STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

Yes, extinctions are quite normal. Are you trying to stop them from happening? Do you think we can control them like you think we can control the weather?
Death is normal too but I don't take it as lightly as you do. Maybe that is your advantage as a religious person, to you death is like stepping through a door, no big deal so if people die, that is fine. As an atheist I consider life, especially human life, to be special and priceless and don't want to see it thrown away with little thought.
Death is normal too but I don't take it as lightly as you do. Maybe that is your advantage as a religious person, to you death is like stepping through a door, no big deal so if people die, that is fine. As an atheist I consider life, especially human life, to be special and priceless and don't want to see it thrown away with little thought.
I think you overexaggerate your concern for people not dying. I mean what have you really done to stop people from dying other than to pontificate what a great person you are for caring so much. I dare say you haven't done anything different than me other than seeing yourself as caring person and me a heartless bastard.
Damn near got frostbite today.
I want the Earth a hell of a lot warmer than this.

If humanity can change the climate, let's make is so we get mild Fall in October, then snow and cold from right after Thanksgiving through New Year's day.

Then a quick Spring leading into six or seven months of fun in the sun.

In my part of Texas, we alsmost have that, but February is often nasty.
You don't know much about earth's climate history, do you?

"...The preceding four interglacial periods are seen at about 125,000, 280,000, 325,000 and 415,000 years before now, with much longer glacial periods in between. All four previous interglacial periods are seen to be warmer than the present. The typical length of a glacial period is about 100,000 years, while an interglacial period typically lasts for about 10-15,000 years. The present inter-glacial period has now lasted about 11,600 years..."

View attachment 895447
How do we know if when we are at the end of the ice ages?
Clear as mud: The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) argues that markets are efficient, leaving no room to make excess profits by investing since everything is already fairly and accurately priced. This implies that there is little hope of beating the market, although you can match market returns through passive index investing.
Clear as mud: The efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) argues that markets are efficient, leaving no room to make excess profits by investing since everything is already fairly and accurately priced. This implies that there is little hope of beating the market, although you can match market returns through passive index investing.



And that's the emergency medical hologram from Star Trek Voyager
Calm down. Earth will not cook you. And the alarmists are wrong. This explains why they are wrong.
We are not Venus and are not getting too close to the Sun. We are too close to politicians however.

Sure, we'll all believe your silly youtube video from some nutbar instead of the scientists.

Seems logical, right?

How do we know if when we are at the end of the ice ages?
The ice age began 3 million years ago and has not ended. I think you are confusing glacial periods with ice ages. But with that said, 2C colder from today puts us at the threshold for extensive continental glaciation in the northern hemisphere and would be the start of a glacial period. 5C warmer than today takes us out of the ice age altogether.
And that's why they are here soothing each other, instead of publishing science.

No more work to be done, I guess!

The ice age began 3 million years ago and has not ended. I think you are confusing glacial periods with ice ages. But with that said, 2C colder from today puts us at the threshold for extensive continental glaciation in the northern hemisphere and would be the start of a glacial period. 5C warmer than today takes us out of the ice age altogether.
I'm impressed, you seem to know more about ice ages than scientists.

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