic impeachment trial.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

curiosity, do you think you will ever have a functioning brain, stroker?

I agreed with you, Peewee. Guess you're not bright enough to realize the implications on you if we both say the same thing if I don't have a functioning brain.


That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

curiosity, do you think you will ever have a functioning brain, stroker?
No room in his head for a brain as it’s full due to a giant Trump Tower in his head. Avatar is case in point.

Using your logic, ShortBus, there's an orc residing in your head.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

You’re still here? Ugh
A better question is -- why can't you quit me?

You keep showing up in my mentions. You’re like a turd that won’t flush.
Not my problem you suffer from FDS.
Look at your avatar. You’re a sick waste of life
What about it? Seems rather appropriate as Twice Impeached Trump is in the middle of a historic impeachment trial.
You simple mind is controlled by the News Entertainment're a sheep. You also have OCD and are fat and ugly.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

curiosity, do you think you will ever have a functioning brain, stroker?
No room in his head for a brain as it’s full due to a giant Trump Tower in his head. Avatar is case in point.

Using your logic, ShortBus, there's an orc residing in your head.
Nope. That avatar is just for fun, your avatars are always political statements. Why? You are fat and ugly and suffer from severe OCD.

That's what Trump told his rabid fans on January 6

What means did they have to stop the turnover of power?

The voting was done.

The court cases were done.

That mob had only one means of "stopping the steal" as Trump called it and that is a violent attack on Congress to physically stop te counting of the Electoral votes.

There was literally nothing else they could do. No other way to affect anything other than the use of violence.

Trump knew that. His mob knew that. He SENT them there to do just that. Attack the Capitol and attack Congress.

Had that been an actual insurrection half of Congress would be dead.

Stop being silly.

Their plan did not include what to do if Congress was evacuated via tunnels to other buildings...thru highly defensible tunnels.

They were planning on catching Congress in the House and Senate chambers.

Their plan failed!

And do what? Catch them and do what? Yell at them? LOL

Only dumbass I see here is you with your looney stories and honestly weirdness.

The whole world knows that some of these Qunatics were calling to hang Mike Pence, others to kill Nancy Pelosi, while others had zip lock handcuffs. Their intention were clear.

Only an idiot with their head up their ass would deny it!

The Capitol Police were essentially powerless against those goobers, so why did they not?

Because that was not the intent of the majority, but just a few rabble rousers trying to jack things up, with some already ID'd as career exhibitionists both left and right.

Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND MAGArats breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".

They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress and physically stop the counting of the Electoral votes
Bullshit. Something like a THOUSAND xiden commies, dressed in maga clothes, breached that building. That's not a "few" and they were NOT just "rabble rousers".
They were there for a very specific purpose. To attack Congress
Well it worked, Peewee. It got hundreds of Trump supporters arrested and it got Trump impeached again.

You’re still here? Ugh
A better question is -- why can't you quit me?

You keep showing up in my mentions. You’re like a turd that won’t flush.
Not my problem you suffer from FDS.
Look at your avatar. You’re a sick waste of life
What about it? Seems rather appropriate as Twice Impeached Trump is in the middle of a historic impeachment trial.
You simple mind is controlled by the News Entertainment're a sheep. You also have OCD and are fat and ugly.
How fortunate am I that comes from a nut afflicted with FDS?


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